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Jehovah of armies As Shiloh Will Bless This Our Planet of Hebron; Globalize As The International Government of Hebron. Global Space Fleet Is Far Better. HSF  Hebron Star Fleet.

Hear Me Oh Nations; There Is A Marriage in Heaven; Jehovah is The Groom and Shiloah Is the Bride; Those Loyal To Them Will Make It To The Heaven of Heavens                        Do Not Donate Over 100$  A Month Please...   PROVERBS 19: 17   The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah,vAnd He will repay* him for what he does.w                                  

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I Ask Of You Oh Jacob, I Am A Helper of Abraham of Abram and His Families, If I May Have Di'nah If She Approved Of Our Heavenly Marriage For Care For Her And All I Have Brought Will Enter As Those Gathered Other Than Just Those Chosen. Hear Me Oh Abraham of Abram I Will Drink The Cup of Edom To Give My Works Through Your Descendants; Di'nah If Chooses Another I Approve It If She Does Care to Give A Try For A Heavenly Marriage Let It Be Up to Her the Daughter of Jacob and Leah


Abraham of Abram; Do Not Harm The Child, I Will Drink My Birthright To Him And I Was the Lamb of Abel And I Will Be An Offering For Isaac Also.

Abraham of Abram Birthright Given.jpg

I Drink The Cup In Allegiance With Abraham of Abram, And Eat The Portion Prepared By Isaac; Whether In Esau or Jacob, And If Both Then 24 Elders You Will Have Along With Ishmael's 12 Chieftains. And the Twelve Apostles of Christ All Congregated As The 48 Class; My 48 Advisers

Fear Not Abraham of Abram Nor His Descendants Your Spirit Is Safe

If My Will And The Will of My God Is Honoured; I Myself Will Leave You In the Hands of Jehovah, And If Jews Are Cut off From the Earth I Will Destroy My Scrolls and Website.

Jehovah as Shiloh Gave Forgiveness To Adam And Eve Through The Lamb of Abel, It Was A Guilt Offering, And Know I Am Merely His Messenger, All Have Been Saved And None Lost. The Ladder of Jacob Within the Book of Hebron or the Lambs Scroll.

Take The Country Of Canada Oh Governments of This Planet Hebron, Then Prepare International Coalition of Hebron Then A Global Government. Comfort the Native Americans.

I Myself Stand With the Monarchy Of Great Britain, And Am Against Its Governments

Think of AllFather As the Head of Days, Or Through The Covenant Abraham of Abram; Allfather

Praise Jehovah of armies in Shiloh For This Gift And Award Him Glory For He Led My Steps If You Do Not Give Jehovah of armies Glory For This Intellectual Gift Than Judgement of Discipline Comes                             If You Are For Jehovah Than I Am For You.....

The New Devil Has Entered Jehovah's Works through His Servant, This Devil Has Taken The Knowledge of God And Given It to The Nations To Worship Him Rather Than The True God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, Reject Any Devil As Such; None That Reject Jehovah Yet Take His Works Will Enter The Kingdoms of Heaven.... I Am The Servant of Jehovah; Jon.... The Judgement I Have Given Comes From Jehovah Against All Those Who Have Stolen From Jehovah; 

A Intellectual Gift To The Planet "Hebron" A Secret From Jehovah.

  • Baldr Smith
  • 1st Cornerstone

Those of Whom Choose Genocide Rather Than Causing 1 Child Limit Globally The Earths Population Will Decrease.

Stand With Israel As they Are the Hebrew; This Intellectual An I Will Make You Eternal, May Jehovah Bring Peace To The Union of the Nations, Judaism Brought This Intellectual Properties Belong To HaShem Supreme; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh... 

Baptizing In Fire and Holy Spirit

It Will Serve As a Healing To The Nations


This Intellectual Property Is From David Morris, Kathleen Morris, Their Sons Chris And Andrew Morris And Katherine Once Morris, As As Jehovah's Servant I Donate All My Intellectual Properties To Save The World For Jehovah's Glory Not Mine; Jon Alexamder Morris Aswell As My Nephew of Andrew; Micah Morris and Dario Morris. We Award it To The World Freely In Jehovah of armies in Shiloh's Name. Thank You If You Choose To Help.


I Myself Jon Alexander Morris Will Eventually Die And If So Please Hire Employees To Open The Quantum Circuits For The Salvation of the Future of Humanity Due To My Large Quantum Footprint. Prepare Four Or More Employees To Open 12 Circuits of:                                                                                                There Are More Quantum Circuits Here...

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First Things First; Prepare A Vacuum That Can Withstand Magma; Place The Intake Bringing Out Magma And Directed Into The Sea To Create An Island And Stop The Supervolcano From Erupting 

Build Barges of Which Uptake Ocean Water In Order to Boil That Water, The Evaporation Causes Desalination and a Build Up of Cloud Mass, For Potential Fresh Rainfall, Utilize Global Weather Currents While Positioning The Barges For Fresh Rainfall In Dry Lands For Healthier Ecosystems

ONCE Gathered And Abundant Water is Upon The Once Dry Land Utilize Electrolysis to Separate the Hydrogen From the Oxygen, Hydrogen is 3 Times More Efficient than Fossil Fuel and Burns Clean Reducing Carbon emissions and The Oxygen May Be Cooled and Released into the Atmosphere Thinning The Global Air Causing Less Storms and Such Issues, Once Accomplished the Air Will Be Cleaner There Will Be Abundant Fresh Water in Order to Develop Healthy Ecosystems for Agricultural and Food Development.   Prepare A Global Dollar Equal in All Countries.  Another Thing You Could Do With The Excess Oxygen Is Utilize Chemistry To Make A Covalent Bond Out Of Three Oxygen Parts Per, And Increase The Layers of Our OZONE.

This Will Help Bring Food Potential to Abundance and Water For The Thirsty, Global Warming Will Be Halted And Blossoming Global Health Will Be An Outcome.

Develop A Headquarters for International Unification Into Canada and Build Railways To Interconnect the Nation And Farms With Legal Schooling for Education Upon The Farms, Bring Refugees In To Work the Farms While Attaining Good Education. Work On Arbory to Utilize For Development of Communities Across the Land To THEN focus on Building Roads and Gaining Investors In the Communities That The Now Educated Refugees May Work At In Good Position while then Becoming Citizens of Which Have Legal Education for Careers for the Communities.

Collect the Nations Together under a Complete Cease Fire of Any Form of Conflict Potential, And Bring the Heads of Nations together To Unify A Global Government of Which Will Cause Nations to Become as if States/Provinces Globally, And With The Health of The World Blossoming Due to The Above Features The Technique May Be Utilized Globally While The Ecosystems Have Developed Healthy. Food Would Be Abundant Water Would Be Abundant Oceans Would Lower For the Growing Population And The World's Ecosystems Would Prosper.

Congregate the Heads of Nation's and Unify An International Community As If An International Senate of Which May Oversee the Humanitarian Rights of the Inhabitants of Our Island of Earth, Prepare An International Peace Treaty For the Benefit of the Human Condition, Reach Beyond Nationalism to A Humanitarian Era, Begin Reaches to Develop An International Authority of World Leaders and Begin Diplomatic Relations With Cultures, Spirituality, Nation's Within An Omni-inclusive Unity of Respect Always Honouring the Blessings of Diversities and honing Peaceful Relations Within All Ties From Peace to Unified Compromise to Advanced Compromise Becoming A Blessed Human Community. If You Choose You May Utilize The Congregations to Congregate the International Community in Unity.

Due to This Planet Being Called Hebron; Prepare An International Headquarters With the armies and Nations In This Scroll; And Others That Join Us; If Will Be the Government of Hebron; A Kingdom Blessed By God; Look Back Oh Nations When My History In Caleb Michael Judah. Prepare The International Headquarters In Canada; Yet The United Nations Has Become Corrupt So They Will Be Removed At That Time; And Jehovah Will Direct Those on the Planet Hebron And He Himself Will Watch Over You. However Those of Whom Oppose Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; The Supreme Yah'weh Will Be Judged By Him. Fear Jehovah And Learn To Love Him For He Loves Those of Whom Love Him And He Draws Close Of Those of Whom Draw Close to Him.

We Are Very Happy That We Can Now Work Without Corruption Within A Good Stance; Prepare A Global Senate And Bring Each Nation Into It And Prepare A Global Government By Voting In And Voting Out Nations Or Suspensions From Accessing Height Of Seat, And Prepare To Cause The Nations To Become Provinces And Prepare The Use of the Rain Technology To Be Placing in the Dry Lands So That You Can Get Them To Higher Ground Before The Rainfall So That Fresh Water Rivers and Lakes Will Blossom All Over The World; Build Boiler Barges of Which Uptake Ocean Water And Boil The Ocean Water Which Desalinates When Steam Which Becomes Cloud Mass Which Then Falls as Rain Upon The Lands Desired; However Figure Out Global Weather Currents For Safety

Below Is Found  An Immortalizing Gene of Which May Maintain The Prime of Life For A Great Abundance of Years, Yet Due to The Vast Population The Need For Population Control Will Be Needed, Hence Gather The Seed and Egg Of Those of Whom Attain The Gene And Halt Their Ability To Have Children With A Sterilizing Drug of Which Inhibits Pregnancy Leaving The Population Stagnant. The Gene Also Brings Those of Older Years Back to the Days of Their Prime Condition. Hence Elders Would be the First To Be Given The Gene.

The Earth Has A Magnetic Field of Which May Be Utilized For Anti-Gravity Systems, This Is Usefull For the Potential Colonies Upon Mars and Subsurface Bases Beneath The Moons Surface. Utilizing Magnetism Create Antigravity Elevators of Which May Uptake Water Beyond the Earths Stratosphere Which When Reaching Nongravity Space May Be Gathered Into Grand Clumps of Ice, This Ice May Have Propulsion Systems Attached To Them And Sent Through Space to Mars Or Placed Upon the Moon For Harvesting Through Electrolysis The Hydrogen For Power and the Oxygen For Life Support, For the Populous Beneath the Surface of The Moon.

Upon Mars Place Heavy Carbon Emmisions To Thicken The Atmosphere Upon The Island of Mars. The Water Would Melt And The Atmosphere Would Warm, Beyond That Bring Forest Sediment To The Surface of Mars of Which May Serve As New Soil To Prepare New Greenery Upon The Surface of Mars, Plant Seeds Upon Mars And With The Excess Carbon The Greenery Would Have Abundance of Sustenance as Green Life Feeds Upon Carbon And Releases Oxygen, Which Would Then Prepare A Breathable Atmosphere Upon Mars To Then Be Colonized.

To Get Beyond the Stratosphere Of Earth Utilize The Earths Magnetic Fields To Propel Space Craft of Which May Through Magnetism May Gain Anti-Gravity To Then Have Space Crafts That May Leave The Stratosphere Without Gas Powered Engines. These Space Crafts May Move At Incredible Speeds And Be Virtually Silent in Their Travel. This Would Allow For Abundant Progress In This New Space Age Potential Giving Birth To Advancement In A New Space Age Leaving the Earth In A Far Better Potential Than We Sit Now.


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