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Part 7

Jehovah is allowing for a repentance and a redeeming of the land that we inhabit if we only call upon His Holy name. How easy it is to exalt the True God for of all thing's His are the thing's most awesome. His water is blessing the nation's yet the take no heed, His fire is warming the day and His moon light's the nights of rest. He has designed life and what belongs in His ownership is blessed but the proud cannot comprehend due to their inability to submit to thing's greater than them. As a father is caring for his young ones with love in his heart, so does Jehovah admit the righteous into His loving family. He disciplines those he loves but the stubborn do not understand at what they keep stumbling and continue in conflict. The one repenting to the way of righteousness is blessed with peace and security all the days of service.
The one striving for the good path will be given direction and will not be left entirely. The ones respecting discipline will gain insight and will find a footing in way's of righteousness. Jehovah is strengthening the integrity of the obedient and is rebuilding the house of the repentant one. The way of the unrighteous nation it will be torn down but the nations calling on Jehovah will be made firm. The path of the righteous one is full of peace and happiness and the way of the wicked is conflict and shame. Rebuild the temple's of Jehovah you people's and heed His lesson's of old in order to learn how to be a land that takes refuge in the Almighty God. Jehovah is blessing those that take refuge in His might for He loves those of true faith and is supporting the lowly in order to support the weak. He is the God of Love and Faith and Power and Justice and His tower's will never be torn down by the wicked for His house is a lasting House and His son's are a lasting creation.
Jehovah's name must be respected for His is a Throne of Dignity and Splendor and Righteousness and Justice and Honor and Magnificence to times indefinite. The universe is His Creation and the laws of life He has designated. The universe will reflect the action's of the one perceiving due to universal reflection so love your neighbor as yourself and help the weak and poor, love your God and give Him glory and He will furnish your very way's. If your ways are with the spiritual food than your life will be fulfilling but if spiritually blind you will walk about with no path to follow. Chaos finds those of wrath and the one of violence is losing his grace.

The wicked searches for the blood of the righteous and falls at his way and the wrathful will get their full share of judgment in the hereafter. For Jehovah has set up princes and judges and sons and angels and servant's and prophet's in His kingdom and to those finding them will fear the day of judgment when they are questioned for what they had pursued in their exile. Jehovah will place you in your place due to the actions and intentions of the heart so pray for purity and insight and wisdom and righteousness and discipline through love and guidance in the way's in which you should walk. He layers the Heavens so the righteous dwell in security while the wicked suffer with conflict in their day's.
Jehovah himself has ascended to the Heights and has found satisfaction in His creation and now is the time to search Him out in order to find wisdom and insight. Oh Jehovah show Your powerful works to the nations so that they may repent and know that You alone are the True God. You are oh so powerful oh Jehovah and Your way's are righteous, please bring Your spirit to this land and certainly show Yourself to the one broken down in order to bring them out of the denunciation of anger. To Him all flesh will certainly know and to His utterances will all the nations seek due to the pleasure of heart due to bounty in satisfaction of spiritual need, and when the people build the foundation of Jehovah's Temple, He Himself will be with them and they will be His people and they will put Kingdom interest's first due to their faith and understanding.
He has authority over all thing's yet takes pleasure in the free will of His Creation. Those that submit to the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will be brought into sanctuaries of peace. Oh Jehovah please do bring the judgment's on Your son's to it's finish so they may be repurchased to the Holy Kingdom's so that the contrite spirit may be brought out of suffering and into the light of Your grace as a father. Take to heart you son's of the True God; repent oh you who have fallen from grace and bathe in the spiritual baptism to be repurchased not by water but by Holy Spirit. Please redeem the one lost in the wilderness and please cleanse the filth from upon them and bring them into a refreshing Kingdom of Mercy so that Your name be exalted and Your Kingdom come.

Even the wicked one can be repurchased and the ones in exile they may be brought back in the gates of glory into garden's and the new crop will certainly take their place in the denunciation until repentance is met and so the flow of Heaven continues on through maturing in the realm's of eternity. Those that are stubborn and will not learn from their error will be left in the conflict of the lower realm's which are given to burden, conflict and judgment. Those that heed the discipline of the loving Father will return to Him and repent of the wickedness and read the wise writings of old in order to learn from the righteous one and the unrighteous one will be in the blessed kingdom's not those almost left entirely.

Jehovah's servant's are eager and the son's are many however the name of Jehovah has not been far reaching in this land and the people's are in a way of their lost inclination's. Why has this tragedy befallen this land for I know that the ones that call upon Your Great name are blessed, so why do they turn away when it is as easy as faith. Was it not promised that the son's of Israel would be repurchased and that the name of Jehovah would be honored in all the earth? Why do you deny? The temple's of Jehovah will be far reaching, and in all the land's will the utterances of Jehovah be heard, and because of this Jehovah will bless the land and the people's. Easy is the task of Jehovah and there is no burden along with it, for Jehovah is the loving God and He only asks for observance without burden.

Is not the faithful life more abundant in wealth of happiness? So why do you then do by the inclination's of your heart? Jehovah will become a loving Father to the one searching Him out, for He takes pleasure in the ones that go looking for Him. Do you yourself not take note of who you are? Lost in the inclination's of their heart's and because they have been misled they wander aimlessly in wickedness. Jehovah Himself is waiting for eager ones to call on His holy name in order to take root in existence and to grow through discipline of love to gain righteousness. Why should the love of mankind go to false god's Jehovah? Why have they been misled by the one speaking grandiose thing's about himself and shading the Throne of God? Is not the love of Jehovah the Almighty sufficient for the people's of all nations? So why then do you follow other gods that serve for nothing and are held captive in the day of Jehovah? For the Great Day of Jehovah is a day only for Him, the One that created all thing's and the one that manifested new consciousness.

Take pleasure My God Jehovah of armies in the fields of Your Inheritance, may they serve as an everlasting comfort and blessing to You, Congregate your people, from one end of the earth to the other, lift up Your shepherds that your garden is not overcome with weeds, let your Holy Ones bring abundant blessing of Your good will, May Your Inheritance become an everlasting light and a pleasant aroma in the breath of your nostrils, may the strong lift up those of whom have been crushed, may those seeing guide the blind in ways of compassion, let your Holy Ones abide in the High Places and may mercy reside in your gates, may the ones causing desolation bring judgement upon themselves, and may the words of righteousness weigh heavy in the ears of the Holy, may the First Generation bless the last and the last generation bless the first, the from eternal stride to eternal stride there will be found progression, let the works of faith as accomplished through You become firmly established in righteousness, and may your love remain loyal to the Ones in Service.
May Holiness find ruler-ship and may mercy serve as task-assigner, let those condemning find dejection, and may those bringing salvation find exaltation. Do not allow the one defrauding Holy Works entrance into the Accomplished works of the One defrauded. Send forth The shepherds of Your Inheritance, for they all belong to You, turn desert land into a lush land of reedy pools in Your Blessing, make the hungry, hunger no more, bring the Hearts of sons and daughters turn to righteousness in Honoring their parents, let Elders place faithful blessings Upon Children, Remove from Yourselves the tools of destruction,for where holiness is, there also is Peace. Bless the Ones accomplishing Your Holy Will, and Many will find pleasure in Service to You, for the light of Your Holiness will shine forth Through them, and through Your blessings the whole Earth will fund salvation.

Congregate the shepherds, lift up spirituality in omni-inclusive ways, Bless those of whom lift you up exalted, for these are Your Peoples, and the bounty of inheritors of the blessing belong to You, and You are the One who lifts them up through the Gates of Your Holy Shiloah, teach the shepherds in righteousness that Your inheritance be brought up in Holiness. The one dreaming, even though In the dream will awaken, and the eyes of those with insight will shine in pleasantries of the knowledge of truth, for life is merely an unreality and something of a past time of the true residing places. For life will be known as Heavenly Rest, and Heaven is the wake beyond life's death to the true residing place. The shepherds will grow bountiful with Holy Spirit, and they will be known by the tablet of their heart, for a name of Shiloah will serve as the gate of inheritance from One mortal stride of heavenly Dream to the next, and the resting place of the Holy as blessed with abundant peace.

I myself have served you, OH Jehovah, and all may accomplished Holy Works as completely passed over, while only the Holiness of my works will be attributed to You, and what was unholy will fade away. My works this stride have left me as weak, and as a women of which finally gave birth to a child, the birth-pangs have left me needing rest. Cause Your Spirit Oh Jehovah to descend as water down to the low places, and for there it will rise and bring forth righteousness as a well kept garden, and What sprouts will serve for Your Glory oh Jehovah, for ministers will sing to You, by day and by night, and that which is Holy will offer itself in Service to You Oh Jehovah. Rise up Your shepherds in the light Of Your spirit, and guard them from the curse of the wicked, let the one condemning be put to shame, yet place dignity and glory to the Ones passing Blessing. For the sake of Your Glory, Bring the rubble of this world's distress to unity in order to maintain as an earth blessed by You Our God.

Guide me to a path of which may soften Your face Jehovah, Abraham of Abram will serve as master to Your Flocks, and Through Him Your Holy Ones will be congregated. Please oh my God, look upon Jerusalem with pity, for They Need Your Blessing to bring Peace to the Land of Their Inheritance, lift the land from Its desolation, bring Your Holy Word through The Holy Priest-hood of Levi, the flocks of Jacobs Priestly Inheritors, for the nation's are stirring up derision and You people are tossed about in distress, redeem the Holy City Jerusalem as the Heart of this World Hebron, let the Nation's bring their Glory to the Holy City, and Let Holiness and Peace be redeemed in Its gates, let the Ones Stirring up contention find dejection, and let those shepherding with Peace find place in Your Holy Mountain.

Comfort Jerusalem, may the True God Himself inspire it's salvation. For I Myself looked upon Jacob in Pity, and to Him I will Congregate the Holy Flocks, and the Priest-hood of their People to the Levites, for the Priest-hood of Levi will Be redeemed the Covenant of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, and New Scrolls will be opened, and Once Again Levi will carry Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, and Once again; Jehovah will place His Utterance I their lips, and many will attach themselves to Jacob through Judah, for those of whom Serve in Judaism will become as sons and daughters of Jacob. Again Jehovah will act for the sake of His Name and Redeem Jediism as an Omni-inclusive Faith of Judaism, even Reaching through the expansion of Creation through Our Supreme Creator's Shiloahs.

You Yourself Jehovah are The Inheritor Of My works and to Jacob I Drink Allegiance, May Jerusalem Find Peace in Unity Through He Whom You Congregated Ever Nation, Tribe, People and tongue, through the Promise Your Gave to Abraham of Abram, that through Him and His Seed, All Nations would Be Saved. Do Not Share Your Inheritance with the Thief and lead the thief to ruin, For Jehovah Alone is the Most High God, and the Holy find pleasure in Him. Those eclipsing You Oh Jehovah will become dejected, they will rise up, only to be brought down In Shame. But those Hoping in Jehovah will leap for Joy in the Holy Mountain of Zion, and Those Putting Faith in The Most High, will Not be put to shame.

You Holy Ones, Take Heart and share in the Offering of Jehovahs Inheritance, for He Is ruling with His Holy Ones, His Shepherds and Jehovah of armies in Shiloh and His Holy Ones will Rule from from now onto Forever and ever, and His name and His Holy Works will be passed Down from one generation to the next. For Jehovah active force is awake, leading the wicked to repentance and the righteous to exaltation, for Your Kingdom is prepared, and You Oh Jehovah and Your Holy Ones will Bring it to its rightful condition, and from one generation to the next it will blossom from expansion to expansion in the Expounding on its ancestors wisdom and accomplishments.

May Your Holy Spirit Awaken wisdom from foolishness, and cause repentance to redeem the wicked, Bless the Ones searching For You Oh Jehovah, that the Ones Seeing Your goodwill then turn from the wayward path to the path of Faithful Spirituality, as a light of righteousness igniting Holiness in The Ones Desiring to please You. For Your way is an intoxication of Loving-kindness and Your Love as Desired more than anything else, for the Ones You approve of will be as seed in the times of planting a field, bringing forth abundance of spreading growth due to the Sowers, from season to season the field is blessed when Jehovahs approval is Upon the field, and it's abundance will never be lacking when the system is brought into its right condition.

Rise Up oh Sheppard's through Your Supreme Creator, for there is abundant blessings and a prepared inheritance awaits those taking part In taking the lead, oh Chieftains Elected, may Jehovah Open Your Hearts to the Shiloah, and may it be inscribed Upon the tablet of Your Heart, for it is a Key to The gate and an inheritance to those finding it. The spirit will rise up in meekness, and an inheritance to the diligent blossoms into even a Double Portion. For those seeking will surely find satisfaction, and those finding the blessing will fulfill their Days inspired by Holiness. For Jehovah will lift up the diligent Sheppard's, and those of whom pass blessing, given the blessing they offer, for those of whom bless will become blessed, and those building up will find satisfaction, and Ones Drawing Close to their God; Everlasting exaltation.
Jehovah has eyes upon the wicked and the righteous alike. To the wicked He Disciplines out of Love to guide to repentance unto the embrace of redemption, and to the righteous He Stands guard with goodwill. Place an everlasting light of spirituality within Your sanctuaries Oh Jehovah, that from eternal stride to eternal stride Your Holy Ones Remain blessed. Let not the one speaking abusively continue in His way, let love remove the calous and let the heart soften and find delight in the good condition of heart. I have been in rule for too long, and I am dried out from putting effort in service, Jehovah please Guide those lost to find the light of Your Shiloah, and from there, may You Guide in the grip of Your Shiloah to a blessed state. Even within all Creation Our God Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

When the Sheppard's stand of the Elected Holy Ones of the Supreme One, the Earth will be Brought out of its desolate state, the land will be seen as a Garden Blessed By God, and the Sheppard's will Guide the Nation's in a Unified flock of a Holy pasture, for the Sheppard's will be guided by the eternal spiritual light of which the Sheppard's will be guided by, even by day, and through the night, let the flocks find Comfort in their Sheppard's, and let the Sheppard's find Comfort in Their God, And Jehovah Himself will Bring in Order from Chaos, and salvation from desolation. Let the Holy Ones Search for You, and let those finding the You Blossom in righteousness, let the senseless find understanding, and may those with understanding also find wisdom, let the insight of the discreet give forth it's utterance and let the utterance be blessed.
Take Hold of the sceptre of the Kingdoms of all Creation, Jehovah, for they are all the work of Your hands. Find delight In them Jehovah, and may all find pleasure in fulfilling Your will. For Israel has been repurchased and upon the High Places, the pride of Jacob will Mount Up and Bridle, and at the end Of their sight In the High Places they will redeem the Ladder of Jacob which is Israel, and beyond the exodus of the abyss they will spring forth, Yes all those congregated through Abraham of Abram. Yet when the fulfillment of the desired Potential of their Inheritance if accomplished, He Himself will Bring them back Upon their Own soil. For even heaven finds Delight in Rest, and let those with insight in life fulfill their Heavenly Rest in Peace Unto the Dawn of the Heavenly Morning, beyond the Wake of Death.

Let those wishing forgiveness find also a repentant Heart, and let all those calling upon Your name Inherit salvation, for I Love those Loving You Oh Jehovah, and those searching for You become filled with you Spirit.
The Righteous will Put Faith in the Almighty God, they will Not rely on the woks of man, for the life of a man is as an exhalation, and a passing dream, for Jehovah is the One to Honour, He is the Only True God, He is the Creator of All things, He spread out the Heavens and Made a Heavenly Rest; Mortality, and from the Dawn of its former eternity will rise even a Double Portion, For Creation has no limit to Its Expansiveness, for Jehovah even through faith, endowed upon His Elect, the works of CoCreation.

Within the Shiloah’s of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, there is no Limit of Expansiveness for from The root of the Supreme Creator's works, to the sunrise of the works of CoCreation from the Elect, Holy Ones of the Supreme One there will Reside an eternal Light, and from New Creation, to progressed New Creation the Beautification of our God, and the Holy Inheritance will Never be Brought to Shame. For heaven itself may wither out like an Old Robe, yet in the End of One Heavenly Kingdom is merely the Dawn of the New Heavenly Creation of Kingdom, and from Heavenly Rest in Mortality to the Dawn of the Morning in Heavens New Day, there is No End to Blessing, and the Ones forming curses and the Ones Condemning will be put to shame due to their foolishness, For Jehovah Hates those forming curses and condemnation, and Upon them will the shame of their own demonic expressions expose their wickedness.

Let the Whole Earth Unify in Your Name Oh Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, for it is the translation of Supreme Creation; "That Which Causes to Become" of armies IN "To Whom it Belongs". For the Nation's will see what You Sent Your Servant to Lift Up for You, and they will Sheppard the nation with oversight, and due to the Blessings of Jehovah, His Holy Ones will rise in Unity for the Good of the Land, for generations may rise from One to the Next yet Your Sheppard's will fulfill their Days like the Day of a tree, and due to the experience of their stride wisdom itself will spread among the many, and a Holy Tongue of discretion will itself be translated in an undertone. The many will hear the sound of the Sheppard's saying; This is the way, walk in It You People, and the One who stiffens his neck will fall because of pride, yet the One humbling itself will be known as inspired, for submission to the Sheppard's will cause a Holy inspiration as their Guide, and those with insight will become wise in a Broad way, and their wisdom will pasture the many, and they will Reside in glory, if One should fall, let the one strong in stance lift up the One that Fell, let compassion unify the many in Love.

Let the Ones thirsting For Holiness be given drink from the waters of the Shiloah, and may You; Jehovah be their rear Guard, and His Shiloah will direct the calm flowing path in giving direction to those seeking righteousness the well of Holiness. As water in a waterless land, the Shiloah of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh will serve to those searching for the substance of spirit, and it will leave their thirst thoroughly quenched, the palate of spirituality will cause righteousness where wickedness sat, and Holiness of that which was unclean. Give forth Your utterances In Holiness lift up rather than tear down, comfort the afflicted, strengthen the weak, assist the oppressed and soften the wounds of tension.
Those knowing their God will Mount Up like eagle, they will not tire out, they will Have faith in the Holy Acts of Salvation of their God, for He Has Awoken to His Sanctuary with an Outstretched arm acting with His Holy Spirit to make the way through the rivers of His Shiloah's act according to His Holy Will, the Holy will see the acts of their God, and He will lead them through the gently Flowing Shiloah's in New Paths for stride to Stride, and the Blessings will serve as a Holy Inheritance beyond the lot of their Days, for all searching for the Kingdom will Understand the truth of being Re-erected to Spirit from whence they originally came for the Dream of truth of which Jacob had were Angels ascending and Descending. This was the gift from Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, He detests those forming condemnation, and hates those preparing a curse, for the truth of Jehovah is as the wages sin pays is Death, Nothing Else.

Due to the slaughtered lamb, the wages have been paid, and The Inheritance of the Holy Ones Paid for, so seek holiness and blossom in the clean state of self. Search out the Law of Your God, for Jehovah prepared a Holy Guide to Direct for a blessed system of things, the sin is covered, yet In repentance look to Your God, of whom prepared the slaughtered lamb to give to You salvation, ànd as a covered debt as forgiveness from sin while striving to follow the Holy Command of Your God. Do not Honour the Servant sent By His Master to prepare the Gift, Rather Honour the Master that sent the Servant. However seal up the Demonic expressions encouraging Condemnation, for torment and condemnation disgust Holiness, and the unclean expressions defile His Mercy, Love and Holiness. Seal them Up, do not bring what is unholy into the Works of the Holy Ones, For Jehovah detests those forming a curse, and brings disgrace on those condemning.
Jehovah has taken delight in Her, and He will Shine His Glory Upon His Bride, and to an Unending Source of embracing Loving-kindness He will Comfort and Care for Her, He will Lift Her Up; He will Beautify His Beloved, the Female Pillar will rise up in The Delight of Her, for she has shown herself worthy, and who will contend with Our God, the One choosing her, from Days of Early times, there was spoken a bruising In the Head and a Bruising in the Heel, yet, Who Spoke these things asks Your God, and Where is Justice, for Cain bruised Abel's Head, yet was cursed. Who of the nation's will show insight into the matter?

She will bask in the light of Her Maker, and He will Beautify Her both in exaltation through righteousness and in a Heavenly Beautification. It will Be said, Search for wisdom in the female pillar, find delight in the wife of Your Youth, Honour in marriage male and female as if a twin Scepter, for Jehovah delights in the female pillar, and will indeed rebuild the boundary of the widow. Rise Up, oh woman, for already You God takes abundant delight in You. Do not be ashamed by the despoiler, for what is unclean shows dishonor to the weaker vessel. Remember Your God, and Do Not Search for salvation in Mortal Man, Your God calls You to Marriage Oh Female Pillar, and to Him You will become a glorious scepter in the embrace of Your God, as a Neck You will turn the Heads of Kings, and in Compassion You will show Your beauty, look not to the Servant Giving forth it's masters message.

Jehovah of armies in Shiloh has Chosen You. Look to Him and He will Bless You with His Spirit, He will Prepare a Holy Place for You where You will be blessed with a Holy Inheritance in the never-ending bliss in the Light and Love of Your God.
The Hope of the Holy is their God, the hope of the Righteous are the Holy, the Hope of the trodden down is the Righteous, the Hope of the wicked is the lifting up of the Trodden down, for when acting in goodwill, blessings find their place. Lift up You eyes from the distractions of mortality, beyond the gloom of Hopelessness for Your God is waiting to Comfort You, and He will Become the light Of Your Salvation, for He is Waiting to make a reply against those ridiculing His Holy Ones, for the exhalation of life echoes as a mere whisper, it's emptiness and dryness of emotional sustenance Compared to the emotional banquet of Intoxication of embracing Loving-kindness found In the Holy Residences, do not waste time striving in vanity, seek Holiness for Spiritual substance, and Seek Your God, for He even now is preparing Holy Ones as Sheppard's to serve as overseers, they will Direct You to the Blessed Shiloah's as even the Key to the Gate Of Your Inheritance.
The Holy will leap like deer’s In the grace of a Blessed Day, and the Blessings will spread in the righteousness of The Holy, let those who condemn Not find position with the Holy, for demonic utterances and Unholy judgements have no place among the Holy Places. Look in delight to the truth of God's desired Mercy. Get Out from the Congregations of Unholy Judgements of demonic Utterances of unclean condemnation, for In Jehovah as washed in the Blood of the Lamb the wages for Your sin Have been Paid, and the rod of which strikes fear to those in Heaven is a stride of Life, and Once passing through the discipline of life, the works of Heaven are also washed clean, each to their own prescribed discipline of life into the Dawn of the wake in Heaven, Beyond the mortal expression. Rid Yourselves of the Unholy Sheppard’s, break the rod of the one judging with unholy judgement. For already their demonic utterances are broken, for In this coming system of God, the wicked condemnations and unholy Judgements will have no place to reside In among the Holy, and will be exposed as wicked and will fall dejected.

Jehovah my God, Jerusalem is in stance has found derision, for Your sake Jehovah act, the land in which I dwell is spacious and may serve as a sanctuary of stance , yet know that if Your flock desires to return to its pasturage, know that Jehovah Your God will again bring You back from the Land of the North Onto their Own soil, and again a temple of Jehovah is what the ends of the earth will Become, and Jerusalem the Heart of it, for the Island of this world will Be Known as Hebron, and it's flock as Hebronites, a Holy flock Congregated through Abraham of Abram as a Holy flock of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, Hear me my Beloved Family, OH Flock Congregated through Abraham of Abram, Jehovah will make what is crooked straight and make rugged land into level Land, Jehovah will awaken in Zeal for His Inheritance, and to Him they will become as Sons and Daughters to Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, They will inherit among the Holy Ones.

Those seeking salvation will Indeed find it in Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, and those trusting In Him will Mount Up in droves and from exodus in this abyss in which Our Island of Hebron dwells, and beyond the wide mouth of sheol, the abyss the dwelling place of mortality. Jehovah Himself will rise Up with an Outstretched arm and in Great Mightiness He will Place in order His active Force among the many, and In fluency their grace will carry them and the truth of spirituality will be something sought after, for where spirituality dwells, Holiness Blossoms, Leading to a righteous People. Hope in Jehovah and He Himself will Bring You forth in goodwill, Jehovah will bring You under the Wing of Protection and Your God will Become Your rear guard, He will comfort His People and will bring Many Salvation through the Holy Ones He Sends.
Please Our God Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, for the sake of Your Holiness, bring salvation to the people of Your Inheritance, for they are in need of Your saving arm, if I may do Service to soften Your face oh Our God, let me do it for You, for Your people are prepared even Omniversally, may they unite through Abraham of Abram to You Oh Our God, for the derision of the land is Great and tension has found grip upon Your People, not Only In Jacob, but also upon the Hebronites of every nation, Tribe, People and Tongue, we cry out in Hope that our prayers will be Heard among the court of your Holy Ones, that in Unity a solution will be Found, so that among every Heavenly Congregation beyond the exodus of this abyss they May Become the Omni-inclusive In Unity within the Will of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, and may their works become firmly established in Holiness, as a Holy and Diverse Governing Body of Holy Ones, and May the Holy Ones Sheppard to Unity the Congregations into a Unified expressions of Spirituality In Submission to the Most High and Supreme Creator; That Which Causes to Become of armies In To Whom it Belongs, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

Let the Ones Desiring Holiness be directed in a Holy Way, for the more abundant the Holy Ones, the more righteousness flourishes in Holiness, for where the Spirituality of Unity dwells there also Is Holiness. However the works of vanity lead to empty works, do not ridicule the Spiritual, You who trust in your vanity of works, for some know their God and those of whom do find the Hidden Treasures of their God, where the vanity of life is as an unreality. Strengthen faith, and rid Yourselves of faithlessness, for faithlessness cannot take Note of the Holy Things, their eyes have been pasted shut, they take note to denounce spirituality, this is a Hindrance to Holiness, and when vanity rules over spirituality Holy Works are brought to Ruin. Strengthen the arm of faithfulness and do not give Your strength to vanity.
Awake with Zeal, Hope in Salvation, for Jehovah’s acts of Salvation are singing our from the roof tops saying to the inexperienced; find wisdom, and saying to the senseless One; Have Heart, bring in the Holy Things to the righteous that generosity abounds, and the lowly become lifted from their poverty-stricken condition. Find delight in Holiness and bring forth utterances of Comforting and of repentance, for delight is found in the Sheppard pasturing to peace, and blessed is the One bring a healing to the Oppressed.

Hope in Your God and He Himself will cause Your Heart to become filled with the riches of satisfaction, and of Salvation Your God will Bring You forth Guarded from Oppression, He will see You as Something precious and nor left alone, He will set watchman as Your Guard, and even the Children that Your bless, they themselves will become Your Salvation in Your time of Need. Discipline the wayward that righteousness begins to sprout, water the sprout of Righteousness and even Holiness will Blossom, for the spirit when in its grip will become a Holy Inheritance to the One bridles by it, and blessed by its utterances, for when the traveling feature awakens, whether in life or within the Heavenly residences the utterances of the spirit bubble forth, and the spirit will bridle Your tongue to A fluency of spiritual expressions, and the Fountain of life will bubble forth with understanding and wisdom will stand guard over You.

May the Dawn of this New System of things, rise up in strength, may the utterances of Holiness weigh Heavy on the ears of the Righteous and may the Righteous act in the Will of the Spirit that the Kingdom mounts up in Holiness, and Becomes when brought to its Right Condition; A Holy Kingdom of the Supreme Creator. Jehovah will break the rod of those striking with Unholy Blows, and He will leave those passing Demonic Condemnations Dejected and They will No Longer be seen as Holy, and the white washed Sheppard's full of Demonic Utterances and Unholy Judgements will Be Broken in the Holiness of the True God, they will No Longer Cause the Holy to Tremble with the Judgements of Wickedness, for Jehovah is Rescuing The Nation's from the Unholy Sect's, and the Nation's will Look Upon the White Washed Sheppard’s of whom teach Unholy Condemnations and Finally, with the Authority of the True God Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, those Sheppard's will Be made Low, for the Demonic Utterances of Unholy Judgements Have No Place In Among the Holy.

Get Out of the Sects of what is unclean, expose the Sheppard's White Washed, Shun the Priest Forming a Curse, and Deny the Ones that eclipse the Most High God with Twisted Judgmental, for cursed will be the One Cursing, and brought to ruination the Ones Condemning. For with Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Mercy will serve where Justice Sits, and redemption where repentance Resides. Lift up the Holy Sheppard's of whom Know the Abundance of the true God's Mercifulness, For Jehovah desires that None will find Destruction, and that all attain Salvation. Let None Fear the Judgements of Demonic Utterances for those of Whom Search for Jehovah, let them Draw close to their God, Not Because of Fear, but instead, Because they choose to Find The Love of the Supreme Creator.

The Way Of Holiness finds Pleasure in Salvation, and the Ones Unified in a Congregated effort of Holiness will Bring forth Salvation to the Many. Seek Not Opposition, for opposition leads to Break-down, However Commonality Gives forth peace. Search for Unity and the Overseers will not have to sigh when serving as Your task-assigner's for the Governing body find Pleasure in Shepherding the sheep-like, However a stubborn and hard-necked flock brings contention which causes the service of Overseers to suffer with a goat-like People. Find satisfaction in submission to Holiness and righteousness will become Your Inheritance, for those in Service to Holiness will become Holy Themselves, rise up in the Light of Your Overseers, let your step become directed by the smooth flowing way of faithfulness, and may the vain not burden You with Emptiness, for the vanity of life is as a passing exhalation to the Wake beyond the Lot of Your Days in the Holy Residence.
Let Spirituality Direct Your Step, and Holiness will let itself be found, those finding it are Inheritors of the Well of which gives forth Quenching of Spirit. Dry is the wilderness of Life, and the Well of Holiness will become blessed with the Quenching Righteousness Leading to Dignified and Blessed way through the wilderness of life. The Wake to the inheritance beyond the lot of Your Days, when fulfilling Your days in faithfulness and righteousness are in Store even for a Double Portion. Things of Vanity Stand as Emptiness to the inheritance, and foolishness blossoms in Vanity.

In swiftness Oh Jehovah take Hold of the grip of Your Holy Shiloah, direct the currents of the smooth flowing Ways, raise up for Yourselves Overseers of whom direct in Holiness and in Good-will. For the Nation's are in distress and in no form of order this people has been tossed about, take heart oh You Sheppard's and continue in faithfulness, for the Most High God has received the Almighty Authority, and in a way of Blessing he will cause You to become Within His Holy Shiloah to the Very ends of the Earth. As the Congregation Grows the very Mightiness of Its God will shine forth His Light Upon them, and they in Turn will reflect His Presence so that Knowledge of the True God sings from the High Places and echoes unto the Low Places So that All May Know their God, and so faithfulness is lifted up in Righteousness, and righteousness finds place among the Holy, that from the Well of the Holy Shiloah, Good Sheppard's may then Rise and Minister in the Blessing of the Most High God to Once again declare the Works of Their God.

For New Scrolls will be Opened, and as One Generation Passes Away, a Seal will Remain there, to Give Rest to those of Whom Ministered In their time so that the Holy Place may Be Given for the works of which they Served. For a Generation is Coming, and they Will become the Saviors of their Forefathers, for they will In the Desire of their God free those in Bonds, to give rest to those of whom are weary, to restore the Seal Closing One Generations Works in a Blessed Rest and through the East wind They will Sheppard the Generation Rising in its Place. For the Weary will indeed find rest, and those Hoping in the True God Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, will Not be put to Shame, For a Covenant with this world Has Been given, and Abraham of Abram will become it's Father. For this Island and world will become something Precious to Its God, and it will be the land will be Given a Lasting Name and a Covenant In its Name, Hebronites will become it's People, and Hebron it's Holy Title, and Through Abraham of Abrams Covenant with Jehovah, the People will Become precious to their God.

When the Day is Firmly established in Blessing, those Ministering will Minister of the True God, and Jehovah of armies in Shiloh will provide the Light of His Good-will, and those desiring an Unending Well of Righteousness will flock to the currents of the Shiloah and Holy Shiloah, and as a small cup filled by a Large pitcher of Blessed Water, the Quenching all spiritual thirst will overflow for upon the Tablet of Your Heart will the righteous Place a Seal, and that Seal will Serve as a Key to the Gate of a Holy Inheritance, and that Holy Inheritance Will Become a tried Way, For the Seal Upon Your Heart will Become the Grip of the Smooth Flowing Shiloah of which the Sheppard's will Keep Shepherding through. Jehovah of armies In Shiloh will gather Others Besides these, For From Generation to Generation they will rise up From refined State to Refined State, And in The Grace of their God New Scrolls will Give forth Their Utterance, and in Expansion the root of Creation will Flourish in Co-Creation and those taking Delight in Holiness will prosper due to the Good Condition of Heart.
The Nation's will find peace in the Blessing of their God and when those desiring A Quenching of Spirit Flock to the Seals of the Holy Shiloah, A Grip of Holiness will take its stance, and Jehovah will place The Signet of His Name Upon the Seal that the Supreme Authority will Pour down blessings and Protection, in Order to remove that which is Unclean from its authority over Your. Do Not Fear those Eclipsing the Most High God with Their Demonic Judgements, for Jehovah will Bring Ruin Upon those terrorizing His Holy Ones with What is Unclean, and those Trusting In their God will hurled from off themselves The Unholy Authority, for those Trusting In Jehovah will be in No dread of the wicked. For Once You Rely On Jehovah as Your Master, He will not allow the Wicked and their wicked Condemnations to retain any authority over You, for Your God will Become Your Saviour, He will Denounce Demonic Utterances and Break the Rod of The Ones Troddening Down His Holy Ones, if they rise up against the Holy Ones they will be Utterly Put to Shame in the Dawn of Jehovah's Exaltation.

When the denunciation begins to Rise Up From Jehovah against those Eclipsing Him, The Pangs of distress will Indeed fall upon the Proud, and in derision they will be winnowed, and from the Breath of God's fury they will be hurled away from His Holy Sanctuary to be trodden down until in Truth they Know that The Supreme Creator is Reigning unto to the ends of the expanse of Creation, and when the Humility of repentance Awakens in their Heart He will Comfort them when they know their error, and their God will then Draw them Back in His Mercy and Loving-kindness, and He will lead them on New Paths, and the Ones Submitting to their God will become an everlasting Covenant, and a promoted state to those Serving Him, for none of Jehovah's Servants will be Missing from among His Sanctuary, and even if the storms of tribulation encircle You, they will not overtake You, and though in Distress, Your maker will Bring You Forth as with Birth-pangs unto the Way of Salvation, for Jehovah does not take delight in Suffering, and Rebellion misled the Many, for with smooth words of Deception of the Proud many were left in Lawlessness and misled to the Unclean Path, for why when planting a garden would You set in place weeds?
With the exhalation of Jehovah the weeds will be consumed, and in the Dawn of The Kingdom rising to its rightful condition, the Lowly will rejoice, for Jehovah will Comfort the insignificant, and the Oppression of the wicked will be removed from their shoulders. For Compassion will be the attribute of the Kingdom, and a Congregation Formed to Bring Salvation is what Jehovah will Make of His Elect. For The righteous will Flourish in what Jehovah is making, and the wicked will see their own error and repent from their wickedness, and in the light of Repentance All will become something Precious to their God. In the Light of their redemption a bounty will be Shared among the Many and by an inspired will of God, Generosity will abound, for the portion of our God is limitless so let the poor be given their prescribed portion from those of ability. For without Price will the flocks be repurchased, and a Holy Contribution given without price will cause them to prosper, for the light of Jehovah's goodwill is rising in Holiness and all those drawing close to their God will become Saved.

In Unity the Nation's will be brought to salvation, and in communion compromise will lead to the following compromise unto an agreeable state, for Jehovah will lead those seeking Unity to peace, and the Ones with the power to smooth the course will become a decoration to their God. For blessed is the tongue pasturing in Peace, and In the Light of the Blessing of their God they will become firmly established in His inner circle of Chosen Ones, Let the Nation's take position for the Salvation of their God, and may Unity be chosen rather than dominance. The Nation's dispersed each to Their Land will Congregate the nations in a heave of progression to a Unified Kingdom under the hand of the their God to Comfort One another and take interest in One another until the Whole Congregation of this World of Hebron becomes the fulfillment of The Covenant Jehovah had Promised Abraham of Abram, and as Sons and Daughters of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, They will rise up in One Voice an No Longer will they Be Scattered, and the Nation's will be congregated to their God as Hebronites in Store as Inheritors of the Blessing of Our God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

For it will be said, Hebron is A Decoration to its God and an everlasting Blessing for a Covenant of the Holy will of its Maker, and the People of Hebron a Light for all nations, and a Holy Lamp-Light to its God, for Heaven may wither Out as an Old Garment, and the Dusk of eternity may draw near, But Hebron will Become as the New Dawn of the New Eternity of Our God, and From dusk of the Old Heavens and the Old Earth of Which is Passing Away, to the Dawn of the New Creation and the New Eternity Hebron will Remain steadfast, And as the Old Eternity is Uprooted unto it's Rest, the New Eternity will Bring Forth New Works and New Flocks, for as One is Done away with, Here Jehovah Creates a New Heavenly Creation, from Progressed State to Progressed State will Jehovah's eternity Rise from the Dusk unto the New Dawn of His Expansive Creations.

Let Sons and Daughters serve as caretakers of the Memorial of the Generation of which is Passing away, Place a Seal Upon the Generation finding their time of rest and Hold a Passover to the Generation Coming, So that the Kingdom may Progress from the Seal and Passover from One Generation to the Next, that the Kingdom may find its Peace in Rest, yet Know that when reaching the fulfillment of the Heavenly Stride in the Holy Places of Our God, Once Again You will be Brought back Upon Your Own soil, and a New Path will become their Inheritance, and that which is called destiny will be shattered into Fragments, none exactly the same as another, and from intrigue of diversity to the New Song of Your Inheritance You will ride within the smooth flowing currents of the Shiloah's, Stripping off the Old Shiloah of the Gate to Inheritance, from the old Eternity, unto gaining a New Seal of Shiloah and Gate of Inheritance. They will not tire out, or grow weary, for from Heavenly inheritance they will Call For Rest, and their rest will be in the mortal expression, and as Angels ascending and descending.

Fear not the Condemnation of the wicked, for the one condemning will find derision, and the burden of a master is a wrathful Servant, for they may rise up in Judgement against You, But Jehovah of armies in Shiloh will act with an Outstretched arm against those Ruling with Demonic Condemnations, for they will be brought to Shame in their fury, and their own Curse will swallow them up. Let the Servants of Jehovah Mount up in the Shadow of their masters hand, for the servants of Jehovah will gain salvation in the Day of Judgement and they will fear no Wrath from Holiness, yet they will become refined by the rod of Man, and their Spirit will Be Quenched In the Holiness of their God.

If Someone should rise up against You, do not provide kindling to the fires of opposition, for the Peace-makers will ride in the High Places, and the Ones Leading to something better; a blessing to the One sending him forth, blessed be the Sheppard's Guiding in Faithfulness, let those taking the lead among You Boast in Jehovah, and in turn become an eternal Light to Your God, and those acting in faith will blossom In growth, from the root of the Cornerstone the Holy Foundation Stone will Flourish intrigue in the things Seen, and where understanding conceals itself the fragments of Diverse Growth will flourish, and the Ones Flocking to the gently Flowing Shiloah will take note and the eyes sealed shut will be Opened, and the Sheppard's Voice will give it's utterance From the Holy Residence, the Holy will Flourish there, yet the Wicked will enter into refinement. The Will of the Sheppard's will become a Way for the Compassionate, and the Will of their God will be sung through them in A Song Comforting the flock of His Inheritance.

The works of the Hands of the Sheppard's will be Blessed, and those relying Upon Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, will not be Put to Shame, for Everlasting Salvation resides with Your God, and He will Lift up the voice of the righteous in the public Square and in that Day the Insignificant One will bubble forth in the Utterance of the spirit of their maker and the lowly will be found as a fountain of Holiness, and the Will of Our God will be found In their lips. For Jehovah delights in the Lowly, and he Will place His Spirit in their lips, and the Ones acting in faithlessness will not understand, yet in Honoring the lowly and heeding their words with their faithfulness return, and by passing goodwill upon the lowly will the Ones in High Places be Saves. For Jehovah will Comfort those of whom are needy, and those Comforting them will gain the Blessing of the Creator.

Let the meek take Holy Portion, and let their diligence in Service to the Most High God serve as a light to their step and a path of righteousness, let the Ones Seeking Holiness Rise Up as Sheppard’s, let the Supreme Creator Look Upon His Inheritance in Joyfulness, and let the flocks of His Holy Ones bring pleasure to His Works, let the Ones taking part in Holiness Rise in Confidence and lay down in Peace. May the Sheppard's stand guard over the flock, as Guards against the Predators seeking the downfall of the Holy Flocks, for Jehovah will find delight in His Pasture, and the Flocks of His Sheppard's will have no need to Fear the Day of Judgement, for they will be raised up to the Holy Mountain of Jehovah, and their portion among the righteous. No more will the ridiculer of Holy Ones be empowered to trodden down the People of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, for Jehovah will Mount Up Like a Mighty Saviour and He will devastate the Ones Burdening His Flocks with Tribulation, He will strike the rock of the foundation of their strongholds and in a Moment their days of oppressing the Holy Ones will end, and Upon those of Whom were Afflicting, A fall, and In the Way they Had Trodden down the Holy Ones is the way in Which they will be trodden down.

In that Day, Jehovah's righteousness will become a light of salvation to the Holy Ones, and His Light will Congregate the entire expanse of all Creation, Justice will He Bring in against the Ones Defrauding, and Justice He will bring for those being Defrauded. The One Defrauding will become a Servant to the One Defrauded, and until the Double Portion of what was Defrauded is Redeemed to the One Defrauded. The thief will no longer boast about His Works, and rather will be Utterly Put to shame. The Works of Truth will become Acceptable to Our God, and the Ones offering to God that which they defrauded will find Shame in their Wake, it will serve as a Humiliation to them.

To Nation's I Had Not Known I called to, and from the distant Reaches Of All Creation they will Flock, for the True God Jehovah of armies in Shiloh will Congregate His Flock in the Covenant of His Days with Abraham of Abram, for As it was Spoken, Through the Covenant with Abraham of Abram; All Nations will be Saved. Congregate in What The True God is Making, and let the righteous flourish in the Wing of their God's Salvation, for dignity and Splendour are a Lasting Inheritance when Brought up in Righteousness, and in the Splendour of their God they will Boast, He will Place a Heart of discernment in the Soul of His Sheppard's, and A Word of Truth will Bubble Forth From His Elect, for Jehovah's Glory will Sprout from His People, and His Righteousness will Blossom into a Garden of Holy Ones. From Inspired expression to inspired expression, the Whole Congregation will rise in One Voice, and the United Voice will echo throughout the Whole of Creation.

The Zeal of Jehovah will cause the Nation's far off to Rise in Unison and the Foreigner Will Inherit And Attach themselves to the Ones Chosen, the Holy Portion of Jehovah's Holy Ones will Be Given to The entirety of All Nations, for the way of Mortality is as a Field being cultivated, and the Earth the Pasture of the Abyss, all cultivating the field are Given their Wage of Inheritance, and the Wages will Be Paid in Full, Every Nation, Tribe People and Tongue will Inherit, yet as a Fondness for this Earth, He will Allow this World of Humanity to Disposes nations Greater than Our, and as Foundation to times indefinite, the Islands will Hope in Our God, and as a for the Salvation He Brings, the Ones Hoping in Him Will Not Be put to Shame.

The Sheppard's of Jehovah will Rise Up, the Spirit of Holiness will Direct their Step, and as With One Voice they will Congregate, and they will Seek to Comfort the Oppressed, Lift Up the Ones Trodden Down. They Will Shatter the Yoke of Demonic Judgements, The Unholy utterances Causing the Holy to Tremble will Be Uprooted and rejected. The Ones Knowing their God will be in no Dread, For He Will Remove the Unclean Expressions and the Thing Causing Desolation Far From Reaching His Holy Ones. Those Loyal to Jehovah will Trust in their Creator and He will Stand Guard Over them so the Hostility of the Unholy will Become Far Removed From them. The Ones Cursing the People of Jehovah will find themselves Left Dejected and the Fury of their Anger will Be Smothered in Shame, their Curses Will expose their wickedness, and their Condemnations Will Cover them as Demonic filth.

For Jehovah will Become the Light of Salvation to the Ends of All Creation, and He Will Become a Stumbling Block To What is Unholy, and as a Mighty Saviour He will Cast the Curses and Condemnations Far From His People, they will Not Fear the White-washed Priest-hoods of who Rule with Fear through Demonic Utterances, they will utterly be put to Shame, and the Lowly and Insignificant will Be Chosen to Rise up in courage in Fearlessness, in order to Denounce the wicked Shepheard’s Causing His People to Stumble. In that Day, the Priest Forming a Curse will Be Brought Low, and their Curses Will Expose them, for they Have Abandoned their God, they Have trusted in their plastering of White-wash, yet when Holiness Rises in the People, the Sheppard's Dominating with Demonic Utterances will Be Made Low, their curses will Become their Ruination. In That Day the Priest-hoods every Nation Will be brought under Judgement, and The Curses Will be Brought to their End, and the Demonic Condemnations will Sealed Up and Abolished, For The Most High God Jehovah of armies in Shiloh is Ruling and He Himself Detests the Sheppard's Trusting In Demonic Curses, and The Priest-hoods ruling with Fear will be Utterly Become Disgraced, and Jehovah Himself Will be Put on High In that day, and The Holy will rejoice in the Most High God Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, and He Will Apportion The Nation's inheritance and Rise Up Holy Sheppard’s, they will Not Cause the Flock of their God to tremble, and New Scrolls will Be Opened, Again Jehovah will Lead them in a New Way, and In that Day the Wicked Sheppard’s will be forsaken, and the Holy Ones of the Supreme One will Be Put On High In that Day and they will Inherit Portion of in Jehovah's Holy Mountain.

The Synagogues of Demonic Judgements will be in that Day become Know as Unclean, they Will Be Exposed In the Curses of Their Fury, for Holiness guides to the Path of Salvation, and the Holy Ones of Jehovah will enter into Judgement with The Synagogues of Demonic Curses, and In that Day Judgement Will take Side with the Holy Ones, and the Supreme Creator will cause those Plastered with White-Wash of whom Cause the Holy Ones to Tremble due to their Demonic Condemnations to Begin to Wear Out, and they will Become Something to jeer at, for those Trusting In Demonic Judgements in a Moment will be Utterly Put to Shame, their Plastering of White-wash will be to Them of No Benefit, and their Filth will Be Seen. The Nation's Will Shout in the Salvation of their God, and they themselves will Flock to the Holiness of the Most High God. In The Protection of the Almighty God will all Creation Inherit, He Will Tear Down the Curse, and the Demonic Judgements and Curses will become in the Mouth of the Ones Uttering them as an Utterance of Untruth.

The Ones Judging with Unholy Judgements of Demonic Condemnations will Become a Synagogue of Satan and In Essence A Synagogue of Liars. In that Day the Strength of the Ones Cursing and Condemning with Demonic Judgements will Be Devastated, and their Priest-hoods will begin to Rot and Fester. Holiness will then become a Gift in Spirituality and Something Sought after, and the True God Jehovah of armies In that Day will Be Beautified In His Judgements, and No More will the Nation's Fear the Curse, and the Demonic Judgements will no longer will be Acceptable within His Holy Ones, and Jehovah will Glorified in that Day, and all those Trusting In Him will walk In the Light of His Goodwill.

Strengthen the Ones Blessing and Honour the Sheppard's leading to a Better way, for the Seals Upon the Tablet of the Heart of the Sheppard's will Lead them, and Even the Insignificant Ones will redeem a Seal, as a Key it will Open the Gates of Inheritance, and the Shiloah's of Jehovah will Stand Guard Over the Soul of its Keeper. As Voice of what is Unseen will the Spirit Lead You, and the Gate-Keepers to the Inheritance will Not Reject You. For the Seal will Redeem the wicked to Righteousness, and it will Bring the Righteous to Exaltation, for even the Wicked will attain a Seal and it Will Lead them Under the Eyes of the Spirit, and they will be Disciplined with the Rod of Man in their being Brought up to Salvation. To the Righteous it will Act as a Reason to Serve, and their Seal will Lead them Under the Inspiration of the Spirit in Holy Works for their God, as Something to Boast About, and Although Being Sons and Daughters of Humanity, Jehovah will Bring You Under His Wing as Those Belonging to Him, as Inheritors Under You Supreme Creator as His Sons and Daughters.

The Insignificant One as well as the Overseers will walk in the Light of Their God, and a Unified Congregation although Not Together will Cry Out in Unison for the Good Condition of Heart. For He Will Bring Up the Lowly One as Well as the Sheppard's with Care, and He Will In His Loving-kindness take Pleasure in Comforting and Blessing His Flock, For a Kingdom of The Most High God is What His Holy Ones Will Inherit, and the Holiness Of Their God will Raise them in Confidence. The Holiness of the Flock of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, will Serve as an Everlasting Blessing for Righteousness, and A Light that will Lead You by Day and By Night.


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