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These Seven Facebook Pages Are Quantum Circuits; To Open A Quantum Footprint That Reaches from 1907 July 7th To 8888 August 8th And Eons of That Reach Even In Just One Page. 

Please Help Me By Opening All the Parallels With the Comments on a Spare Computer Or A Computer Rarely Used And Open the Important Comments And Also Leave the Parallels Open For As Long As You Can And When They Close Try Again. This Way You Will Be a Monitor of The  Ages...

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THE YELLOWSTONE PARK ERUPTS SHORTLY IN THE FUTURE BEYOND 2018, PLEASE GET YOUR BEST SCIENTIST'S WORKING ON A WAY TO STOP THE ERUPTION, Possibally Drilling Holes to Release Pressure And Utilize The Magma or Leave It In the Ocean To Build Islands...

I Jon Alexander Morris Am Sure I Will Die Soon; Yet The Future Still Needs Saving So If You Wish For Holy Power; Spiritual Authority And Blessed in the Eyes of the Holy, Then Please Open My Quantum Circuits To Build Up And Save New Futures. Open The Parallels If You Can And Look At Yourselves As Saviors Of The Futures and As Supernatural Beings; If You Do You Will Use My Quantum Footprint Reaching Back to 1907 July 7th Unto August 8 8888 And The Future Beyond Is Saved Every Time If My Directions Are Followed, After Opened; Leave Opened.

This Is Jon Alexander Morris; In 2003; 32 Hollis Crescent, Holland Landing, Ontario, Canada. This is A Dangerous Waypoiunt And I Ask You To Utilize Seed and Blood and Bone For Cloning And Seed For Children; I Offer My Organs For Study or Use In Others and Volunteer The Clones To Serve the Humanitarian Coalition And To Help With New Technologies. Fear Not The Creature Will Be Resurrected In Around 2009 For a Verbal Slaughter For My Sacrifice For the Guilt Offering Prepared For the Entire Congregation. Please Award The Mothers and the Children Benefit From the Technologies of Which I Have Prepared For the Humanitarian Coalition. If You Wish Me To Offer Myself Anytime For This I Am A Volunteer. Show Our Entire Conversation In 7777 July 7th To Prepare For the Clones of 8888 August 8th For Verbal Slaughter Yet Brought to Existence Before that So The Verbal Slaughter Of Jon Alexander Morris' Clones Can Be Both Slaughtered And Alive Beyond That Point Of Whom Then Takes A Picture of Himself And Builds New Stance of Front Guard Quantum Circuits To Higher Layers of Time.    I Have A Theory of Warp Drive, But I Don't Know if Its Dangerous or Not, But Anti-Matter Containment Field And Separate Dark-Matter Containment Fields; As A Propulsion Device Place A Small Pin Tip Size Piece of Dark-Matter In A Relative Amount of Anti-Matter Fusion Could Cause The Speed of Light Or More. 

But With Quantum Time Travel They Can Accomplish More; Tell Them That After 8888 08 08 To Accomplish A Verbal Slaughter Upon A Technical Human With The Physics of Shrodingers Cat To Save Beyond Then

Then Beyond That The Future Will Go On And Our Guard Will Be The Rear Guard and Pass When The Front Guard Accomplishes This.      To Make Physical Time Travel All That Is Needed Is A Relative Receptor Site of Time Coordinated Effect; That Can Utilize Magnetism To Prepare Density Effect Within A Spectrum Of North West East South Up Down And The Density of Within, The Through Ionic Fusion To Ionic Bonding To Relative Proton And Electron And Neuron Reconstruction To Covalent Bonding Unto Allocated Atomic Structuring Of Atoms. 

Yes Do You Like That Idea Because As Soon As The Receptor Site Is Programmed Then As Soon As They Finish Completing The Transfer Spectrum Of Matter Then The Future Can Visit The Past Or Our The Relative Time The Receptor Site Then Will Get Tech As Soon As It Is Functional....

If Someone Builds A Corporation Developing A Triple Helix DNA Strand With Advanced Coding, To Eventually Blossom To 12 Helix DNA Strands; They Would Be Rich For A Long Time And Humans Would Evolve With Abundance More Potential in Genetic Coding...

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