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I Am That I Am; Translucent Bi-pedal, Fourth Birth-Right, Last of My Father; David's Seed. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Son of Man of the Head of Days. Servant of the Most High God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

May My Father David Robin Morris Of Whom Was Given the Key Of David Have His Consciousness Saved And May He Be Clones

At That The Servant of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Pleaded With the True God That Each And Every Inheritor O)f Which Attains Portion Among the Holy Ones Will Receive All That Was Congregated Within The First Five Horses; Abraham of Abram, Ishmael,Esau, Jacob, And Judah. The True God At That Time Approved Of The Over-Abundant Inheritance Given To Each of Them.

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