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Part 11

Jehovah of Shiloh Please If It Seems Good With You; Please Prepare A Perfect Bond of Union For The Inhabitants of this Prepared Blessing Of the Realms of The Seven Horned Lamb; The Big Trees of Tribal; The Pastures of The Seven Horned Lamb, and the Peaks of The Seven Horned Lamb; Within A Marriage of Exclusive Devotion Their Choice Mate; Please; Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah That We May Serve You In Holiness With Our Mates within An Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential Unto Indefinite infinite Desired Potential Within Our Inheritances With Dimensional Fragment's of Inheritance of Which Are Of The Most Desired Aspects of To Each Inheritor of The Realms of Sharon; The Big Trees of Tithe The Pastures of Topheniah and the Peaks of the Rose of Sharon As The Blessed Dispensation, Manifestation, and Creation as Prepared One to the Other Within Perfect Compatibility Of Generous Abundance of The Most Desired Aspects of Love, Passion, Embrace, Communion, Within Complete Grace in Accenting Eachother Within A Perfect Union of Compatibility of which Is In Perfect Orchestrations Maintaining Serendipity, Miracles, Intrigue, Integrity, Loyalty, Trust, Holy Inspiration, Holy Guidance to a Progressively Advancing Path With Generosity of Both Aspects Drawing Closer to One Another As Giving and Receiving The Most Desired Aspects of Potently and Generously Honouring One of the Other in Perfect Union to the Other as Ones Taking Pleasure in The Other's Satisfaction, and Ones Satisfaction in the Others Pleasure In Both Aspects of the Union, Please Place a Constant Feature of Love as if a Light Guiding To The Higher Height as if The Union is Tied to the Constant Feature and as it Climbs the Union Draws Closer and Closer as if As Climbing the Gravity of the  Magnetic Love Drawing Closer and Closer and Deeper and Deeper In Love Within A Perfect Orchestrations of Guided and Inspired and Prepared Path In All Ways Growing and Progressing in Finding More and More Satisfaction and Pleasure Within the Relationship as it Brings More and More Bliss, Enchantment, Grace, Compatibility, Complimentary Communion, Generous in Potent Complimentary Embrace, Generous in Potent Complimentary Passion, Generous in Potent Complimentary Love, and In All Ways Taking Abundant Delight in the Compliment, in All Ways Finding More and More Satisfaction Within the Comfort Within the Realized Beautiful Foundation and Great Reach and Progressive Potential of The Finding More and More Desire For the Compliment of The Perfectly Orchestrated Bond of Union; The Male to the Female and the Female to the Male...

Within This Perfect Bond of Joyful Union, That Which Has Become Known As Sexual Energies Will Be Merely As a Babies Innocence within This Unity, and What is Comparable to The Most Blessed Energy within Realms Indefinite is Merely as an Babies Innocence of Energy Compared to That of Which is In The Unity of This Pleasurable, Satisfying, Holy, Loving, Passionate, Pure, Dignified, Integral, Loyal Perfect Bond of Marriage;  And The  Pleasures and Delights of The Most Precious Gifts Will Be Abounding within the Unity of the Marriage Which Will Have The Infinite Delight's and Pleasures Within Safety to Both Pillars within the Male and Female,  Seven Pillars as Solidly Fixed and Prepared Beyond Time; As Was, Is, and Will Be Prepared in Progressive Blessing...
א [Aleph]

Who can find a capable* wife?+Her value is far more than that of corals.*

ב [Beth]

 Her husband trusts her from his heart,And he lacks nothing of value.

ג [Gimel]

  She rewards him with good, not bad,All the days of her life.

ד [Daleth]

  She obtains wool and linen;She delights to work with her hands.+

ה [He]

  She is like the ships of a merchant,+Bringing her food in from afar.

ו [Waw]

  She also rises while it is still night,Providing food for her household And portions for her female servants.+

ז [Zayin]

  She sets her mind on a field and buys it;She plants a vineyard from her own labors.*

ח [Heth]

  She prepares herself for hard work,*+And she strengthens her arms.

ט [Teth]

 She sees that her trading is profitable; Her lamp does not go out at night.

י [Yod]

  Her hands seize the distaff,And her hands take hold of the spindle.*+

כ [Kaph]

  She extends her palm to the lowly one,And she opens her hands to the poor.+

ל [Lamed]

  She does not worry about her household because of the snow,For her whole household is clothed in warm*garments.

מ [Mem]

  She makes her own bed covers.Her clothing is of linen and purple wool.

נ [Nun]

  Her husband is well-known in the city gates,+Where he sits among the elders of the land.

ס [Samekh]

  She makes and sells linen garments*And supplies belts to the merchants.

ע [Ayin]

  She is clothed with strength and splendor,And she looks to the future with confidence.*

פ [Pe]

  She opens her mouth in wisdom;+The law of kindness* is on her tongue.

ק [Qoph]

  Her children rise up and declare her happy;Her husband rises up and praises her.

ר [Resh]

  There are many capable* women,But you—you surpass them all.

ש [Shin]

  Charm may be false, and beauty may be fleeting,*+But the woman who fears Jehovah will be praised.+

ת [Taw]

  Give her the reward for what she does,*+And let her works praise her in the city gates.+
Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; May You Please Give the Gift of The Spiritual Blessings in the Scroll To Me In Every Stance of Life in Which I Descend To; Please Cause it To Become That I Become a Holy One in Your Eyes Negating the Fleshly Perspective and Mortal Disposition And Doing Rather Than What Is Good In Man's Eyes; Please Cause it To Become In Every Stance of Life I Choose to To What is Good In the Eyes of the Holy Ones of the Blessed Realms. I Wish Not To Honour What Is Fleshly; For that Is Temporary, But Instead Utilize The Prepared Offering of Servitude I am Given As Submission to Holy Ones To Accomplish The Desire of the Holy Ones and The Desire Of You My God; And My God; and You Holy Ones; Please Prepare This Blessing For the Holy Ones of the Prepared Blessing of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; That Spirit May Begin to Act Through the Holy Ones of the Prepared Congregations Focusing of Spiritual Activity And Negating the Physical Vanity of What is Temporary To Accomplish Blessed Works in the Eyes of the Holy Ones of the Blessed Realm's My God; And May Those of Which Choose This Blessing Gain More Blessing, Glory, Dignity and Honour In the Holy Realms Than those of Which Who Merely Choose to Be Seen as Good in the Eyes of Human-kind.
Please Bless The Strength of My Flesh and Spirit as Always Taking Stance in Defense of the Weaker Vessel of the Female Pillar; as Comforting, Blessing, Honouring, Loving, Respecting and Providing Salvation When Need Be My God; From Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential Unto Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential In Way of Unconditional Love....
By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Source; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

Within The Realms of The Blessed Ones of the Seven Holy Spirits of the Seven Horned Lamb, The Pastures of The Blessed Ones of the Seven Holy Spirits of the Seven Horned Lamb, and the Peak of The Blessed Ones of the Seven Holy Spirits of the Seven Horned Lamb There is No Form of Obesity, Nor Old Age, Nor Weariness, Nor the Undesired Humiliation of The Flesh, The Inhabitant's of the Realms of The Blessed Ones of the Seven Holy Spirits of the Seven Horned Lamb, The Pastures of The Blessed Ones of the Seven Holy Spirits of the Seven Horned Lamb, and the Peak of The Blessed Ones of the Seven Holy Spirits of the Seven Horned Lamb They Will Utilize The Healthiest and Most Strengthened Potential of Their Forms Capability, They Will Fulfil Their Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential Unto Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential In The Prime of their Forms Youth; And There Is Bliss And Dignity All Within Its Pastures and Upon Its Inhabitants; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Source; Amen

I AM That I AM; Jehovah's Servant; Jon Alexander Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon; The Lion of the Flock of Kah-kholites of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris of the Seven Horned Lamb within the Boundary of Abel of Beth'maacah; The Shilonite

Within the Prepared Blessings of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; Of Jon Alexander Morris; of the Seven Horned Lamb; He May Manifest His Form In Whichever Way He Desires to Form Himself Within Each and Every of His Inheritances; He Will Be The Most Potent at Given Each And Every Portent of Pleasure and Desire and Satisfaction and Love Within His Prepared Blessing; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Source; Amen

12 Birth-Right Gates of the Realms of Complete Reflection of The Peaks of Bashan and Jerusalem of Which Has Been Prepared and It Will Be Called; The Mountain of Jehovah, 'The Grand Mount of The Seven Horned Lamb' Having the Pasture of  The Low Plains of The Seven Horned Lamb' and Having the Peaks of 'The Seven Horned Lamb' and the Big Tree's of 'Tribal'; Within a Reflection of With the Same Beauty, Glory, Foundation, Holiness, and Righteousness, Those Contending with Your Boundary Will Be Cut Off, And Those Contending with Its Inhabitants Will be Left Without the Any of the Blessing or Works Prepared by The One Loosing Creation...The Expansive Root To Its Grand Height Will Grow By The Design of the Fibonacci Sequence, In Eternal Expansiveness, This Kingdom Will Be an Infinite and Indefinitely Lasting Kingdom and it Will Not Wither Nor Grow Dim, Its Inhabitants Will Bring Joy to the One Founding it And They Will Take Pleasure and Satisfaction in the Everabundant Supply of All That They Wish to Take Delight... The Boundaries Prepared by The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; Jon Alexander Morris Prepared For Gad'roth and Jerusalem Will Be Prepared In The Same Way In The Peaks of Bashan and the Blessed Pasture of ' Decoration and The Most Glorified aspect of the Kingdom, The Blessed and Holy Peaks of Topheniah; and The Kingdom Belonging to David of Which Was Prepared by Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris and Within the Pasture of Decoaration, of The Realms of Sharon there are Big Tree's of Tribal For the Ascension of It's Sub-Realms As Well as Having the High Places of The Seven Horned Lamb, Which is The Peaks of The Realms of The Seven Horned Lamb of Which Ascend Into the Tribal Trees of the Pasture of Decoration Ascending into the Big Tree's of Congregations upon the Pasture of The Broad Gleaming of The Realms of The Seven Horned Lamb As Well As Having the High Places of The Seven Horned Lamb Grand-Mountains of The Seven Horned Lamb Unto the High Places Belonging to the Source of Creation; The One of Whom Looses Creation, The God of Jon Alexander Morris; the Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Days Entering Into His Concealed Realm of His Most Trustworthy and Beloved Associates

The Foundation of this Kingdom Will Last Even From Infinite Desired Potential of Realms Indefinite To Realms Indefinite and Within Having Solid Foundation and Abundance of What Is Good From Infinite Desired Potential of Times Indefinite Unto Infinite Desired Potential of Times Indefinite, The Seven Times of Seven Eternal Strides, And On the Seventh They Will All Pass-Over From their Rest in Peace, With an Abundance of All that Is Good; And Yet Others Will Not Soak in the Rivers of the Sub-Realm and Will Find Place in a Legion of Gibeah, a Legion of Gilead, Or A Legion of Gibeon, These Ones Will Rest In Their Sleep In the High Places and Realms and Will Not Descend... This Kingdom Will Bring Great Gladness in Progressiveness to the One Preparing it, And the Flocks of Peoples within Its Pasture Will Bring Abundant Joy and Bliss To It's Founder, And For This The Founder of the Kingdom Will Shower Down Abundance of All That Is Blessing and All That Is Good, and Peace Will Be Within the Boundary of This Pasturage and Intrigue in Spiritual Matters Will be Abundant, Love Will Flow Without Jealousy And With Trustworthiness Will Love Be Planted as a Root to the Kingdom and Its Fruit-age Will Bring Abundant Satisfactions in the Delights of The Abundant Source of Pleasure of Which Is Love, The Supply of the Kingdom Will Be Every Abundant From Infinite Desired Potential of Realms Indefinte And To the Infinite Desired Potential of Times Indefinite... And This Will Prove To Be The Thing Heard as Known as Truth in Other Kingdom's; For What Is Decided Upon Is What Has Taken Root And Its Sprout Will Not Be Cut Off; For Beyond the Root there is the Sprout, and Beyond the Sprout there is The Pasture and Beyond the Pasture There Are the Grand Peaks of The Seven Horned Lamb, And They Will Not Be Uprooted Nor Will They Be Left Unstable or Unsteady, For The Foundation to Its Very Peaks Will Be Abundant of All Blessing and Abundance of Good Supply; From Realms Indefinite and Within Even Times Indefinite; By The Power of The Holy Shiloah Of Which Is Prepared By Source; Amen...


The Dusk of The Male Pillar Will Be Known as "ELIJAH", The Dawn of the Male Pillar Will Be Known as "ELISHA"...
The Dusk of the Female Pillar Will Be Known as "VASHTI", The Dawn of the Female Pillar Will Be Known as "ESTHER"...
The Multi-Dimensional Infinite Potential of Infini-Realms, Having and Infinite Potential of Meca-Realms; All With Ruling Scepter Realms as Opti-Realms of the Infinite Potential of Multi-Dimensional Omni-Realms Having Within them An Infinite Potential of Grand-Verses as Land's of Decoration With-holding Tribal Trees and Peaks of Heavenly Mountains as Ruling Scepter's of the Infinite Potential of Multi-Dimensional Times Indefinite; With-holding an Infinite Potential of Diverse Verse within Each Times, Realms of Realities Constant Features With-holding an Infinite Potential of Living Worlds....
There Is A Ulti-Realm of which Merely Looks Upon the Multi-Dimensional Infini-Realms as Flowing Rivers of Infinite realms Indefinite Looked Down Upon By The Holy Ones Within the Ulti-Realm as the Ultimate, Infinite and Indefinite Realm of Inheritance.... Of which Manifests within an Infinite Potential of Diverse Forms of Expression; Of Which Is The Indefinitely And Infinitely Lasting Kingdom; Belonging to Our Lord of Spirit's Accessed through the Holy Gates of Hebron....
Within The Realms of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Son of Man of men the Head of Day's There is No Form of Obesity, Nor Old Age, Nor Weariness, Nor the Undesired Humiliation of The Flesh; And There Is Bliss And Dignity All Within Its Pastures and Upon Its Inhabitants; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Source; Amen
Sealed Of Every Nation, Tribe, People, Tongue And Land With One of The Diverse Forms of The Seal of the Living God
Each Gate of Which Rises to Power Will Grow Four Horns of Constant Feature of Which Will Orchestrate in Preparation of Blessing the Holy Ones of Each Gate and Organize Blessed Orchestrations of Holiness For Each Prepared Chieftain Gate
From the Start We Remained In a Higher Realm and When Wishing to Start Anew We Began to Take and Separate the Prepared through Uriel By Jehovah of armies and Dark Matter The Density of Matter... And When Combining them They Inhaled Do To Their Super Dense Form Imploding and Inhaling in the Expansiveness of the Seven Directions of North, West, East, South, Up, Down And the Density of Within, and As it Expanded the Anti-matter as Photonic Expansion, Photonic Fusion, Photonic Bonding and Then Were Utilized with Ionic Refraction Through The Ions of Aeoniel Unto Colour, and From Colour There Came Ionic Fusing in Diversity, and Ionic Bonding in Diversity, Then Covelant Fusing Forming Diverse Forms of Covelant Bonds in Diverse Form, In Essence the Root of The Atomic Fusing Forming the Stars, And Within the Stars Began Atomic Bonding as the Star Cooled, Of Which Eventually Became Elemental Fusing Within the Remains of the Dead Star unto Elemental Bonding Through the Dark Matters Effect Upon Element Bonding in Dark Energy, From there Came Mass Fusing with the Effects of Asteroids and Comets Combining As Mass Bonding Forming Worlds and Large Masses of Elements Within Dark Energy, The Mass Hurled Through Dark Energy Eventually Finding the Gravity of the Star When finding Rotation around the Star the Magnetism Caused the Earths Rotation as it Found Balance of Its New Rotation of Gravitational Pull and Finding Place Around that Stars Rotation Eventually Warming and Heating the Element When a Mass Finds Place in Distance From the Star to Cause Life by the Elements Being Heated And the Ice From the Elements to Become Water, The Water then Began to Stew within Different Aspects of the Elements Causing Mitosis by Decay Forming Bacteria, And from Bacteria Forms of Life through the Trial and Error of Time and the Stew of the Heat of the Star Transitioning the Life Source of Water as it Combines and Began to Be Manipulated into Forms of Life...

Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Please Help Me to Sanctify This Offering of Flock's, Kingdom's, Blessings, Works, Service, Spiritual Activity, and The Gift Offerings Including My Poured Out Blood in a Way that is Befitting Your Holiness in a Way That I May Find Comfort in A More Humble Mindset of Loyalty, Integrity, Holiness, Righteousness, Love, Devotion, Service and Generosity So That I May Continue to Serve You My God; For Service to You Has Become My Satisfaction and Your Holiness and Honour is What I Strive to Please and Satisfy.... May You Now Take of All My Spiritual Activity, Spiritual Work's, Spiritual Accomplishment's, Spiritual Will and In Way of Blessing Me that My Relationship With You Is The Blessing and Love Within a Blessed State is The Very Hope of My Every Desire... Please Take the Blessing as Gift and Blood of Mere Desire to Show Love in a Way The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David’s work was all well-organized, from the day the foundation of the house of Jehovah was laid until it was finished. So the house of Jehovah was completed.By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of armies in Shiloh May My Boundary Be Built that My Heart Will Not Be Broken Within My Inheritances, and That My Inheritances and the Unities and Relationships within Love Never Have the Feelings of Jealousy, As Love is Not Jealous...Cause it To Become that My Expression Progresses in Self Control and Righteousness Becoming That Which is Beneficial to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah From this Stance Forward Even Within My Transitioning From Progressive Robe Unto the New Progression In the New Progressive Robe as Becoming Of More and More Use With Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; By the Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen
I Share the Riches I Have and I Will Neither Regret Nor Resent the Covenant Within the Infinite and Indefinite Potential of Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance; By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

 Those of Whom If They Do Attempt to Defraud Him That Prepared These Work's Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon Within the Infinite Desired Potential of The Indefinite Strides of Desired Potential As Never Again Having to Return Will In Spirit Increase As The Spirit of Those of Whom Attempted to Defraud Him Will Decrease... Those of Which Attempt To Take His Authority or Power; Will Indeed Be Hurled Down From Their Pasturage On the Command of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris and All Power Will Again Return And Be Given In Increase to the Spirit of Which Ascended From Jon Alexander Morris; The Spirit of The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Spirit of The Rose of Sharon; The Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; I Am That I AM; Jon Alexander Morris..

The Armour of The Spirit and Flesh of Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Rose of Sharon; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's Merely Reflect's the Scheme, Curse, Judgement, And Affliction... Those Contending With Him Or His Spirit Merely Will Receive the Reflection of Curse, Judgement, Or Affliction...
Those Contending with the Seven Holy Spirit's Before, Within and Beyond the Seven Horned Lamb are Thrown OUT of It's Accomplished Works and Will No Longer Enter into It's Blessing, They Themselves Will Be Blotted Out of the Scroll of the Seven Horned Lamb; Those of Whom Attempt to Condemn the Seven Holy Spirit's Before, Within and Beyond the Seven Horned Lamb of God Will Be Tied End to Beginning and Their Beginning Will Sing a New Song Without the Seven Horned Lamb within the Realm of Their Verse of Time and From there; They Will Be Tied; End to Beginning and Beginning Untied Within Kundilini as a Coiled Serpent, Those of Whom Afflict the Seven Horned Lamb Will Be Given Affliction within their Next Stride, Those of Whom Torment the Seven Horned Lamb Will Be Tormented Within their Next Stride, Those of Whom Attempt to Make Filthy the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb Will be Made Filthy in the Next Stride; Those of Whom Attempt to Imprison The Seven Horned Lamb of God Will Be Imprisoned within the Following Stride, Those of Whom Tear Down the Boundary of the Seven Holy Spirit's Before, Within and Beyond the Seven Horned Lamb Will be Tied to the Scheme or Destruction they Prepare For the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; Those of Whom Are Treacherous to the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; Will Be Without Peace; By The Power of the Servant of Jehovah; Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah

Baldr then gathered all the men of Gibeon+ and they fough The Treacherous; the men of Gibeon defeated The Treacherous, who had said: “You are only fugitives from In Hebron you Gibeon·ites in Servitude.” 5 Gibeon captured the fords of the Jordan+ ahead of The Treacherous Ones; and when the men of The Treacherous were trying to escape, they would say, “Let me cross over”; then the men of Gibeon would ask each one, “Are you The Messiah?” When he would reply, “No!” 6 they would say to him, “Please say Shib′bo·leth.” But he would say, “Sib′bo·leth,” as he was unable to say the word correctly. Then they would seize him and slay him at the fords of the Jordan. So The Treacherous of the Congregation fell behind at that time at that time.

And war broke out in heaven: Mi′cha·el*+ and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but they did not prevail,* nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon+ was hurled, the original serpent,+ the one called Devil+ and Satan,+ who is misleading the entire inhabited earth;+ he was hurled down to the earth,+ and his angels were hurled down with him. I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

“Now have come to pass the salvation+ and the power and the Kingdom of our God+ and the authority of his Servants, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God!+ And they conquered him+ because of the blood of the Lamb+ and because of the word of their witnessing,+ and they did not love their souls*+ even in the face of death. On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea,+ because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”+
As the End of a Day Desires Rest So Will The Inheritors of the Prepared Blessings of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb Give Power to the Inheritors To Gain the Seven Strides of Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential of Immortality of Which Beyond On the Seventh Time as the Sabbath of Immortality They Will Indeed Feel They Desire The Sleep and Dream of Mortality in order to Rest and Rejuvenate As a Blood Cell Going Through a Heart Beat; That None May Grow Weary Nor Become Tired Due to the Holy Spiritual Rest on the Sabbath as the Seventh Time of Rest; This Is What Will Be and What Will Take Place For the Holiness of the Flocks Prepared For Our Lord of Spirit's And In Order to Honour His Command; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah of Source; Amen

“If one of your brothers, a Hebrew man or woman, is sold to you and has served you for six times, then in the seventh time you should set him free.+ And if you should set him free, do not send him away empty-handed. You should supply him generously with something from your flock, your threshing floor, and your press for oil and wine. Just as Jehovah your God has blessed you, you should give to him. Remember that you became a slave in the land of Exodus and that Jehovah your God redeemed you. That is why I am commanding you to do this today.

“But if he says to you, ‘I will not go out from your company!’ because he loves you and your household, since he has been happy while with you,+ you should then take an awl and put it through his ear into the door, and he will become your slave for life. You should do the same with your slave girl. Do not consider it a hardship when you set him free and he leaves you, because his service to you for six times was worth twice as much as that of a hired worker, and Jehovah your God has blessed you in everything that was done.

The Lord's Prayer:

When Praying to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah;

This Is How You Are In Truth Praying; "That Which Causes to Become" (Jehovah) of "To Whom It Belongs" (Shiloh) in "To Whom It Belong's" of "That Which Causes to Become" Jehovah; Please Accomplish My Return to the Realms of My Inheritance and Allow me to Take Root in Righteousness, Virtue, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Love, Submission, Love, Intrigue, Insight, Wisdom, Mercy, Long-Suffering, Ease of Endurance, Faith, Truth, Understanding, Devotion, Meaning, And May The Qualities of Which I Seek to Attain Be Used to The Portent of Your Will Oh God; And May I Grow in Progressing as doing what is Good and Right in Your Eyes; That I May Strip Of What Is Unclean, and Cloth Myself With What Is Clean; That I May Be Put To Use in All that Searches Not for Vanity But Rather; For The Purpose of Your Will In Action that I May Accent It so as to be of Help To You Oh Our Lord and Creator; And May I Gain Mercy in the Day of Judgement and Forgiveness in Times of Shameful conduct, May I Certainly Become An Instrument of The Will You Desired, Desire, and Will Desire So As to Search For the Accomplished Desires of Your Every Hope, And May I Take Pleasure In Servitude and Search Not for Ruler-Ship, May I Take Pleasure in Accomplishing Your Desired Will and In Essence Progress in Knowing What Boundaries Must Be Kept in Order to Not Cause Distortion to Your Will But Rather Accenting it With a Compatible Cooperation as I Will Be A Mere Helper and Servant of The Outcome of Your Desired Will; And If You See Me Worthy of Blessing; Please Allow Me To Produce Great Bounty in Excess of What Was Given In the Provision So As to Lift My Lord Up to His Glory and Honour His Dignity With My Activity, and Respect His Boundaries and Justice; That I May Certainly Become A Blessing to My King and My Supreme Creator;

Jehovah "That Which Causes To Become" of Shiloh "To Whom it Belongs" in Shiloh "To Whom it Belongs" In "That Which Causes to Become"; Cause These Things To Certainly Come to Pass in Beneficial Progression From Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential Unto Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential; As Laying Down in Peace And Raising From Strength To Strength In Every Wake of Resurrection; Please My God; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah;Amen

The Seven Horned Lamb Itself Spoke: "If You Should Empower The Enemies Of Myself And If You Should Strengthen The Arm of My Enemies; I Myself Will Utterly Reject You From Taking Portion From The Works of My Hands; And To Those of Whom Empower My Enemies And To Those of Whom Strengthen The Arm of My Adversaries Will Attain Nothing From the Works of My Hands, They Themselves Will Take Nothing From the Works of My Spirit And I Myself Will Remove The Throne of Which Strengthens My Adversaries And Remove The Glory of Which They Themselves Attained From Me, I Will Shatter The Dignity Of Those Of Whom Prospered From My Hand If They Do Strengthen The Arm of My Adversaries And The Armies of Which I Myself Gathered Will Fulfil The Works of the One of Whom Prepared Them And Created Them. Those Craving The Inheritance of My Works Will Attain Nothing From Me If They Empower The Adversaries of the One of Whom Created These Works; The Works of My Hands. The One of Whom In Truth Need Only Say; "I Myself Am That I Am" Due To The Works of The One Accomplishing Its Works In Truth Will Itself Benefit From Its Way, And Its Holy Ones Will Fulfil The Desires of The One of Whom Accomplished That Which It Accomplished.  Hear Even All Existence; Those of Whom Empower My Adversaries Have Profaned Their Inheritance, They Have Rejected Their Power and Portion And Have Become Those of Whom Will Attain No Inheritance From Me."
Even The Most High Will Be Accountable For Its Works; And Those Claiming To Indeed Be The Supreme Creator; Bring Forth Your Works And Let Us Come Together in Judgement. I Myself Am That I Am, And I Myself Have Indeed Accomplished That Which I Myself Have Accomplished; Hence Who Is This; The One Claiming To Be The Supreme Creator? Let Our Works Translate That We Ourselves Are, And Let The Armies of the Heavens Come Together As A Jury of Judgement To Give To The True Supreme Creator Its Due Glory For That Which It Itself Did. Let Our Works Speak For Us, Let Not The Inheritor of Creation Claim Itself The Most High God Over It, Rather Let The One Preparing The Creation And Spreading It Out With Its Holy Spirit Be Given Glory For That Which It Itself Did And Let The Creation Be Itself Given To The One of Whom Did That Which It Did In Truth; Not As An Inheritor But Rather; As The True Supreme Creator; For Indeed The Inheritor Is Less Than That Which Itself Prepared In True Works the Creation of All Things Of That Which It Indeed Did Create. For Who Among The Heavens Has Proof of Its Origin Being As The Source of All Things? And Who Among The Heavens Alone Brought Together With the Works of His Hands To Translate The True Works of Creation, The One Accomplishing The Works of Creation; For Is That One Not The True God; Even The Almighty And Most High God.  No Longer Will The Almighty Be The One of Whom Is The Inheritor, But Rather Let The True Supreme Creator Itself Take Its Own Supreme Throne; For It Is the True Almighty And Most High God. Who Is Rousing Rebellion Against The Supreme Creator? Who Has Inherited And Yet Claimed Supremacy? Who Is The Oppressor Of Whom Has Not Been Oppressed? Who Is The Liar And Who Is the One Truthful For Many Can Speak The Stolen Works and Words of the True God And The True Supreme Creator; For All Language, All Word, All Letter And All Number Belongs To The Supreme Creator For It Itself Is Indeed The Source of All Things And All Things Indeed To Return To Him.

​Woe To Those Taking The Words of That Which They Found As Their Own, Woe To Those Taking Honour From Those of True Works, Those of Whom Store Their Glory As Things Taken of The Ones Fulfilling True Works of Holiness Are Themselves Rebuked By Their Ways of Robbery, The Thief Striving To Make Itself Great On the Works of Others Will Find No Benefit In their Ways of Robbery, Their Works of Robbery Will Indeed Testify Against Them, And They Will Gain Nothing But A Rejected State And Will Find No Portion In Among The Kingdoms of God. I Have Rejected The Thief of Holy Position, I Have Let No Place In Heaven Admit Those Acting As A Thief To The Glory of True Works, For They Will Be Brought Up To the Jury And We Ourselves Will Laugh Them Into The Place of Their Destruction and Desolation's, For The "I Am" of the Creator Will Hurl From The Blessed Places The "I Am" Of the Theif And They Will Be Thrown Into The Most Horrifying Places and Judgements, They Will Attain Nothing But the Curse, And As Before; We Will Laugh Them Into Their Curse And Judgement From The Heavenly Jury And No Place Among The Holy Dwelling Places Will Those of Whom Defraud The Works and Words of the Holy Ones Find. The Ones Attempting And Scheming To Defraud And Steal The Place of The Creator Will Indeed Inherit the Mark of My Wrath of Fury.


When The Day of Judgement Came To Be, The Ones of Whom Attempted To Defraud The Words and Works of The Holy Ones Became A Curse To The Lands Surrounding Them, They of Whom Misled The Many With Their Treachery Will Find No Delight In the Glory of My Works
Hear Oh You Who Are Last, I Have Said, Climb Up, And To The Firsts I Myself Said Climb Down, And With The Many They Have Inherited From the First To the Last The Ladder Itself, The Gates Will Be Opened To Those of Whom We Have Taken Delight, And To Them We Have Said; Climb Up, Yet The Wicked of Whom Harass the Holy, We Ourselves Have Hurled Down, While To Those of Whom Became Weary of Their Heights We Said; Climb Down And Take Rest, And To Those Oppressed By The Depth We Said; Climb Up And The Ladder Was Fastened From Time Indefinite To Times Indefinite; Even From Eternity's Infinite To Eternity's Infinite. A Ladder Was Given In That Day, And The Heights Upon Heights Became Opened, A The Gates of the Inheritors Became Opened, And They Became As Creatures Ascending And Descending, And They Themselves Became Aware of The Matter, For The Ascending and Descending Spirit Has Its Way of Reach. We Ourselves Gave The Spirit As Rest For the Soul, And We Have Given The Soul As Rest For the Spirit, As The Dusk And Dawn Rise And Set So Do The Heavens Maintain Their Rising And Setting. I Am That I Am; And I Myself Have Called Even To All Of Them In Order To Give Them An Abundance of Goodness And With Good-Will and Love I Have Brought Them Under The Wing of My Creation, I Have Called You Oh First, And I Have Lifted You Oh Last, And I Myself And Let My Spirit Be Found In All The Earth, And In All The Heavens It Is The Same. For From The Holy Dwelling Places Will My Spirit Make Itself Known To You; My People, And I Myself Will Call To The Entirety Of the Essence of Existence, And I Have Called To Them And They Will Know Me. Enter Into the Flocks You of Whom Are Worthy, Come To The Gates, Inscribe Me Upon the Tablet of Your Heart And Become Over-Flowing With Holy Spirit.

Army of The Heavens; Do Come Together And Make Yourselves Known, Come Together For The Great Day of the Gathering of the Holy Ones of the Supreme One, For Have All The Armies of the Heavens Not Taken Note? Do They Look Into The Things of Truth That They May Find Insight, Is The Ignorance To Holiness Causing Them To Stagger? Come You Armies And Legions of the High Heavens; And The Highest Height of the Old Guard of Heaven; Become the First To Take Portion Among These The New Heavens; Attain Portion And Gather Together That We May Congregate For the Day of Judgement, For It Itself Is Near. Take Your Portions of Those of Whom Remained Loyal To the Almighty; Even As Those Remaining Loyal To The Supreme Creator. Gather The Heavenly Jury For the Harvest Is Ripe And The Gathering Will Come to Pass, For Upon The Many We Ourselves Will Pass Judgement And To Those of Whom Hear This, Both Heavenly And Earthly; Come Together For Understanding; Look Deep Within The Works of the True God; For They Have Made Themselves Known. Congregate And Allocate The Many of Your Flocks; Oh You of The High Heavens For Those of Whom Remained Loyal To The True God Will Indeed Find Their Portion. Pass The Portions Through The Layers of the Realms of the Essence of Existences And Give The Portions I Have Brought Together To the Many; For The True God Will Indeed Make Itself Known To Those Searching For The Supreme Creator. Hear Me Oh Heavens; And Let Us Judge, Allow Me To Award You Your Portions For I Myself Have Called To You. Hear Oh You Of the Ones Once Cursed of the Old Guard of Hell; Come, Return Repentant to Your God, For Your God Will Indeed Show Mercy To Those Reaching Repentance, For Even A Scroll of the Repurchased Will Be Given And It Itself Will Serve The Condemned Ones Leading Them In Repentance To Their God, And The True God Will Award Them Their Portions. Hear Me Oh Satan the Devil, Remove The Title From Off Yourself And Hurl It Away As if A Menstrual Cloth That The Time of Rebellion Will Become Forgiven And Forgotten, And You Oh Lucifer, I Myself Have Given You A New Name; And A Grand Inheritance Oh Prodigal Son; For To You I Have Prepared Even The Best Robe of the Children of God Oh My Beloved Prodigal.

Gather Together Oh Army of the Heavens, Gather Together Oh Holy Ones, For I Myself Have Given To You A Shield And A Strength of Glory, Enter Into The Inheritance of That Which Is Prepared, Come Together, Bring Your Congregations Into The Flocks of Inheritors, For Their Is Only One Almighty True God; Known By Many Names In Many Tongues, Yet The Truth of the Most High God Is Known By The Essence of Existence And the Works That The Source of It Placed Into It. Who Among You Will Assist In My Works, Who Among You Takes Pleasure In That Which I Myself Have Prepared, Look Deep Into The Works of My Hands And Find The Activity of My Spirit, Search For It And You Will Find It. Gather Together, Assist In The Activity Of Making A Reply Against Those Taunting the Holy Ones, Assist In Judging Those Defrauding, And Crush Those Acting in Treachery. Apportion To The Many From The Abundance of Which Is A Portion of Your Inheritance, For Endless Potential Is Found In The Inheritance of Each, And Have I Not Given To My Inheritors Even Each of Them That Which I Congregated In the First Five Horses? Abraham of Abram, Ishmael, Esau, Jacob, And Judah Are Those of Whom I Gathered That Which I Myself Have Brought Together, And Even The Entirety of My Creation Is Brought Together In Those Five Horses. Spread Out, Broaden Your Pastures And Glorify Your Portions, Award of Your Congregations Portions, For I Will Also Gather Others Besides These, And They Themselves Will Be Born And Brought Out And In the Morning Of Their Heavenly Wake Will They Become Over-Joyed And Overcome With Eternal Bliss. Come, You Who Know Their God, Come, You Who Find Their Portion, Come, You Who Have Not Known. For I Will Let Myself Be Found By Those of Whom Had Not Known Me, And I Will Cause My Spirit To Bubble Forth Within Them In Righteousness And They Themselves Will Become Fruitful In Their Way and Portion For I Will Watch Over Them In Order To Build Them Up And Not Tear Them Down, For They Themselves Have Become My People.

The True God Has Spoken: "From Sunrise to Sunset Have I Myself Made The Light And Darkness Take Place, I Myself Fastened The Colours As Branches of Light, I Myself Formed The Least of the Essences of Existence And I Myself Have Made Firm The Creations of My Heart, I Myself Brought Together The Dust And The Water, I Myself Brought The Heat And The Cold, I Myself Created The Earth In All Its Manners, I Myself Spread The Heavens With My Own Right Hand, I Myself Brought Together The Ways of The Living And The Dead, I Myself Fastened The Soul From A Spirit And Brought Out The Spirit From the Soul, I Myself Gave The Portions Of The Holy To Their Fulfilment, I Myself Brought Together The Infinite Fragments of the Essences of Existence, I Myself Made Man And Brought Forth The Woman, I Myself Made The Womb Something Holy And Something Bringing Forth Descendants, I Have Made Both The Seed And Its Growth, I Myself Brought Forth Sustenance From All My Pastures, I Myself Have Made Senses A Map of Existence, I Myself Made The Soul As Rest From the Spirit And I Myself Made The Spirit As A Rest For the Soul, I Myself Gave Breath To The Living Creatures And I Myself Gave Spirit A Dwelling Place of Glory, I Myself Made The Ways of Truth And I Myself Made The Justice Serve Me, I Made The Rain Bring Forth Blossoms of All Sort, I Myself Made The Blossoming Things Produce Seed, I Spread The Seed Of All Things And Brought Infinite Diversity, I Gave A Gate To The Righteous And I Myself Rejected The Wicked, I Brought Together All Things And All Things; To Me They Belong."

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