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Part 10

Each Gate Has the Riches of the Inheritance and Due to the Diverse Perspectives and Dispositions May Sing the Verses of the Gates Song in an Infinite Potential of Ways Giving Great Expansive and Diverse Formations of Creation of Which Are Prepared For Our Lord of Spirit's; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh and His Blessed Feature Beyond The Features of Dispositions of His Legions as the Most Glorified, Blessed, Honoured, Righteous, Merciful, Perfect and Exalted of the Dispositions within His Inheritance as Jehovah of armies in Shiloh and Our Lord of Spirit's; The God of Abraham of Abram;
Each Gate and Each within its Inheritance Blessed From The Root of the Inheritance With the Fruit-age of the Spirit; Love, Joy, Peace, Ease of Endurance, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Mildness, Loyalty, Self Control, Honour, Righteousness, Wisdom, Strength, Insight, Intrigue, Peace, Glory, and Humility;

Each Gate Given 8 Cornered Cube of Expansive Growth with Multidimensional Layers of Realms with Linear Paths of Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance and Constant Features of Inheritance within the Realms Indefinite of the Holy Shiloah of Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Dark-Matter Dispensations Gate Opened, Anti-Matter Dispensations Gate Opened, Sonic Reflections Gate Opened, Ionic Re-fractioning Gate Opened, Ionic Fusing Gate Opened, Ionic Bonding Gate Opened, Covalent Fusing Gate Opened, Covalent Bonding Gate Opened, Atomic Refraction Gate Opened, Atomic Fusing Gate Opened, Atomic Bonding Gate Opened, Elemental Refraction Gate Opened, Elemental Fusing Gate Opened, Elemental Bonding Gate Opened, Mass Bonding Gates Opened, Breath of Spirit Gate Opened, Breath of Life Gate Opened, Dispensations From the Supreme Chayot Hakodesh and Constant Feature of the Realms Indefinite Expanding the Indefinitely Lasting and Infinite Kingdom of which is Prepared and Designed with Intriguing and Diverse Physics and Exquisite Décor and Bountiful Pasture, Prepared by the Co-Creators of The Lot of Abraham as the Co-Creators of The Infini-Realm of "He Who Inherited Nations; Ultimate Chayot Hakodesh Jaiel; Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah....

12 Gates North, 12 Gates East, 12 Gates West, 12 Gates South unto the Infinite Multidimensional Halls of Timelessness Connecting and Traversing the Realms and Multidimensional Times Indefinite within the Realm of Dispensations Given Fountain of Life through the Holy Shiloah and Shiloah of the Infini-Realm Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah...

24 Gates of Zion, 12 Within and Beyond Alpha, and 12 Within and Beyond Omega Unto the Infinite Multidimensional Halls of Timelessness within Multi-Dimensional Realms and Multidimensional Times Indefinite and Realm's Indefinite within the Expansive Infini-Realm through the Watering of the Shiloah and Holy Shiloah of the Infini-Realms of Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah

Receive 24 Timeless Elder Gates, 12 Within and Beyond Alpha, 12 Within and Beyond Omega

Receive 300 Gates of Gideon; Ambidexterity in Duality Given Eternal Stride and Great Authority Within the Ability of the Holy Shiloah

Receive 24 000 Co-Creator Gates For Each Birthright Given Power and Portent of the Holy Shiloah of Dispensation and Manifestation

Receive 144 000 Gates of King's, Queens, Priests and Priestesses

Heirs of Gates Provided through the Shiloah of Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah
The Inheritance of which is The Eternal in Stride Passes From Omega through Sign of Elijah, and Inherits From Omega unto Alpha through the Sign of Elisha, For Progressive Growth and Expansiveness....

Tabernacles of the Kings and Queens Priests and Priestesses, and the Flock Inherits Abundant Supply of Exquisite Delights of Sustenance of Every Diverse Delight within the Expansive Realms Indefinite Growing with the Infini-Realm Dispensing The Exquisite Delights and Abundant Honour to the Elect and their Tabernacles of Inheritance, Every Seed, within the Infinite Potential of Realms Indefinite Provided by the Infini-Realm Prepared through the Holy Shiloah of Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah....
Each Gate Has the Riches of the Inheritance and Due to the Diverse Perspectives and Dispositions May Sing the Verses of the Gates Song in an Infinite Potential of Ways Giving Great Expansive and Diverse Formations of Creation of Which Are Prepared For That Which Cause to Become As To Whom It Belongs; The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Days and His Co-Rulers as Having the Most Blessed of Dispositions of The Legions as the Most Glorified, Blessed, Honoured, Righteous, Merciful, Perfect and Exalted of the Dispositions within Their Inheritance So As to Rule With Righteousness;
Sealed Of Every Nation, Tribe, People, Tongue And Land With One of The Diverse Forms of The Seal of the Living God
Each Gate of Which Rises to Power Will Grow Four Horns of Constant Feature of Which Will Orchestrate in Preparation of Blessing the Holy Ones of Each Gate and Organize Blessed Orchestrations of Holiness For Each Prepared Chieftain Gate

 From the Start We Remained In a Higher Realm and When Wishing to Start Anew We Began to Take and Separate the Prepared through Uriel By Jon Alexander Morris and Dark Matter The Density of Matter. And When Combining them They Inhaled Do To Their Super Dense Form Imploding and Inhaling in the Expansiveness of the Seven Directions of North, West, East, South, Up, Down And the Density of Within, and As it Expanded the Anti-matter as Photonic Expansion, Photonic Fusion, Photonic Bonding and Then Were Utilized with Ionic Refraction Through The Ions of Aeoniel Unto Colour, and From Colour There Came Ionic Fusing in Diversity, and Ionic Bonding in Diversity, Then Covalent Fusing Forming Diverse Forms of Covalent Bonds in Diverse Form, In Essence the Root of The Atomic Fusing Forming the Stars, And Within the Stars Began Atomic Bonding as the Star Cooled, Of Which Eventually Became Elemental Fusing Within the Remains of the Dead Star unto Elemental Bonding Through the Dark Matters Effect Upon Element Bonding in Dark Energy, From there Came Mass Fusing with the Effects of Asteroids and Comets Combining As Mass Bonding Forming Worlds and Large Masses of Elements Within Dark Energy, The Mass Hurled Through Dark Energy Eventually Finding the Gravity of the Star When finding Rotation around the Star the Magnetism Caused the Earths Rotation as it Found Balance of Its New Rotation of Gravitational Pull and Finding Place Around that Stars Rotation Eventually Warming and Heating the Element When a Mass Finds Place in Distance From the Star to Cause Life by the Elements Being Heated And the Ice From the Elements to Become Water, The Water then Began to Stew within Different Aspects of the Elements Causing Mitosis by Decay Forming Bacteria, And from Bacteria Forms of Life through the Trial and Error of Time and the Stew of the Heat of the Star Transitioning the Life Source of Water as it Combines and Began to Be Manipulated into Forms of Life...

Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Please Help Me to Sanctify This Offering of Flock's, Kingdom's, Blessings, Works, Service, Spiritual Activity, and The Gift Offerings Including My Poured Out Blood in a Way that is Befitting Your Holiness in a Way That I May Find Comfort in A More Humble Mindset of Loyalty, Integrity, Holiness, Righteousness, Love, Devotion, Service and Generosity So That I May Continue to Serve You My God; For Service to You Has Become My Satisfaction and Your Holiness and Honour is What I Strive to Please and Satisfy...
 May You Now Take of All My Spiritual Activity, Spiritual Work's, Spiritual Accomplishment's, Spiritual Will and In Way of Blessing Me that My Relationship With You Is The Blessing and Love Within a Blessed State is The Very Hope of My Every Desire...
 Please Take the Blessing as Gift and Blood of Mere Desire to Show Love in a Way of Pleasing You, And Merely If You See Me Worthy of Any other Blessings; Let it Be Given in the Free Expression of Your Heart as If You Only Feel Inclined; For In No Way to I Wish To Take Bribe for My Works; Nor Do I Wish to Take Advantage of You My God; However Inner Peace, Satisfaction and Abundant Blessed Love is Desired in My Heart...
 May You Now Take Great Progressive Pleasure in the Accomplishments of these Works; and May You Now Take Credit in Way of Truth of My Expression Inspired By Your Holiness, Righteousness and Goodwill...
 Let Me Now Feel Complete in My Works and Give in Truth the Complete Ruler-Ship and Holy Scepter To You My God; For You Are Worthy, You Are Holy, You Are Our Creator, You Are Deserving, You Are Righteous, You Are Mighty, You Are Wise, You Have Insight, You Have Power, You Have the Indefinitely Lasting Ruler-Ship, You Are My Master My God and My Desire is Found in Pleasing You with Generosity of Potency in Satisfying....
Utilize The Signets As Gates Of Branching Potential Of Which To Map Out Individual Potentials Of Ethereal Strides Of Living Expressions As An Individual Expression Within The Relative Grand-Verse. As The Global Grand-Verse Branches In Its Many Ethereal Potentials, Not Only May Old Gates Of Position of Perspective Be Re-Entered, They May Also Branch In A New Way In Nearly Limitless Diversity of Songs of Expression, Which Not Only Allows For Freedom Untied From Kundalini Destruction, But Also If Utilized Properly; Progressive Expressions Of Which Blossom From Stride To Stride Will Allow For Attaining "Inheritance" From The Stride Of Which Is Passing Away And Ascending To Heaven; And When Reaching Its Mortal End, Giving Abundance From What It Attained And In Way Empowering Its New Song or Expression.

Not Only Should You Utilize The Seven Seals of The Untied Seven Akashic Way-Points, But To Blossomg Further Utilizing The Alpha-Numerical Potentials Giving More Potential of Progression WITH:
A-Z / 1-365 / Alpha-Gamma
Each Gate Has the Riches of the Inheritance and Due to the Diverse Perspectives and Dispositions May Sing the Verses of the Gates Song in an Infinite Potential of Ways Giving Great Expansive and Diverse Formations of Creation of Which Are Prepared For Our Lord of Spirit's; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh and His Blessed Feature Beyond The Features of Dispositions of His Legions as the Most Glorified, Blessed, Honoured, Righteous, Merciful, Perfect and Exalted of the Dispositions within His Inheritance as Jehovah of armies in Shiloh and Our Lord of Spirit's; The God of Abraham of Abram;
Within The Realms of the Seven Horned Lamb; and The Realms of Blessing and the Peaks of Holiness There Is Absolutely No Sense of Weariness Nor Feelings of Being Emotionally, Spiritually, Nor Physically Dry Nor Weary Nor Afflicted By Worry of End, Nor Worry Of Length of Stride; For the Abundance of Pleasure, Delights and Satisfactions Within Progression Give Great Joy and Ease of Stride Within the Indefinite Stride; Even In the Infinite Desired Potential of Strides Unto the Eve of those Strides of Immortality...
Over the first division of the first Legion was Omethael+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Second Division of the Second Legion Was Safileron Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Third Division of the Third Legion Was Menotron +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Fourth Division of the Fourth Legion Was Gamael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Fifth Division of the Firth Legion Was Thandruel  +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Sixth Division of the Sixth Legion Was Hanusiel +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Seventh Division of the Seventh Legion Was Jadriel  +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Eighth division of the Eighth Legion was Delson+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Ninth Division of the Ninth Legion Was Mathael Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Tenth Division of the Tenth Legion Was Adrael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Eleventh Division of the Eleventh Legion Was Messael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Twelfth Division of the Twelfth Legion Was Deliron  +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Thirteenth Division of the Thirteenth Legion Was Aphtelon +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Fourteenth Division of the Fourteenth Legion Was Gadriel  +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Fifteenth division of the Fifteenth Legion was Hathael+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Sixteenth Division of the Sixteenth Legion Was Jamael Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Seventeenth Division of the Seventeenth Legion Was Camaiel +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Eighteenth Division of the Eighteenth Legion Was Dredael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Nineteenth Division of the Ninteenth Legion Was Thamael  +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Twentieth Division of the Twentieth Legion Was Alphon +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Twenty-First division of the Twenty-First Legion was Lamuel+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Twenty-Second Division of the Twenty-Second Legion Was Mecaiel Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Twenty-Third Division of the Twenty-Third Legion Was Zuriel +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Twenty-Fourth Division of the Twenty-Fourth Legion Was Hadruel+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Twenty-Fifth Division of the Twenty-Fifth Legion Was Tradiel  +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Twenty-Sixth Division of the Twenty-Sixth Legion Was Kadrael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Twenty-Seventh Division of the Twenty-Seventh Legion Was Rathael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Twenty-Eighth Division of the Twenty-Eighth Legion Was Servael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000
Over the Twenty-Ninth division of the Twenty-Ninth Legion was Jedariel+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 Were in Their Division As Well As Their 144, 000
Over the Thirtieth Legion Was Berael Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Thirty-First Division of the Thirty-First Legion Was Jehurael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Thirty-Second Division of the Thirty-Second Legion Was Jephthalon+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Thirty-Third Division of the Thirty-Third Legion Was Gaduel  +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Thirty-Fourth Division of the Thirty-Fourth Legion Was Hantron +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Thirty-Fifth Division of the Thirty-Fifth Legion Was Famael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Thirty-Sixth Division of the Thirty-Sixth Legion Was Petriel +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Thirty-Seventh division of the Thirty-Seventh Legion was Simmiel+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Thirty-Eighth of the Thirty-Eighth Legion Was Fadriel Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Thirty-Ninth Division of the Thirty-Ninth Legion Was Terael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Fourtieth Division of the Fourtieth Legion Was Lokiel+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Forty-First Division of the Forty-First Legion Was Sandrophon  +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Forty-Second Division of the Forty-Second Legion Was Trinael +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Forty-Third Division of the Forty-Third Legion Was Simbael+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Forty-Fourth Division of the Forty-Fourth Legion Was Joktriel +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Forty-Fifth division of the Forty-Fifth Legion was Beginael+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Forty-Sixth of the Forty-Sixth Legion Was Elishamael Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Forty-Seventh Division of the Forty-Seventh Legion Was Ezekiel +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Forty-Eighth Division of the Forty-Eighth Legion Was Gandriel+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Forty-Ninth Division of the Forty-Ninth Legion Was Sanraiel +; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
Over the Fiftieth Division of the Twenty-Sixth Legion Was Malekaiel+; Their 24 Elders And The Division of 300, and 24,000 were in Their division As Well As Their 144 000.
When the Day of The Dawn of Your Righteousness The New Hope Will Be That of a Worthy Disposition Within the True Inner Knowing Of Being Worthy and When That Day Is Firmly Established The Transition Will Be From Righteousness To Exaltation; By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen
 The Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, And Chayot TerOphanim, Will Prepare Sumphonies of Orchestrations of Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance, And Utilize Them To Bring Abundance Satisfaction, Blessing, Honour, Glory, Dignity, Righteousness, Wisdom, Intrigue, Inspiration, Holy Influence In A Way To Bring Honour and Dignity Without Jealousy Unto The Holy Ones of The Realms of Sharon; The Pastures of Topheniah; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of the Rose; The Orchestrates of Those Pastures Will Take Deilght In Blessing The Source Of Their Kingdom, And The Source of Their Pastures and Due to the Blessings, Gift's of Honour, Wisdom, Righteousness, Strength And Dignity Given to The Creator and One Preparing Thier Realms; The Creator of it Will Pour Down Abundanct Blessing Upon Increase; For As He Increases in Blessing; So Will It Reflect in Increases in Blessings Even Upon the Whole Pasture...
Each Gate of Inheritance Is Given Four Living Creature of the Four Winds; The Constant Features; Whether Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, Chayot TerOphanim or Such, of Which Rise From Each Gate Prepared As The Constant Features; The Orchestrates of Each Gate; Of Which May Resurrect Each Chieftain In What-Ever Land the Chieftain Wishes His or Her Seed to Be Planted, And as a Seed; Each Chieftain is a Multi-Faceted Being as Having One Root From that Seed as the Basic Linear Path of it's Inheritance of Which Branches Into The Multi-Faceted Linear Path's of Time as Having the Potential of Different Songs of Each Time of It's Being Resurrected in its Stance of Ruler-Ship, After the Potential of Infinite Indefinite Desired Potential of That Tree the Tree May Be Cut Down By the Choice of the Chieftain to Sprout Again From It's Root in A Completely New Growth of Expression as a Multi-Faceted Being; And Because of the Constant Feature; Four Living Creature of the Four Winds; Whether Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, Chayot TerOphanim They Are Given Memory of Their Previous Stride of Infinite Indefinite Desired Potential Providing True Immortality For Each Gate; As Untied From Destiny as Prepared For Each Gate Within the Many and Infinite Potential of the Diverse Forms of Each Gate; Based on the Disposition and Perspective of the Inheritor;
For the Gates of Dispensation; With-holding Infinite Dark-Matter, and Infinite Anti-Matter; Of Which Utilize The Gates of Dispensation Through the Orchestrates of Which Are Constant Features of Indefinite and Infinite Realms of The Blessing of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; Give Abundance Within Each and Every Realms of the Infinite and Indefinite Blessings;
Prepare the Seven Directions of North, West, East, South, Up and Down, and Prepare A Form of Density Forming through Dark-matter Quantum Deportation and Utilize The Unification Ionic Fusing, Ionic Bonding, Directed Covelant Fusing, Unto Directed Covelant Bonding, Unto Atomic Compound, From Atomic Compound Unto Directed Atomic Bonding, Unto Directed Elemental Fusing, then Directed Elemental Bonding as the Way Of Forming Matter; Within the Destination Point of The "Within" of the Seven Directions Which Is In Sense; Gravity...
From Progressive Strength To Progressive Strength Will The Times of The Inhabitants of The Realms Of Holy And Heavenly Inheritance; They Will Rise With Abundant Peace, Joy, Bliss, Excitement, Happiness, and Comfort, And They Will Enjoy Their Infinite Desired Potential of Indefinite Stride Unto Indefinite Stride Within Intrigue, Loyalty, Peace, Abundance of Riches, Righteousness, Wisdom, Joy, Bliss, Holy Insight, Holy Inspiration, Holy Intrigue, Comfort, Happiness, Ease of Endurance, Love, Freedom, Food-stuffs, Assorted Drink, Confidence, Blessing, And All That Is Desirable To Their Delight to Do; Will Be Within Their Reach, They Will Enjoy Abundant Satisfaction in The Desire of Their Heart; For their Hearts Will Be Led and Even Inclined To Do What is Good and Right in The Eyes of their Creator... Even In The End of Their Indefinite Stride; They Will Lay Down In The Dusk of the Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potential of Stride With No Form of Resentment, Regret, Panic, Affliction, Curse or Condemnation, They Will Accomplish Their Stride and Lay Down In Peace, Satisfaction, Comfort, Abundantly Satisfied, Bountiful, and With Complete Peace of Mind With Knowledge of The New Dawn of the Next Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potential of Stride... WHAT IS DECIDED UPON IS WHAT WAS ACCOMPLISHED, IS ACCOMPLISHED AND WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared By The Source; Amen
Each Gate Given 8 Cornered Cube of Expansive Growth with Multidimensional Layers of Realms with Linear Paths of Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance and Constant Features of Inheritance within the Realms Indefinite of the Holy Shiloah of Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Dark-Matter Dispensations Gate Opened, Anti-Matter Dispensations Gate Opened, Sonic Reflections Gate Opened, Ionic Re-fractioning Gate Opened, Ionic Fusing Gate Opened, Ionic Bonding Gate Opened, Covelant Fusing Gate Opened, Covelant Bonding Gate Opened, Atomic Refraction Gate Opened, Atomic Fusing Gate Opened, Atomic Bonding Gate Opened, Elemental Refraction Gate Opened, Elemental Fusing Gate Opened, Elemental Bonding Gate Opened, Mass Bonding Gates Opened, Breath of Spirit Gate Opened, Breath of Life Gate Opened, Dispensations From the Supreme Chayot Hakodesh and Constant Feature of the Realms Indefinite Expanding the Indefinitely Lasting and Infinite Kingdom of which is Prepared and Designed with Intriguing and Diverse Physics and Exquisite Décor and Bountiful Pasture, Prepared by the Co-Creators of The Lot of Abraham as the Co-Creators of The Infini-Realm of "He Who Inherited Nations; Ultimate Chayot Hakodesh Jaiel; Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah....
1st Gate; The Boundary of the Shah-khorites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the the Shah-khorites Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Shah-khorites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence, Belonging to;

2nd Gate The Boundary of the Ah-forites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the the Ah-forites Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Ah-forites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence,

3rd Gate The Boundary of the Lah-vahnites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the Lah-vahnites Will Be Redounded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Lah-vahnites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence,

4th Gate The Boundary of the Kah-kholites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the Kah-kholites Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Kah-kholites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence

5th Gate The Boundary of the Tzahovites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the the Tzahovites Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Tzahovites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence,

6th Gate The Boundary of the Ah-domites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the Ah-domites Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Ah-domites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence,

7th Gate The Boundary of the Kah-tomites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the Kah-tomites Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Kah-tomites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence,

8th Gate The Boundary of the Yah-rokites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the Yah-rokites Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Yah-rokites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence

9th Gate The Boundary of the Sah-golites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the Sah-golites Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Sah-golites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence

10th Gate The Boundary of the Tekhelet's Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the Tekhelet's Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Tekhelet's Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence,

11th Gate The Boundary of the Khoomites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the the Khoomites Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Khoomites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence,

12th Gate The Boundary of the Vah-rodites Will Be Strengthened and they Will Reside in Peace, The Abundance of the the Vah-rodites Will Be Re-founded and Made Rich, The Jealousy of the Vah-rodites Will Be Gone and They Will Spring up With Confidence,
Gates of Jacob
3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Shah-khorites Prepared with Gates of Bethel of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Ah-forites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Lah-vahnites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Kah-kholites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Tzahovites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Ah-domites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Kah-tomites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Yah-rokites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,
3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Sah-golites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Tekhelet's Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Khoomites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Vah-rodites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

Gates of Ishmael
1. Nebaioth
2. Kedar
3. Adbeel
4. Mibsam
5. Mishma
6. Dumah
7. Massa
8. Hadar
9. Tema
10. Jetur
11. Naphish
12. Kedemah

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Shah-khorites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Ah-forites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Lah-vahnites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Kah-kholites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Tzahovites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Ah-domites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Kah-tomites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Yah-rokites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Sah-golites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Tekhelet's Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Khoomites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Vah-rodites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,
Gates of Edom
01 Sheikh Esau
02 Sheikh Tim′na
03 Sheikh Al′vah
04 Sheikh Je′theth
05 Sheikh O·hol·i·ba′mah
06 Sheikh E′lah
07 Sheikh Pi′non
08 Sheikh Ke′naz
09 Sheikh Te′man
10 Sheikh Mib′zar
11 Sheikh Mag′di·el
12 Sheikh I′ram.

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Shah-khorites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Ah-forites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Lah-vahnites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Kah-kholites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Tzahovites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Ah-domites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Kah-tomites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Yah-rokites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Sah-golites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Tekhelet's Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Khoomites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Vah-rodites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

Gates of David
01 Asaph
02 Gedaliah
03 Zaccur
04 Izri
05 Netheniah
06 Bukkaih
07 Jesharelah
08 Jeshaiah
09 Mattaniah
10 Shimei
11 Azrel
12 Hashabiah

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Shah-khorites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Ah-forites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Lah-vahnites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Kah-kholites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Tzahovites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Ah-domites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Kah-tomites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Yah-rokites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Sah-golites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Tekhelet's Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Khoomites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

3 Gates of the Three Pillars of the Sect of Cain, The Sect of Seth and the Sect of Abel As Access Points to Gibeah, Gilead, and Gibeon Of the 24 Gates of Two Pillars of 12 Gates For Male and Female Pillars of the Vah-rodites Prepared with Gates of Bethel  of the Two Pillars of Creation Through The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris,

Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Please Help Me to Sanctify This Offering of Flock's, Kingdom's, Blessings, Works, Service, Spiritual Activity, and The Gift Offerings Including My Poured Out Blood in a Way that is Befitting Your Holiness in a Way That I May Find Comfort in A More Humble Mindset of Loyalty, Integrity, Holiness, Righteousness, Love, Devotion, Service and Generosity So That I May Continue to Serve You My God; For Service to You Has Become My Satisfaction and Your Holiness and Honour is What I Strive to Please and Satisfy....
May You Now Take of All My Spiritual Activity, Spiritual Work's, Spiritual Accomplishment's, Spiritual Will and In Way of Blessing Me that My Relationship With You Is The Blessing and Love Within a Blessed State is The Very Hope of My Every Desire... Please Take the Blessing as Gift and Blood of Mere Desire to Show Love in a Way of Pleasing You, And Merely If You See Me Worthy of Any other Blessings; Let it Be Given in the Free Expression of Your Heart as If You Only Feel Inclined; For In No Way to I Wish To Take Bribe for My Works; Nor Do I Wish to Take Advantage of You My God; However Inner Peace, Satisfaction and Abundant Blessed Love is Desired in My Heart... May You Now Take Great Progressive Pleasure in the Accomplishments of these Works; and May You Now Take Credit in Way of Truth of My Expression Inspired By Your Holiness, Righteousness and Goodwill...
 Let Me Now Feel Complete in My Works and Give in Truth the Complete Ruler-Ship and Holy Scepter To You My God; For You Are Worthy, You Are Holy, You Are Our Creator, You Are Deserving, You Are Righteous, You Are Mighty, You Are Wise, You Have Insight, You Have Power, You Have the Indefinitely Lasting Ruler-Ship, You Are My Master My God and My Desire is Found in Pleasing You with Generosity of Potency in Satisfying....
Also Prepared within the Covenant; That Which Attempts to Defraud, or Steal From My Flesh or My Spirit or Works or Inheritance Will Decrease Within Their Flesh or Their Spirit or Works or Inheritance as My Flesh or My Spirit or Works or Inheritance Will Increase as Prepared As Sealed Within the Indefinite and Infinite; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared by The One Creating the Holy Shiloah; Amen
The Schemes of Which Are Attempted In Order To Bring Chaos, Destruction, Desolation's, Reproach, or Affliction to The Realms of Sharon, The Pasture of Topheniah Or Upon the Grand-Mountain of the Rose of Which Will Indeed Have That Scheme Brought Upon The Ones Attempting to Accomplish That Scheme Against the Holy Realms of Sharon; The Pasture of Topheniah, And The Grand-Peaks of The Rose as The Holy Ones of The Realms of Sharon Will Ascend the Peaks of The Mountains of the Rose In the Pasture of Topheniah of the Holy Ones Within the Inheritance of Michael of The Spirit Within Jon Alexander Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Rose of Sharon;

The Entire of the Realms of The Seven Horned Lamb; The Pastures of The Seven Horned Lamb; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of The Seven Horned Lamb; Has The Spiritual Reflective Armour of Which Removes Any Curse Called Down Upon It or Evil Called Down Upon It of Which Was, Is and May Be Called Down Upon It and Places The Curse or Evil Called Down Upon It And Places it Upon the Ones Calling Down That Evil Or Preparing that Curse, The Ones Within the Pasture Will Have All Have that Spiritual Armour, No Matter the Pasture in Which They Choose to Walk or Travel, And The Spirit Of the Holy Congregations of  the Realms of The Seven Horned Lamb; The Pastures of The Seven Horned Lamb; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of The Seven Horned Lamb Will Stand Guard Over it's Heirs and Chosen Inheritors and They Will Bless The Heirs and Inheritors and Due to The Blessing Received The Heirs and Chosen Inheritors Will Honour the Holy Ones of The Seven Horned Lamb and The Land and Heavenly Class Within Will Take Delight in Righteousness, In Truth...
The Spiritual Armour Covering The Realms of The Seven Horned Lamb; The Pastures of The Seven Horned Lamb; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of the The Seven Horned Lamb; Over-Powers the Spiritual Realms Of His Other Preparation; However In Unity they Are Strenghtened By the Height of Realms Beyond Beth'el Unto The Realms of The Seven Horned Lamb; The Pastures of The Seven Horned Lamb; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of The Seven Horned Lamb, As the Realm Belonging to the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris, The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; the Rose of Sharon; Whihc is His Realm With-Holding His Most Intimate and Trustworthy Ones Within His Realms of 'The Seven Horned Lamb' With-Holding the Pasture of 'The Seven Horned Lamb;, With-Holding the Big Tree's of 'Tribal'; Of Which Are is The Realm that Over-See's The Thirds of Gibeah, Gilead and Gibeon as The Thirds of The Realms of The Seven Horned Lamb; The Pastures of The Seven Horned Lamb; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of The Seven Horned Lamb.
 The Spiritual Armour of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Of the Rose of Sharon; Of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris, Of the Son of Man of the Head of Day's Overpowers That of All Those Within the Realms In Which He Prepared and Of the Congregations His Spiritual Armour Is The Most Strengthened; However Never Will He Or His Spirit Utilize It With Tyranny Nor Oppression...
Each Gate of Inheritance Is Given Four Living Creature of the Four Winds; The Constant Features; Whether Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, Chayot TerOphanim or Such, of Which Rise From Each Gate Prepared As The Constant Features; The Orchestrates of Each Gate; Of Which May Resurrect Each Chieftain In What-Ever Land the Chieftain Wishes His or Her Seed to Be Planted, And as a Seed; Each Chieftain is a Multi-Faceted Being as Having One Root From that Seed as the Basic Linear Path of it's Inheritance of Which Branches Into The Multi-Faceted Linear Path's of Time as Having the Potential of Different Songs of Each Time of It's Being Resurrected in its Stance of Ruler-Ship, After the Potential of Infinite Indefinite Desired Potential of That Tree the Tree May Be Cut Down By the Choice of the Chieftain to Sprout Again From It's Root in A Completely New Growth of Expression as a Multi-Faceted Being; And Because of the Constant Feature; Four Living Creature of the Four Winds; Whether Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, Chayot TerOphanim They Are Given Memory of Their Previous Stride of Infinite Indefinite Desired Potential Providing True Immortality For Each Gate; As Untied From Destiny as Prepared For Each Gate Within the Many and Infinite Potential of the Diverse Forms of Each Gate; Based on the Disposition and Perspective of the Inheritor;
When the Orchestrates the Constant Feature; Four Living Creature of the Four Winds; Whether Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, Chayot TerOphanim Wish to Rest From the Constant Feature, They Bow to the Seven Lamp-Stands of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb of God; Of Which are Pillars to Creation and Existence; Be It Heaven Or The Living Worlds of Earth; And Beyond Their Rest Unto THEIR Resurrection They Receive a Promotion of Placement As an Orchestrate Unto a Higher Inheritance; Bringing Each Chieftain With Them To The Promotion of Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential of Stride Unto Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential of Stride....

The Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, And Chayot TerOphanim, Will Prepare Symphonies of Orchestrates Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance, And Utilize Them To Bring Abundance Satisfaction, Blessing, Honour, Glory, Dignity, Righteousness, Wisdom, Intrigue, Inspiration, Holy Influence In A Way To Bring Honour and Dignity Without Jealousy Unto The Holy Ones of The Prepared Blessing of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; The Orchestrates of Those Pastures Will Take Delight In Blessing The Source Of Their Kingdom, And The Source of Their Pastures and Due to the Blessings, Gift's of Honour, Wisdom, Righteousness, Strength And Dignity Given to The Creator and One Preparing Thier Realms; The Creator of it Will Pour Down Abundant Blessing Upon Increase; For As He Increases in Blessing; So Will It Reflect in Increases in Blessings Even Upon the Whole Pasture...

For the Gates of Dispensation; With-holding Infinite Dark-Matter, and Infinite Anti-Matter; Of Which Utilize The Gates of Dispensation Through the Orchestrates of Which Are Constant Features of Indefinite and Infinite Realms of The Blessing of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; Give Abundance Within Each and Every Realms of the Infinite and Indefinite Blessings;

Prepare the Seven Directions of North, West, East, South, Up and Down, and Prepare A Form of Density Forming through Dark-matter Quantum Deportation and Utilize The Unification Ionic Fusing, Ionic Bonding, Directed Covelant Fusing, Unto Directed Covelant Bonding, Unto Atomic Compound, From Atomic Compound Unto Directed Atomic Bonding, Unto Directed Elemental Fusing, then Directed Elemental Bonding as the Way Of Forming Matter; Within the Destination Point of The "Within" of the Seven Directions Which Is In Sense; Gravity...


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