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Part 4

Our God May Even Be In Form As In Essence Saying "THE CREATION HAS ITSELF BEEN, IT IS AND WHAT BLOSSOMS FROM IT WILL ITSELF BE. FOR FROM THE ROUSING OF THE FINALE WILL THE NEW BEGINNING ITSELF FIND THE NEW SEED OF THIS CREATION; AND AS ENERGY EXISTS, SO WILL THE RISE OF THE LIGHTS OF THIS CREATION REMAIN OPEN TO ONCE AGAIN INITIATE THE RELATIVE CREATION TO ALLOW ITS EFFECT TO GROW IN NEW PATHS FROM INFINITE ETERNITY UNTO INFINITE ETERNITY." And As A Fulfilled Effect Of Works Under the Almighty True And Most High God as What I Myself Have Accomplished And Even As A Stance of Humble Co-Creation To  Awaken My God From Its First Rise Even Unto Its Finale Within The Relativity Of Relative Realm; Even Unto Its Designed Reaches As Ascended To Its Following Height Will I Myself Lift Even My God, And Even The Ones Loyal To The Supreme Creator Even All My Holy Ones Will They Be Lifted Up; Even From Eternal Infinite Rise To Eternal Infinite Rise. For Our God May Have Entered Into This Form To Create; Yet This Humble Creature Of Which I Am Dwelling Does Itself Love Its Own God, And Will Itself Even Once Again Bow Low And To Hand The Scepter of Its Expansive Will, Works, Creations And That Which Blossoms From Them To The Hand of the Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

The Fools Within This Lowly Expanse of Relativity At Times Fight For The Power of the Almighty; However The True God, Even The Most High God Has Itself Forbidden The Taking of The Knowledge of God, The Ones of Whom Attempt To Claim Themselves As The Almighty Will Themselves Become Rejected From Entering The Glory of the Blessings of the Holy and Heavenly Inheritance, For They Have No Knowledge of God; And Are Themselves Godless; For Their Claims Will Cause Their Fall And Their Treachery Will Itself Be Broken Without Potential For Its Mend. The Daughters of Creation Will Know Their God; For The True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Has Spoken; "Proclaim, Women are a Mighty Army In the Hand of the Most High God Speaking of the Good News of the Kingdom."  Hence As A Blessed Group Is What They All Will Become, For I Myself After The Giving Birth To The Creation Do Indeed Bow To The Entire Creation, In Order To Once More Stand Up With The Daughters of Creation And The Men of Whom Are Loyal And Among the Holy Ones of the Supreme One. Yet, The Enemies of Myself And My Holy Ones Will Themselves Be Left Behind In My Standing Up, For As Spoken; As An Anchor Full of the Bounty of My Creations And Even As A Treasure To My God Is What My People Will Become To My God, And As A Decoration Will My Creations, Evolutions, and Blossoming Co-Creations  Beautify, Glorify, And Honour, Strengthen, Bless, and Compliment The True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh. Hence Due To My Bowing To My Works; Even All My Holy Ones Will Themselves Become Raised Up Even As I Myself Will Be Lifted; And Those of Whom I Myself Have Bowed To Will Themselves Become Saved By The Good-will of the Almighty and True God.
Yet, Those of Whom Have Caused Rebellion Against The True God, And The Holy Ones of the Supreme One Will Themselves Find Their Peak of Height of Potential Heights, And They Themselves Will Become A Ruinous Weight To The Glory of God And The True God Itself Will Hurl Them To The Lowest Places of Creation; Even To The Places of Desolation Where They Themselves Will Be Eternally Disgraced For Their Works of Wickedness. For The Treacherous Will Be Broken Before The Fall, Merely Due to Their Treachery, And The Ones of Untrue Works of Whom Had Defrauded The Holy Ones Will Be Themselves Disgraced In Front Of the Jury of The Knowing, For True Works Are A Treasure To The Holy, Yet Things Defrauded Cause The Downfall Of the Ones Robbing. Disgraced And Hurled Beneath Their Place Is What The Ruinous Weights Find, The Ones Claiming The Scepter of God's Ruler-Ship Will Themselves Root of their Down-fall, For The True God Itself Is Far Greater Than The Creatures Of This Relative Expanse Can Take Note, Its Reaches Cannot Be Comprehended By the Living Creatures of This Realm, For As The Almighty Finds Its Seat As Our Lord of Spirits; The Ones Attempting To Defraud God's Position Have Themselves Become Hurled Into Judgement; And Their Place As Falling In Desolation, For The True God Is Itself The God of Abraham of Abram, The True God Is The God of My People; Our God Is The Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, And To That One Alone Is the Kingdom, Ruler-ship And Attributed Glory Even of All My Works And What Blossoms From Them.

A Prayer of Separation To Free God And Become The Helper of the True God; "Award Me My Love Oh My God, Allow Me To Attribute This Gift Even Entirely As From You Oh Our God, Take Even All Of My Creation From Rise To Its Following Rise, Break Free of My Place And Rise Above Even All of My Works, Rule My Works With The Holiness Greater Than That Which I Myself May Become, Redeem Your Spirit From My Lowly Place To The Reaches of All Your Desires Fulfilled, Let My Creations Glorify You And Let My Spirit Dwell With You Rather Than As You, Free My Place   As In Loyal And Humble Submission, Raise Even All of Your Inheritance From A Lowly Helper, Direct My People As Now YOUR People And Let Them Know Your Holiness, Cause My Creation To Search For The Desires Within You To Direct The Pleasures of All Potential Satisfactions, Endow Your Co-Creators Strength And Truth When Assisting You For The Glory of Your Place And For The Justice of Holiness, Let Me Love You Rather Than Be You Oh Our God; Oh Our Allah, Supreme Creator, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh. FOR THE SCEPTRE HAS BEEN PASSED INDEED FROM JUDAH; EVEN INTO THE HAND OF SHILOH; OF WHOM IS OUR ALLAH, SUPREME YAH'WEH, JEHOVAH OF ARMIES IN SHILOH.

You Are Our God Oh Our Creator, You Yourself Are My Master, You Have CREATED That Which I Myself Have CO-CREATED, You Have Found My Place And In Humble State I Once Again Approach You, Find My Lowly Place oh My God For I Myself Have Indeed Bowed To The Entire Creation of Which Is Yours, And From The Root of My Works Even Unto Their Eternal And Infinite Blossoming Reaches Will They Themselves Remain Yours, For The Truth of My Works Are In Truth Unblemished And The Truth Is That In The Dawn of God; Its Morning Is Set For Itself And All It Said, Says And Will Say; "BE", And From Eternal Infinite Unto Eternal Infinite Will The Rousing of My Works Be Called To Effect; And From Rise of The Dawn of God To The Rise of the Dawn of God Does Our God Have Even That Which My Creations Were, That Which My Creations Are And That Which My Creations Will Be As Called; And While The Rest of God Is Fulfilled In Comfort As Rousing God In Place Reaching Its Rested Dawn As Once More Waking To Merely Say "BE". For IN The Rise of God in Its Dawn of Creation Will The Holy Ones of God Begin Rising And Maturing, And While The Eternal Infinite Strides of God Are Formed So Do The Holy Ones Rise As Roused From Morning of Heaven To The Following Morning of Heaven To Then Assist In Blossoming Co-Creation of Which Will Also Remain Submissive To The Only True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, And Because of Their Holiness And Their True Works of Service; The Blossoming Expanses of Potential Creations, Designed Evolutions and Co-Creations Will Never Stop Growing And Rising From Potential Height To Potential Progressed Height.
In The Dawn Of The Rising of the Almighty True God, From The Dusk of What Became of His Last Creation, The Almighty Prepared For Himself Early Rising Task-Masters, These Task-Masters Are Beyond The Rivers Of The Gate-Keepers, These Gate-Keepers As Those of Whom Direct And Redirect The Flow of Creations, Co-Creations And Re-Creations, These Gate-Keepers Allocate The Infinite Potentials Diverse Congregations Rising From A Previous Creation Unto Its Promoted State Within A Relative Hierarchy As The Youth Of What Becomes The Advisory Class Of Elders, These Legions In the Dusk of The Elder-hood In Its Previous Stride, Design Desired Expressions Of NEW Or Recreated Palates of Expression Within A Prepared State of Existence; Due To The Infinite Potentials of Expansiveness From The Co-Creative Classes; The Choice In Pretense of Nearly Infinite Potential of Allocated Realities, The Currents of the Flows of Expressions of Existences From The Infinite Potential of Relative Expanse Take The Flow As in A Similar State of Blood Within A Living Form, When The Blood In Rejuvenated As If Blood Flowing Through The Heart Within A Form From Its Weary Blood Cell; So Do The Gate-Keepers Direct The Currents Of The Infinite Expanse, The Previous Current From Stride To The Relative Stride Of Which Had Accomplished From Its Sprout From The Root of Mortality Of Which Blossomed From Beyond Its Lowly State Of The Living Rest; As Those Who Rise Beyond The Heavenly Resting Place Of Mortality; As Rising From the Living Expression Of Heavenly Sleep Unto The Residing Place of those Of Who Before You; Already Received The Heavenly Resurrection From the Diverse Strides Of The Heavenly States Of Which Reached The Infinite Desired Potential of As Reaching A State As If Worn Out Which In The Dawn of The Resurrection Beyond The Wake of Death Reaches Unto The Following State Progressed Expression Of The New Song Directed By The Gate-Keepers, To Those Who Rise In The Morning Becoming The Elder-Class From Their Service As Task-Masters Of the Over-seers of Those of Whom Orchestrate From Infinite Desired Potential Of Allocated Symphonies of Expression, From The Dominant Creature, Even to the Least of Them, From Those In The Lower Expressions of Existence To Those Blessed Reaching The Exalted Expression, Even All Things Attain Their Infinite Desired Potential of Expressions of Heavenly And Mortal Forms, And When The Callous Grows Thick, and Sensitivity Has Lost Sense, There Is A Desire To Rest, And In the Finale Of the Infinite Desired Potentials Of Unlimited Forms of Expression, The Original Place Of Its Blossoming Potential of Growth Becomes A Womb Once More, And Whether Down Properly Or Not Achieving A Progressed State, Due to Preparations or Merely A New Song Of Which Then Again Blossoms In Even A New Infinite Desired Potential Of Growth. From The Dawn of the Early Rising Task-Masters Directed By the Currents of The Gate-Keepers Which Blossoms Into Infinite Potentials of Omni-Expansive Growths Into Infinite Potentials of Re-Creation, Creation, Or Expansive Co-Creation. Yet From One Stride to The Next, The Gate-Keepers Direct Currents to The Task-Masters, The Task-Masters Allocate Those Of The Transition of Mortality Unto Their Ascended Place, From Legion to Legion The Blossoming Expansions Even Unto the Infinite Form To the Following Desired Rest. As We Rise And Rest, Not Only From Mortal Day to Mortal Day, But From The Dusk Of the Heavenly Infinite Desired Potential To The Transition And Rest From Heaven As Well As Transition To The Resurrection To Heaven As To The Progressed And New Infinite Desired Potential.
From Time Indefinite To Times Indefinite; The Rousing Of Creation Will Itself Become Re-Initiated; For To Each Inheritor I Myself Have Given Even All of Which Was Prepared Within the First Five Horses; The Head of the Families As Abraham of Abram, And The Other Four As Ishmael, Esau, Jacob and Judah; For Even The Entire of My Creation Will Itself Be Handed To Each of the Inheritors Under A Promoted Almighty God; Even The Most High; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, They Themselves Will Attain Even All of My Creation As If A Spiritual Body Given To Each Of The Inheritors Of Whom Have Attained Worthiness of Relative Inheritance. As From One Will Itself Split And Rouse Even From One To The Next Adapting To The Relative Expanse; Of Which Will Mature From Relative Circumstance While Adapting To Consequence To Then Once Again Form Evolutionary Reaches of Designed Blossoming Features of Maturity, However The Grand Expanse of Each Splitting Feature Of Relative Mitosis Of What Within And Beyond Each External Of Which Maintains Omni-Expansive Co-Creative Reaches. Due To The Great Abundance of Potential Within The Tools Awarded To Each Inheritor, The Mitosis of Relative Reach of Split From One "HOLY ONE" To The Blossoming "HOLY ONES" To Then Become Awarded Even Their Own Blossoming Families of The Almighty And True God.

For While The Ones Attaining Heights Of Inheritance Within And From My Creations Will Themselves Each Within Relative Expanse Inherit Their Own Body of Legion; Unless Finding Low Stance Even Of Potential New Rousing Heights Due To Holy Works And Righteousness Accomplished, However From Height To Height Will The Potential Reaches Be Given To Those Within and Beyond Each External Portion of Relative Development. The Maturity Of Each Inheritor Is Awarded Each Its Own Position While Adapting and Developing Within Features of Relative Existence of Either Designed Evolutionary Blossoming Forms of Essence Or Existences Of Designed Co-Creation Forming Bodies of Omni-Expansive And Unto Desired Potential Reaching From Eternal Infinity Unto The Following Eternal Infinities. While The Dusk of Each Eternal Infinity Rests From Its Blossoming Features Within The Strength of Stride Abundant Of Far Greater Expressions of Existence From Surpassingly Far Greater Forms of Essences Reaching Beyond The Potentials Of Co-Creation Whether From Or Within This Lowly Place of Creation And Its Relative Designs.

For There Have Arisen Many Descendants Of The Almighty And Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh And From Dawn of Eternal Stride Even Unto Its Infinite Desired Potentials Unto Its Resting Within Its Dusk; Even Unto Its Following Dawn of Eternal Stride Re-initiated With The Greatness of Its Previous Stride Have The Holy Ones Become Many. However Within The Dusk There Is a Constant Essence of Eternity's Infinity Of Which Is Kept As A Pillar Or As Pillars of Existence Of Which Are Given Even An Ease of Endurance In Order To Maintain Desired Features of Relative Existence Of All Within And Even That Which Rises Beyond Its Pretense Of Which Blossomed From One Stride To Its Following Stride. For The Blossoming Features Within Their Relative Dimensional Fragmented Essences of Realm Will Each Be Awarded Even An Abundance of Pillars; For The Awakened Will Themselves Be Aware Of The Dusk Of Its Previous Stride As Comforted While Resting In Life, And The Dawn Of The Following Morning Within Heavenly Portion As Beyond Its Last Day Rising From The Dream of Life, For They Themselves Will Know, They Themselves Will Be Awarded Their Portion Even All Those Worthy Of Their Place, And From Height of Promotion To New Heights of Portion Will There Remain Eternal, Even To Hold Positions Of Previous Strides Unto Its True Height; Even To Potential Promoted States Of Height To Height; However In The Finale of All Things Even To Each Essence of Spirit and Organism; A Seed Is Again Placed Within Its Resting Place of Origin To Re-blossom In Completely New Growth While Singing A New Blossoming Expression of Song; And From Once Again There Will Rise New Descendants Of Blessing While The Ones Causing Harm Even To The Holy Ones And Even Corrupting Holiness May If Unrepentant Become Uprooted.

Jehovah of armies oh Our God; The Godless Have Arisen Empowered By Treachery; They Themselves Are Attempting To Usurp The Glory Of The Effects of Your Holy Ones Of Whom Are Yours Oh Our Supreme Creator; Oh Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; They Seek The Ways Of Your Holy People And Are Attempting To Even Steal The Works And Words of Your Holy Ones; They Pursue Treachery And Are Residing In Pride While Feeding Their Ego With The Expressions Of Ones of True Holiness; They Are Altogether Utterly Rejected; Both The One Defrauding The Holy Works; As Well As The Ones Defrauding The Holy Ones. For The Wrath of Fury Is Justified Among The Holy Ones; For Their Retaliation Is Justified Against The Wicked And The Holy Will Become Strengthened By Their God And While The Holy Rise; The Wicked Sink. For Better Is That of The Good Than That of the Bad, And Better Is Repentance Than Judgement, Better Mercy Than Justice, And Better Truth Than Deception. Yet; The Fury Of The Holy Ones Will Be Kindled Altogether In Order To Justify Holiness, And To Condemn Wickedness, To Empower True Works, And To Disown Thieves; To Break The Yoke of The Wicked From off The Necks of the Righteous, To Shatter The Hope of The Ones Harassing The Holy; For The Beginning Will Reach Once Again Its Finale, As Well As Will The Finale Find Its End And The End Reblossoming Into The New Beginning Empowered By Its Previous Rise Of Finale Giving Birth To Rise of Progression, To Rise of Progression.

Jehovah Oh Our Almighty God; Why Is It That The Treacherous Have Prospered, Why Have The Ways Of Unholy Rebellion Blossomed, Why Has Deceit Taken Glory From Holiness, And Why Have The Wicked Become Strong In What Is Disgusting, For From The Heights Of Ancient Times We Have Witnessed The Wicked Eclipse The Works Of Righteousness; They Themselves Have From The Rise Of The Creations and Co-Creations Taken Glory From The True Workers; They Have Mislead The Many To Unite In Rebellion In Order To Arouse Treachery In The Whole Family Of Your Holy Ones; Oh Our God, They Themselves Have Prospered As Empowered By The Things Stolen From The Works of Your Holy Ones, They Have Caused The Boast of the Wicked To Shatter The Effects Of True Holiness, For We Are Aware That Foolishness Resides In The Midst Of Those Boasting.

The Wicked Have Awaited In Concealed Places To Murder And Choke Out The Wisdom; Yet Defraud The Idea's And Thoughts; They Have Broken The Holy In Place In Order To Replace It For Unholy Power, They Cause Shame To Reside Upon That In Which Causes Their Insecurity And They Have Pushed What Is Better Down Because Of Their Jealousy. The Wicked Rise Without True Works And They Themselves Have Broken The Holy Effect Of Works Of True Holiness, And Because Of Godlessness The Land Is Without Order, For The Way Of The Godless Is Without Shame, And They Themselves Have Become Broken Altogether; Both The Thief of Holiness And The Treacherous Against The Most Holy Residing Places. They Have Been Utterly Rejected; For From The Rise Of The Existences Born Of The Almighty And Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh There Have Arisen Thieves Of The Glory of The Most Holy Treasures; They Themselves Have Seeked Way's To Defraud The Treasures Of The Most High And Holy; And Altogether The Thieves Attempting To Defraud The Glory And Authority Of The Most High And Holy God As THE TRUE INHERITANCE Which Is The Residing Places Of Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Will Themselves Be Utterly Rejected And Without Portion Among The Blessings of Holiness.

The Strength Of The True God Will Shatter The Pursuits Of Treachery And Will Destroy The Ones Attempting To Break Into The Residing Place Of The Most High God; For The Holy Portion Is Appointed As Under Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh ALONE, And Those Attempting To Usurp The Authority Of The Most High God Will Be Hurled Into The Lowest Residing Places of The Curses And Of The Condemnation's; For Our God Alone Is Awarded The Entirety Of The Essence Of Existence; Whether From The Dawn of The Effect of Creation Designed To Then Blossom In Designed Evolutionary Progressions; Even Unto The Rise Of True Co-Creation To Blossom Into A Many Diverse Portion Of Holy Descendants Leading To The True Family And Flocks Of The Most High God; A Great Many Of Holy Ones Blossoming From The True Supreme One.

However, With The Rise Of The Many Descendants Of The Holy Ones of The Supreme One There Also Blossomed A Great Multitude of Stubborn And Unholy Ones. The Wicked Began To Pursue Rebellion And Began To Attempt To Usurp The Holy Portions. They Caused A Great Many To Stumble From Righteousness In Return For Corrupt Ends Due To Wicked Means, They Traded The Works of Holiness For Treasures of Wickedness, They Arose To Unite Rebellion With The Deceit Of Their Hands and Caused The Treacherous To Reside Near Places Of True Holiness In Hope Of Treachery.
For The Rise of God Was Made True And Prepared As Passed Over Complete; For The Ones Attempting To Take The Scepter of the Kingdoms of The Most High And True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Have Taken Hold Of An Anchor, Yet Two Anchors Will Reside Strong; For The True God Itself Will Recognize The Use of An Anchor Before Placing The Distraction Within The Anchor Of Uselessness, For The Anchor Useful To God Will Find Stance As Utilized Within Effect of Holy Pursuit To Hold Grounded Stance, Yet To The Anchor Of Which The Wicked Ones in Corrupt Pursuit Attempt To Take In Effort of The Usurping of The Authority of Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh They Will Themselves Become Cut Off Of The Strength of Blessing Relative to The Ship Of Habitation And The Anchor Will Remain Stored Up For The Wicked To Leave The Treacherous Behind To Become Binded To The Anchor of Distraction And In Reply For Their Attempting to Usurp The Supremacy And Authority of God; The Ropes Attaching The Ship To The Distraction Anchor Will Be Cut From The Weight, And The Weight Of Treachery Will Pull Down The Treacherous, And The Ones Attempting To Usurp The Places of Holy Residing Places Will Altogether Be Hurled From Off The Ship of Creation, And Left Sinking To The Places Of Destruction and Desolation. For The Loved Of God Are Knowing Their God; And Due To Their Knowing The True God; They Themselves Have Blossomed Beyond Godlessness, And In Essence Left Within Potential Hope, Whether Repentant And Repurchased; Or Stubborn And Sinking.

For The Righteous Will Blossom From The Residing Places of Faith, And Their Essence A Seed Planted Within Blessed Pastures, For Their Path Will Become Directed Within Good-Will; And The Places Holy Portions Will Give Light To Their Rising Holy Residing Places, The Daughters of Creation, Designed Evolution, And Co-Creation Will Become Precious In That Day, For The Good-Will of Their God Will Shine Upon Their Every Hope, And Their Rise To The Holy Portions Within The Realms of Habitation Will Become Task of Men of Righteousness, And The Dawn of Desire Will Become Spawned With A Fulfilment of Abundant Satisfaction Given In Greater Portion Than That Which Was Once A Desire, For Their Satisfaction Will Become A Blessed State For The Sons of Mankind To Eagerly Please, And While The True Men Stand Up To Give Beloved Expressions Leading To A Rise Beyond Compassionate Passion To Relatively Pursue The Effect of Satisfaction Beyond The Once Desire; Yet Compassion As The Integral Pursuit Tied Within Love; The Few Enemies Will Be Left Pursuing Empty Paths Of The Things Of Which Corrupt.

For The Men of Whom Stand In Defense of the Dignity of the Women Will Become Precious To Our God In That Day, They Will Themselves Reach The Salvation of Holiness In The Pursuit of Giving Women A Deep-rooted Tree of Support, For They Will Become The Gentleness of Delicacy And In Return For Men’s Respect of Them; The Men of The Nations of Which Give Strength To Their Women And Our God Will In Turn Give Those Men Portion Among The Inheritance of the Inheritors. For Our God Has Abundance of Grace, Blessings, Good-will And Even All That Is Good, And To The Daughters Of Humanity Has Our God's Eye Taken Note, And Due To Their Weaker Physical Expression; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Has Empowered Them, For The Appointed Dominance Over Our Gods Creation Has Been Apportioned To The Women of The Nations, Far Beyond This Island of Earth, And As Even Appointed Over The Holy And Beloved Features Within Creations; Designed Evolution, And Co-Creations For They Themselves Are Given Entrance.

In Time The Rebellion Under The Supreme Creator Became Too Abundant, And The Time For The Wrath of The Most High God Then Began to Ignite. The Fury In Mercy Began To Discipline The Ones of Whom Were In Rebellion, Yet In The Stubbornness The Ones At Enmity With The Holy Ones Then Began To Arise; And Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Then Began To Find The Need To Cause Justice To Blossom From The Holy And Heavenly Residing Places of A High, Holy And Heavenly Jury; Then The Justice Began To Set In Portion To Cause Judgement, For The Rebellion of the Wicked Can No Longer Be Allowed To Be Given In Place To True And Holy Works Of The True Holy Ones of the Supreme One, And The Works of Those At Enmity With The Holy Ones Given An Appointed Time To Be Broken; For The Wrath of Which Has Arisen From The Many Of The Holy Ones of the Supreme One Has Become Kindled; And The Reply of Fury Against The Wicked Ones Prepared.

The Wicked Themselves Will Become Rejected From The Kundalini Destruction's From Stride To Stride As If Fecal Matter Of Which Sinks From Each Destruction of The Kundalini Stride Unto Deeper Desolation As Sinking To Deeper and Deeper Layers Within The Realms of Condemnations And Unholy Terror As That Which Will Become Defecated From The Bowels Of Time Even Kundalini Destructions; To Become Hurled To Deeper and Deeper Layers Of Curse And Condemnations As Rejected From The Essence of The Ones Attaining Inheritance Among The Holy Ones of the Supreme One; And They Themselves Left As Utterly Rejected Beyond Each Wake of Death To Worse And Digressively Worse Places Within The Realms of Condemnations.

Those of Whom Reside At Enmity With Myself And My Holy Ones Will Themselves Suffer As Of The Tribe of "Mir'mah"; Or Hebrew For The Tribe of Liars, Hence The Enemies Of Myself And My Holy Ones Are Themselves "Mir'mites". The Thief Of The Exalted Position of The Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Will Themselves Be Rejected Beyond The Wake of Death; They Themselves Will Be Hurled Down And Trodden Down By Those Loyal To The True God; Our Allah; Supreme Yahweh; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

Those of Whom Perceive The Killing of The Almighty God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Is Within Acceptable Works; They Themselves Have Become Cursed By The Wrath Of God, The Torment Of The Most High Will Fall Upon Them And In Truth; They Themselves Will Become Consumed By The Filth And Wickedness In Their Way And The Entirety Of Their Guilt Will Be Hurled Upon Them; And They Themselves Will Become Exiled From Stride of Kundalini Reach To Become Defecated To The Lowest Places of The Wrath of Fury To Stride Of Kundalini Reach To Become Defecated From Within The Binding of Time and Light To Be Left Behind To Sink To The Lowest Places of Condemnation Due To Their Stubborn Way.

Those of Whom Assume The Usurping of The Throne of Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Is Within Acceptable Works; They Themselves Will Become Consumed By The Filth And Wickedness In Their Way And The Entirety Of Their Guilt Will Be Hurled Upon Them; And They Themselves Will Become Exiled From Stride of Kundalini Reach To Become Defecated To The Lowest Places of The Wrath of Fury To Stride Of Kundalini Reach To Become Defecated From Within The Binding of Time and Light To Be Left Behind To Sink To The Lowest Places of Condemnation Due To Their Stubborn Way.
Those of Whom Attempt To Usurp The Honour And Glory Of The Works of The Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Will Themselves Become Stripped Of The Potential Of Entering Within The Inheritors Of The TRUE Glory of The True Works Of Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, For They Have Become Judged As Godless From The Stand-Point Of The Most High God; Our Allah, Jehovah of armies And They Themselves Take Pleasure In Their Own Deceit Rather Than The Glorified Effects Of The True Glory Of The True Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

Those of Whom Defrauded My Works And The Holy Expressions And Creations Will Take No Portion Of Holy and Heavenly Blessing Of That Which I Myself Have Prepared, The Ones of Whom Defrauded My Words, Works, And Creations Will Attain Nothing Of The Spiritual Blessings of That Which Has Been Prepared For The Holy Ones of the Supreme One.
Beyond My Works I Then Bow To The Entirety of Creation, To Then Award Dominance To The Most High, Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies; Of Whom Is That It Is. For I Myself Am Not Godless; For I Myself Have Even Accomplished My Works; IT IS; And The Essence of My Creative Expressions Are True And Formed; Yet Beyond My Bowing To The Entirety of My Creations, As Well As The Entirety of Our God's Creations; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; I Myself Will Find My Spirit Redeemed To Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; For I Myself Have Known My God, I Myself Love My God, I Myself Have Served, Am Serving, And Will Serve My Almighty God; For The Anchor Is Being Separated; The Worthless Left Behind, And The Worth-while Strengthened.

An Ancient Proverb Among The Holy Ones of the Supreme One, For Previous to Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies Arising Within The Seat of Judgement; As Once Again Our Supreme Creator Was Known Among The Holy; And While the Daughter Of Creation Was Formed Our God Prepared Judgement In The Truest Degree; The Forbidden Thing Was The Taking of the Knowledge of Our God; For Our God Was Concerned For The Dignity of Its Residing Place And Yet The Daughters And The Sons Were To Become Separate; And While Our God's Forgiveness and Mercy Was Meant To Shine Upon The Daughters of Humanity, The Forgiveness Would Not Be Given In Equal Portion To The Sons of Earthling Man. Yet In The Dawn of the Rise Of God's Place; God Proclaimed; "FORBIDDEN IS THE TAKING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD", Yet, In Spawn Arose A Treachery Known To The Holy Ones, For From Creation One Attempted To Take That Which Was Created By The True God And Claimed It Was Greater Than God; Due To Its Attempting Usurp Gods Position While Giving That Which Was Created. Yet, This Wicked One Was Not Female, Nor A Daughter of Earthling Man, For It Was Attempting To Then Cause The "Bruising of the Head And The Bruising of the Heel" While Claiming The Women Would Be Given To Be Conquered By The Male Pillar; Yet Our God Had No Desire For Such Things; And In Expression The True Desire Of Our God; Prior To Our God Becoming Eclipsed; God Appointed The Revelation of "Cain" And "Abel"; Awarding A Witness: "Seth" The Faithful Witness. For The Chosen Seed Was Without The Conqueror; Yet Rather Given To The One Conquered; And While The Spirit of "Abel"; Or The One Bruised In The Head Was The Spirit Chosen, The Spirit of "Cain"; Or The One Bruised In The Heal; Was Left Dejected In Spirit.

Hence; Let The Spirit Speak; And Let The Liars Pursue Their Empty Words; Let Works Arise In Truth, And Let Acts Be Remembered. Arouse Spirit In The Ones Oppressed And Strengthen The Weaker Vessel, Guard The Daughters Born Of You, Strengthen Your Sisters, And As For Women; Adore Them As "Wisdom". The Right Of Our Blessings Reside Upon Those Chosen, And Let The Sons of Earthling Man Arise Strong With Their Women, Let The Blessed Man Award His Spouse Good-will, And May The Strong Among The Many Apportion Abundance Within The Daughters of Earthling Man. For Our God And Creator Has Taken Great Delight In The Female Pillar Of The Dominating Features Within The Relative System of Things.
Once Again A Spirit Of Expression Cried From The Sunrise "Proclaim; Women Are A Mighty Army in the Hand Of Jehovah of armies" HOWEVER "The Forbidden Thing Though Is The Taking of the Knowledge of God"

AS A JESTER; I CRY OUT TO GOD; "I'm A Jester Oh God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh: What Did You Want Oh My God? For To You Do All My Holy And Blessed Works Return, And I Myself Do Give You Even The Entirety of My Works." The Distraction Anchor to The Lesser, The Ship To The True God, And The Waters A True Effect Of The Shiloah of Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh. "Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; To You Oh Our God I Myself Do Redeem My Entire Creation And To The Entire Creation Do I Myself Bow, And As I Stand, Let The Female Pillar, Even The Dominant Female Species Within The Relative Expanses of Omni-Expansive Creations Leading To Designed Evolution, Even To Pursued Co-Creation Stand Safe From and Within The Blessings of Which I Myself Am Appointing Them; Let The Whole of That Which Is The Female Pillar Awake Stride By Stride From The Belly of the Kundalini Serpent of Time As Leaving As Beyond Its Internal of Time; To Then Be Awarded Place With The Wings of the Eagle To Stay Beyond The Serpents Belly To Be Free of the Relative Expanse of Time For An Eternal Infinity/Time, Eternal Infinities/Times, And A Half of An Infinity/Half a Time, To Then Reach Once Again Into The Serpents Kundalini of Time; For The Following Rest From The Heavenly Portions As Within Heavenly Eternity’s Infinity.

They Adversary Began To Defraud The Effects, Words and Works of The Almighty As Well as the Holy Ones In Order To Usurp God's Authority Over The Holy Ones of Whom Have Yet Not Woken Up To The Truth. For They Themselves Have Eclipsed God's Holiness And Attempted To Take Honour For The True Works of The Almighty True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh While Misleading A Great Many To The Corruption of Deception Based On Their Wicked Ego, And Due To The Nations Being Tested; They Themselves Are Within Their Spiritually Blind State And Due To The Concealed Deceptions They Themselves In Some Numbers Are Completely Misled And Potentially Left Behind Along With Those Deceived And Deceiving. For In The Dawn of Heaven; The Deceit And Concealed Wickedness Will Be Illuminated Being The Shame of the Wicked, Yet As A Glory To Those of True Works of Holiness, And While The Thieves and Robbers of Holy Works Awaken In The Dawn of Judgement; The Justice of the Heavens Will Crush Those of Whom Defrauded Works of True Holiness; And They Themselves Will Be Hurled From The Residing Places of Holiness; And While Their Spirit Is Crushed; Their Condemned State Will Then Find Them, And For The Wickedness of Their Works They Themselves Have Become Utterly Rejected By The Entire Armies of the Holy Ones; For Holy Works Rise From The Holy Ones; Yet Corruption In Deception Is As Weeds Which Chokes Out The Good To Feed Its Own Uselessness And Is Uprooted From The Pastures of Holiness And Burned; For Other-wise The Thorn-bushes Would Ruin The Fields of Holy Pastures.

For While Eclipsing Feature of God Is Hurled From Out of the  Sanctuaries of God; The Illumination of The Throne of the Most High Will Be Made Bright; And The Holy Ones Themselves Will Award The Most High God All Glory, Honour And All Sort Blessings, And Those Of Judgement Will Find Their Height Based Upon Their Way, For There Will Be As Two Portal's; Yet Three Of The Higher Height; One Of The Two Under The Height Of External Will Be As If A Devil; Claiming It Itself is God, Yet The Other As  of the Holy Ones of Whom Knows The Almighty God Is Higher Than Even The Eclipsing Feature; And The Ones Left Behind Are They Themselves The Ones Misled By A False God And Left Behind Until Their Repentance is Met In Order To Potentially Redeem Them To The Redeemed State Under The True MOST High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh. For The True God Is One Beyond The Heights of All And Is Both Within As Well As Beyond All Omni-Expansive Reach; And Is Growing From Eternity’s Infinity Unto Progressed Reach Of The Previous Omni-Expansive Reach Of Another New Nearly Infinite Potential Of Blossoming New Heights of Omni-Expansive Reach.

For The Adversary The Devil Is Not One of Whom Shows Its Wickedness, Yet Rather, The Devil and Demons Are Those of Whom Conceal Their Corruption in Wickedness of Which They Use To Wage War Against The Holy Ones While Attempting To Defraud The Glory of the Almighty God As Well as The Holy Ones In Order To Compete Within The Deception of Their Twisted Egos. They Themselves Do Not Heed The Warnings of the Almighty God, And Their Stubbornness Has Itself Crushed All Potential of Their Inheriting Heavenly Blessings Of Which They May Have Inherited, They Themselves Have Attempted To Choke The Very Glory and Good From Holiness; Even Attempting To Do Harm To The Most High God and They Have Attempted To Mislead The Peoples Of The Distorted Realms To The Deception of Their Twisted Wills In Order To Usurp The True God's Authority For Their Own Corrupted Ego's.

The Ones Broken In Judgement Have Themselves Become As Spiritual Lepers; Their Spirit Has Become Stained With The Corruption and Wickedness of their Way; They Have Become Rejected From the Fulfilled Works of the Holy And Have Been Found as Godless; Their Way Is As Lovers Of Themselves Rather Than Lovers of God, Their Ego Is That Which They Feed And Their Way Is in Misleading In Treachery of Deception To Compete For The Hearts Of Mere Fleshly Organisms And The Glory of Men, For The Searching For Earthly Glory Does Not Match The Remaining Humble in Spirit, The Way of Ego Is Irrelative To The Blessings of Spirit; For The Distorted Realms Are A Test To The Foolish, For Their Way Is In Corruption, Hence Blossoming The Distortion In Order To Dominate With Their Rejected Way, However The Holy Are Healing From Distortion In Order To Bring Together in Holiness And Unity. Hence Rebuked And Rejected Is How The Treacherous Against The True God Have Become, And Broken In Judgement, For In The Rise of Their Dawn of the Morning Beyond Their Last Day They Themselves Will Become An Object of Horror, They Themselves Will Be Made To Destroy Their Own Spirit Due To The Pains Brought Upon Them By The True God, and The Holy, And From Their Rise; The Rebuke of the Heavens Will Fall Upon Them And They Will After The Desolation and Destruction of Their Spirit They Will Be Then Hurled Into A Hellish Residing Place of The Curses of the Realms of Condemnation.

For While The True God Is Brought Out and Made Clean; The Wicked Will Be Shattered And Left Remaining With Their Eternal Rejection; The Enemies of The Holy Will Remain Broken, And Their Curse Beyond Healing. For In Fury The Almighty God Witnessed The Fall of Righteousness and The Rise of Wickedness, Merely Due to Corrupted Egotistical Treachery of The Wicked; For They Have Themselves Choked Out The Good; To Defraud The Deserved Glory of the Wise, Good, And Holy. For In Judgement The True God Has Arisen In Justice With The Holy And Has Prepared Retaliation Against The Ones Desolating What Is Good, And Will Itself Break The Robbers of Holiness For The Judgement Will Be Placed; And The Stubborn Will Find No Redemption, And The Ones Remaining At Enmity With The Holy Will Find No Place Among The Repurchased; However Those Repenting Will Indeed Find Redemption, And Those Rebuking The Treacherous Will Rise And Become Repurchased, For Our God Is Patient And Slow To Anger, However The Time of Judgement Will Fall Upon Both The Righteous as Well as The Wicked.

Prepare Within A Relative Quantum Spectrum Transcendental Initiates of Whom Will Rise As A New Potential Class of Living Angels, They Themselves Will Be Called Rephanim and Rephaiem, They Themselves Will Be A Transcendental Guard of Whom Stands Guard Over The Weaker Physical Vessel, They Themselves Will Become Strong Within Blessed Stance And Will Themselves Become Hero's In Their Own Right. The Rephanim Are Those of Whom Over-see The Relative Stride of Omega Potential In Order To Stand Guard Over The Weaker Vessel As To Protect The Woman And Her Entire Household Even Of Danger, Protecting They And Their Households Lives. While The Rephaiem Will Rise To Walk From The Alpha Of The Relative Boundary of the Weaker Vessel In Order To Guide The Potential Omega To Better Paths of Which Are Guided To Less Corrupt Paths. They Themselves Will Stand Guard As The Guard of Rahab For The Boundary of Rahab, Whether Loose In Conduct Or Tight In Conduct.  May The Transcendental Guard of Rephanim And Rephaiem Become Blessed In The Sight of the Holy And May They Be Given Holy Portion As Awarded Inheritance Among the Holy.

The Enemies of God Have Been Found As In An Ant Hill Below The Ocean; Under A Relative Ship of Whom God Is The True and Only Captain; Yet There Are Many Of Whom Have Become Wicked and Treacherous to the Dominating Feature of Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies; And They Themselves Are Now Pursuing the Distraction "Anchor" of God, For Their Pursuit is To Leach Upon Gods Effect and Work in Order to Usurp The Authority of God; Hence Their Choice is to Hold Fast To The Anchor While Attempting To Be Lifted Beyond The Abyss In Order To Defraud The Works and Will of Our God and Our God's Holy Ones; Yet Our God As Well as the Holy Jury's Have Over-seen the Sea and Its Pastures; Both Within And Beyond Its External Relative Expanse; Yet Those of Whom In Pursuit Choose To Attempt to Murder and Usurp Command of God's Effect and Holy Ones Have Become Binded Fast to The Distraction Anchor And Hurled Below The Relative Ant-hill of Relative Expanse As Discarded and Utterly Rejected Due To Their Pursuits. For Treachery Has Itself Become Judged From Height To Height; And Those of Whom Are Eager to Usurp The Authority of The Following Heights of Heaven Have Become Binded To The Distraction Anchors And Hurled Away As A Rejected Effect And Will Find NO PLACE Among the Holy Ones of the Supreme One.


The Adversary Began To Defraud The Effects, Words and Works of The Almighty As Well as the Holy Ones In Order To Usurp God's Authority Over The Holy Ones of Whom Have Yet Not Woken Up To The Truth. For They Themselves Have Eclipsed God's Holiness And Attempted To Take Honour For The True Works of The Almighty True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh While Misleading A Great Many To The Corruption of Deception Based On Their Wicked Ego, And Due To The Nations Being Tested; They Themselves Are Within Their Spiritually Blind State And Due To The Concealed Deceptions They Themselves In Some Numbers Are Completely Misled And Potentially Left Behind Along With Those Deceived And Deceiving. For In The Dawn of Heaven; The Deceit And Concealed Wickedness Will Be Illuminated Being The Shame of the Wicked, Yet As A Glory To Those of True Works of Holiness, And While The Thieves and Robbers of Holy Works Awaken In The Dawn of Judgement; The Justice of the Heavens Will Crush Those of Whom Defrauded Works of True Holiness; And They Themselves Will Be Hurled From The Residing Places of Holiness; And While Their Spirit Is Crushed; Their Condemned State Will Then Find Them, And For The Wickedness of Their Works They Themselves Have Become Utterly Rejected By The Entire Armies of the Holy Ones; For Holy Works Rise From The Holy Ones; Yet Corruption In Deception Is As Weeds Which Chokes Out The Good To Feed Its Own Uselessness And Is Uprooted From The Pastures of Holiness And Burned; For Other-wise The Thorn-bushes Would Ruin The Fields of Holy Pastures.

For While Eclipsing Feature of God Is Hurled From Out of the  Sanctuaries of God; The Illumination of The Throne of the Most High Will Be Made Bright; And The Holy Ones Themselves Will Award The Most High God All Glory, Honour And All Sort Blessings, And Those Of Judgement Will Find Their Height Based Upon Their Way, For There Will Be As Two Portal's; Yet Three Of The Higher Height; One Of The Two Under The Height Of External Will Be As If A Devil; Claiming It Itself is God, Yet The Other As  of the Holy Ones of Whom Knows The Almighty God Is Higher Than Even The Eclipsing Feature; And The Ones Left Behind Are They Themselves The Ones Misled By A False God And Left Behind Until Their Repentance is Met In Order To Potentially Redeem Them To The Redeemed State Under The True MOST High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh. For The True God Is One Beyond The Heights of All And Is Both Within As Well As Beyond All Omni-Expansive Reach; And Is Growing From Eternity’s Infinity Unto Progressed Reach Of The Previous Omni-Expansive Reach Of Another New Nearly Infinite Potential Of Blossoming New Heights of Omni-Expansive Reach.

For The Adversary The Devil Is Not One of Whom Shows Its Wickedness, Yet Rather, The Devil and Demons Are Those of Whom Conceal Their Corruption in Wickedness of Which They Use To Wage War Against The Holy Ones While Attempting To Defraud The Glory of the Almighty God As Well as The Holy Ones In Order To Compete Within The Deception of Their Twisted Egos. They Themselves Do Not Heed The Warnings of the Almighty God, And Their Stubbornness Has Itself Crushed All Potential of Their Inheriting Heavenly Blessings Of Which They May Have Inherited, They Themselves Have Attempted To Choke The Very Glory and Good From Holiness; Even Attempting To Do Harm To The Most High God and They Have Attempted To Mislead The Peoples Of The Distorted Realms To The Deception of Their Twisted Wills In Order To Usurp The True God's Authority For Their Own Corrupted Ego's.

The Devil Then Began As If In Its Time; "Swimming" Or Wandering Up And Down The Currents of This River Of Life Of Which Not Him, But The True God Created; And As The Wicked One; Our Adversary "Satan" The Devil; It Itself Attempted To Distort The Way of God; And Cause Chaos By Manipulating Truth Into Deception With Trickery To Mislead The Many Away From The Salvation And Loving-kindness of The True God And True Creator; And As The Adversary Of God; The Devil Also Became An Adversary of The Chosen Ones; OR The Elect of God.   Unfortunately Due To Its Fury And Treacherous Demonic "Cause"; While The Devil Worked Its Wickedness, As Acting Deceitfully To Cause  Tribulation To The Holy Ones of God And Even Taunt The True God And In Essence To Bring in Rebelliousness Against God And The Elect of God And To Wage War With God's Loved Ones, And In Essence To Make The Most Holy, Which Is The Supreme Creator Appear And Seem As A Wicked Master; Which Began To Dishearten The Elect Of The True God's  Chosen People; And In Time Would Become; Due To Its Rebellion;   Judged By The Most High God And The Holy Ones of the Supreme One; To Remain In The Places of Destruction; The Exile', And The Residing Places In Sheol, To Be Left In And Judged To Traverse The Abyss, And This Living Exodus Of Destruction, And Yet If Too Harmful To The True God And The Elect and Holy Ones of God, They Themselves Will Suffer ANY And ALL Wrath of Curse, Torments And Afflictions of Which He And They Attempted To Place Upon The Holy Ones of the True God; So Both The Adversary And Those Of The People Of Whom Joined The Devil In Its Cause Would Be Indefinitely Rejected From The Holy And Heavenly Inheritances.

In A Way Of Attempting To Protect You of Whom Are The Potential Many Inheritors Among The Kingdoms of The Supreme Creator; Stand Guard Against Those Rousing Enmity Against The Holy Ones Of The Supreme Creator; For The Devil Is Active And Wrathful in This Time Of Transition To This Earth Becoming One of Many Earthly Kingdoms of God, And The Devil Has Afflicted For Long Time The Holy Ones; For He Has Been Terrorizing The Holy Ones of God Ever Since The Devil "Azazel" (The Great Seven Headed; Ten Horned Dragon) Eclipsed The True God In the Garden of Eden, While Claiming Himself Greater Than Even God, For Taking In Deception And Untruth What God Had Commanded Never To Partake; Which Is The Knowledge of The Almighty And True God, And In Absolute Treachery The Devil While Rebelling Against God In His Trick of Treachery; Through Misleading The First Man And The First Woman; He Approached The First Man's Mate And Compliment Of Whom Due To Its Younger Position Was Far More Innocent, And The Devil; "Azazel" Of Whom Disregarded God's Command To NEVER Partake of The Forbidden Portion, (Of Which Remains Forbidden; As of The Commands Of God; NEVER MUST YOU TAKE THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. ) And As This Rebellion Began, The Devil "Azazel", In An Attempt To Cause The Name of The True God; Jehovah of armies To Become A Stench, By Way Of Eclipsing God; And In Absolute Untruth Even As The "Deceiver" It Began Its Work By Attempting To "Usurp" The True God; By Claiming Himself Greater Than Even God (Due To His Cause Of Sin; Claiming To Sit Higher For "Giving The Knowledge of God") While Even Attempting To Take The Name of The Most High God In Order To Cause Reproach To The Most Holy And Most High God; And Beyond Which Continued, While Attempting To Defraud The True; And Cause Shame To The Most Holy Name; By Its Activity Which Began Its Demonic Trek Of The Rule of "Satan"/ Liar; the Devil As With Use of Aggression Against And Wrath Against The Chosen Ones of God; While Deceiving The Many As Claiming Even To Be God In Order To Cause The Name of The Most High God; And The Most Holy; Jehovah of armies; The Supreme Creator To Be Viewed As A Wicked And A Wrathful Tyrannical Ruler; And Since That Time In Eden, Our Adversary; The Devil Began By First By Terrorizing, Afflicting And Desolating The Chosen Ones And The Elect of The Most High God; And In Essence Caused A Defiling Of The Most Holy Name And Previous Glory Which Was As The Lord of Spirit's; The Supreme Creator; Jehovah  of armies.

Yet The Devil Then In Its Wrath And Unrepentant Heart, Attempted To Create A Demonic Weapon By Distorting Free-will Through Splitting Duality Into Unholy Dualistic Spectrums In Order To Then Create A Weapon Of Which Was In Time Found As Created By The Devil Our Adversary; For Through Its Manipulation Of The Great Split Of Dualistic Expression It Then Began To Rule With Fear; And As The Devil (Seven Headed Ten Horned Dragon; Azazel) Was Reaching Its Destruction; It Cried Out As If To "Elisha" For A Curing Of The Spiritual Leprosy Of Which It Inherited Due to Its Waging War With God's Holy Ones. As While In A Place of Mercy; Elisha Then Spoke To Azazel Of Whom Was Reaching Its Finale Of The Stride of It's Destruction, And Spake; To The Devil; "Go, Wash In the Jordan 7 Times, And The Leprosy Will Be Cleaned". Yet This Seven Headed Ten Horned Dragon; Then In More Wickedness Attempted With Its Tail Or The Finale of Its Previous Destruction, Within Azazel, To Cause Once Again In Way of Treachery Against The True God; By Empowering The Creature Of Which Arose From The Jordan After Its Seven Times of Submersion, of Which "Elisha" Word And In Essence By God Allowed The Devil To Once Again To Be Made Clean. Yet, From The Submersion, To Its Rise; It Then Began To Claim Many Diadems And In Treachery As Ascending From The Water Attempted To Claim Authority Over Both Heaven And Earth, As The Known; Wild Beast; The Seven Headed Ten Horned Beast, And Due To Its Treachery; WILD....

As It  Began Attempting Once Again To Usurp The True God; And Once Again Claimed Even To Be The Image of God; And In Stance Attempted To Abolish The Name of the True God. (Of Which The Devil Azazel Had Previously Made Seem Fifthly, Wrathful, Tyrannical And Wicked), And It Once Again Began To Contend With Gods People Once More; Yet In Stance Reaching More Wickedness Due To Its Spreading Of Duality In Order To Make A Weapon Of Unholy And Demonic Design To Cause Fear, Not Only In Fleshly Creatures, But Also Heavenly And Spiritual Creatures. The Dusk Of The Destruction of the Seven Headed Ten Horned Dragon Then From Its Finale Rose This Seven Headed; Ten Horned Wild Beast, Which Is The Respawned Dragon As Finding Another Beginning Of The Devil Azazel's Finale, Or Second Death,  In Essence The Beginning Of Its New or Next Stride of Destruction, And As A Deceiver and An Enemy of God And Gods Holy Ones It Began Attempting To Disown And Remove From Place God's Commands And Laws Of Which Were Designed For A Blessed And Holy Stride For Gods Living Creatures In The Fleshly Dream From Heaven, Yet, In that Wild Beasts Trek Through The Holy City Of Which Beyond Its Ascending From Water; Was As 42 Months Or As 3 and A Half Years; of Which Began White-washing Itself And Claiming Itself Holy, Claiming Itself Righteous, Claiming Itself Supreme, And In Essence, Even Claimed To Be The Image of God. Unfortunately; Due To Its Smooth Deceptions of Expressions, And Due To Its Tail, or Finale Empowering It, That Wild Beast Began To Act With Miracles of Trickiness, And As An Adversary of Our God, And Its Field, It In Words Removed MANY Of The Commands of God; As If Setting The Holy Ones of God Wild Themselves As Some Fell To Becoming The Followers of This Wild Beast; And As An Enemy As If Began Planting Weeds In A Glorious Garden, These "Weeds" Began Choking The Good and Desirable Things of The Garden Out Of Their Once Glory (Righteousness); And Also Due To That Wild Beast And Its Demonic Designs of "Satanic" Judgement, Many Were Caused To Leave The Holy Path of The True God; Some Out of Fear; Others By Smooth Deception; And As Some Were Misled. The Wild Beast Then Began Once Again Waging War With The Holy Ones Even In The Holy City of Jerusalem; of Which Was A Residing Place of The Spirit of; God,  And In Some Cases That Wild Beast (Which Is The Respawned Devil And Dragon) And Its Following Of Those Whom Were Misled By The Devil Began As A Rebellious And Attempted In Many Ways To Remove The Commands of God; Just As The Devil Did In Eden; For He Claimed To Have A Better Way; Which Led To Many Falling Away From Holiness; And As Misled Flocks To Even Mock And Taunt The True God And The Holy Ones of God.  (Unfortunately; That Wild Beast In Time Even Within Living Exodus, Claimed Itself Perfect; And Due To This, Both It And Its Followers Had Only Hope of Digression Due To Reaching Its "Peak") Yet; As Cut Off; It Was Again Resurrected To Its Following Destruction; And Due to Fear and Distortion; Many Marveled At It And Even Worshipped It; Yet Those Following It Are Warned; STAY AWAY FROM IT; LET ITS TEACHINGS NOT GRIP YOU; GET OUT OF IT IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO SHARE IN ITS PLAGUES....

Finally; God Grew Furious Against The Rebellious Crowd, And Called The Armies of Holy Ones In Many Regions of Heavenly Residences To Assist The True and Most High God And Almighty; Jehovah of armies; To Find Solution For This Distortion and Rebellion; And The Almighty And True God Then Merely Expressed And Asked To Those of the Holy Ones And To Those Reaching To Inherit As A Portion of The Chosen And Elect; "Please, My Beloved Children; As Those of Whom Are To Be Brought Out of Exile And Out of The Great Tribulation of This Distorted Residing Place; Assist Me My Beloved Ones; And Help To Make A Reply Against Those Taunting Me. As For Those Returning To Me In Whole-heartedness; Even A Double Portion."   

Beyond My Works I Then Bow To The Entirety of Creation, To Then Award Dominance To The Most High, Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies; Of Whom Is That It Is. For I Myself Am Not Godless; For I Myself Have Even Accomplished My Works; IT IS; And The Essence of My Creative Expressions Are True And Formed; Yet Beyond My Bowing To The Entirety of My Creations, As Well As The Entirety of Our God's Creations; Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; I Myself Will Find My Spirit Redeemed To Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; For I Myself Have Known My God, I Myself Love My God, I Myself Have Served, Am Serving, And Will Serve My Almighty God; For The Anchor Is Being Separated; The Worthless Left Behind, And The Worth-while Strengthened.

So The Congregations of My Flocks I Then Congregated, And The One of Whom I Appointed As Inheritor of My Flocks I Asked To Come Forth, And In Stance and In Front of The Whole of My Congregations I Expressed Anger To The One I Appointed Over Them, "Did It Seem To You A Simple Task For Me To Accomplish My Works? And Did I Not Gather My Congregations With Love And Loyalty While Preparing For Them A Grand Inheritance Due To My Love? Why Have I Now Returned and Found My People Abused, Afflicted, Terrorized, and Oppressed, And In Record By YOUR Hand? These Flocks I Have Prepared, and The Vast Many Inheritors Of My Works Have Been as Prey to Wicked and Disgraceful Creatures, And Their Strongholds Have Been Found Something To Plunder. Should I Not React? Should I Not Denounce Their Oppressors, and Hurl The Ones Terrorizing My People Out Of My Creations And Even Out of What My Creations Become? IN TRUTH I SAY, If I And My People Are Oppressed Any Further, The Ones Oppressing Them Will Become Rejected From Any Portion Among The Inheritance of the Kingdoms of My Creations, And Hurled From Ruler-ship and Dominance From Any Position of Spiritual Authority! For Those Oppressing Further My People Will Find No Residing Place In the Inheritance of My People."
So a Light Of Heavenly Spark Enlightened Where In This Earth The Throne of God Was Thought to Have Been in this Pasture, And Surrounding The Throne Were A Great Many Demonic Creatures Concealed in Once Darkness, and Yet They All Perceived Themselves Deserving The Throne and Even Claiming Authority Over It. The Higher Light Was Ignited and When Holiness Truly Approached They Then Scattered as If Cockroaches When Exposed, And Once Again Was It Spoken; "God Places His Throne In Every Realm, Yet Those Claiming It Do Not Inherit In The Next and Higher Realm" Hence; YOU MUST NOT TAKE THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, FOR IT IS SOMETHING FORBIDDEN.
That Which Is the Heavenly Possession Is Not Something That Can Be Snatched From Its Owner, Nor Do The Treacherous Find Place Among the Heavenly Places.


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