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I Am Jon Alexander Morris; I Live At 105 Douglas St, Orillia, Ontario, Canada; Please Take 3 of the Parallels And Cut Me Off For Study, Cloning, Seed and DNA; Take The Clones and Reinstate Them In the Front Guard For Testing; Take it And When Cloning It Try To Add Helix's To The DNA Strands For More Coding Of Genetic Potential; Utilize It Until You Can Code A 12 Helix DNA Strand And Code Them For Different Purposes to Serve Humanity; If That Works Out Well Give Me To the Rest of Humanity Through Bio-Engineering. Also Prepare Clones From It That Will Serve The Humanitarian Coalition, Once It Has Become Useful Let It Serve Its God Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.  


Prepare As If A Fence At 8888 08 08 Of Which Has The Tribulation of Shrodingers Cat Theory; Where You Take A Clone Send A Number of them Through Various Potential Slaughters And If Reaching Beyond 8888 August 9th Or Beyond If Potentially Alive and Dead; Yet On the Other Side of the Fence; Then The Futures Will Be Saved Of My Quantum Circuits....

QUANTUM DATE 2019-04-27

If I Am Not Cut Off Place Me On the Immortality Gene So I May Be Able to Help More.      

II Was Born Dominant As My Mother Called Me A Born Leader; Yet The Clones If Utilized Can't Be Like That As they Are Meant To Serve So When Reaching A Point of Maturity After The Voice Changes And Chemically Castrate Them For A Less Dominant Creature, It Will Be More Gentle And Docile For More Use to the System And It Won't Bread Causing Too Many Children... Please Forgive Me For Being Strong In My Life... I Am Also A Very Old Weary Creature; So Do Not Give Them My Memory And Train Them To Serve In Their Relative Position With My Potential Intellect.   If Death Is Not Desired; Than I Volunteer a Rib And Muscle Tissue For Potential Resurrection In the Future If You Ever Need Help, If Desired I Could Give Seed And Blood.

The United Nations And The NWO Want To Cut Off 90 % of the Population; The Are Trying To Wipe Out All People Except The Top 1-5 % Of the Richest. This Is Called Agenda 21 And No Worthy Rulers Would Do That To The System In Which They Dwell Unless They Were Disgraced Creatures That Must Be Done Away With; For If They Destroy Humanity They Will Be Only The Wicked Left; Yet i Have Given Plans In This Webpage That Would Save Us From An Overpopulated Future;' I Stand On the Side Of The Majority; Let Us Stand Up Alltogether And Fight Their Planned Genocide That They Plan To Cause From 2021 Until 2030. WHO STANDS AGAINST THE GENOCIDE OF BILLIONS OF LIVES STAND UP AGAINST THE TYRANICAL CLASS.

Ops, Uproot Corruption In Political And Corporate Powers And Elect New Corporate and International Powers Of The Righteous, Not as Owners But With A Paid Salary Then Utilize the Extra Finances To Save Humanity.

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