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Part 9

From Progressive Strength To Progressive Strength Will The Times of The Inhabitants of They Will Rise With Abundant Peace, Joy, Bliss, Excitement, Happiness, and Comfort, And They Will Enjoy Their Infinite Desired Potential of Indefinite Stride Unto Indefinite Stride Within Intrigue, Loyalty, Peace, Abundance of Riches, Righteousness, Wisdom, Joy, Bliss, Holy Insight, Holy Inspiration, Holy Intrigue, Comfort, Happiness, Ease of Endurance, Love, Freedom, Food-stuffs, Assorted Drink, Confidence, Blessing, And All That Is Desirable To Their Delight to Do; Will Be Within Their Reach, They Will Enjoy Abundant Satisfaction in The Desire of Their Heart; For their Hearts Will Be Led and Even Inclined To Do What is Good and Right in The Eyes of their Creator... Even In The End of Their Indefinite Stride; They Will Lay Down In The Dusk of the Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potential of Stride With No Form of Resentment, Regret, Panic, Affliction, Curse or Condemnation, They Will Accomplish Their Stride and Lay Down In Peace, Satisfaction, Comfort, Abundantly Satisfied, Bountiful, and With Complete Peace of Mind With Knowledge of The New Dawn of the Next Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potential of Stride... WHAT IS DECIDED UPON IS WHAT WAS ACCOMPLISHED, IS ACCOMPLISHED AND WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared By The Source; Amen

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David’s work was all well-organized, from the day the foundation of the house of Jehovah was laid until it was finished. So the house of Jehovah was completed.By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of armies in Shiloh May My Boundary Be Built that My Heart Will Not Be Broken Within My Inheritances, and That My Inheritances and the Unities and Relationships within Love Never Have the Feelings of Jealousy, As Love is Not Jealous...Cause it To Become that My Expression Progresses in Self Control and Righteousness Becoming That Which is Beneficial to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah From this Stance Forward Even Within My Transitioning From Progressive Robe Unto the New Progression In the New Progressive Robe as Becoming Of More and More Use With Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; By the Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

I Share the Riches I Have and I Will Neither Regret Nor Resent the Covenant Within the Infinite and Indefinite Potential of Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance; By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

After Every Walk of Existence there Grows as If a Callous of Lost Innocence, Of which Will Now Be Buffed Away and Made Soft and Sensitive And From there The Transition If Feeling Unworthy to Righteousness You Will Be As if a Sand Speck Into as it Were in the Embrace of as it Were an Oyster Transitioned into Something Very Precious Of Which Will Be a Transition Within Discretion of The Humiliations and Within Will Be a Knowing of Worthiness in the Eyes of What is Holy and Good, and From There the Transition Will Be as if The Worth of A Precious Pearl Placed in the Strength of Stability of A More Precious Form of As if From Holy Direction and Refining Through the Gentle Pressure of the Holy Spirit of which Guides You to an Even More Precious Position With the Blessings of The Prepared; Honour, Righteous, Dignified, Holy, Worthy, Peaceful, Respected, Satisfied, and Blessed As Within as it Were Coal unto Diamond of the Gentle Guidance and Inspiration of the Holy Through the Translator of The Holy Spirit Which is The Guiding Force Beyond Omega of Which Brings Holiness By Holy Inspiration, And In Truth There Will Be Peace, Joy, Blessing, Righteousness, Honour, Dignity, Holiness, Loving, Satisfying, Pleasurable, Delightful, Comfortable, Restful, and Worthy as These Qualities Progress From Indefinite Progressive Infinite Desired Potential Unto Indefinite Progressive Infinite Desired Potential; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

When the Day of The Dawn of Your Righteousness The New Hope Will Be That of a Worthy Disposition Within the True Inner Knowing Of Being Worthy and When That Day Is Firmly Established The Transition Will Be From Righteousness To Exaltation; By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

Those of Whom If They Do Attempt to Defraud Him That Prepared These Work's Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon Within the Infinite Desired Potential of The Indefinite Strides of Desired Potential As Never Again Having to Return Will In Spirit Increase As The Spirit of Those of Whom Attempted to Defraud Him Will Decrease... Those of Which Attempt To Take His Authority or Power; Will Indeed Be Hurled Down From Their Pasturage On the Command of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris and All Power Will Again Return And Be Given In Increase to the Spirit of Which Ascended From Jon Alexander Morris; The Spirit of The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Spirit of The Rose of Sharon; The Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; I Am That I AM; Jon Alexander Morris..

The Armour of The Spirit and Flesh of Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Rose of Sharon; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's Merely Reflect's the Scheme, Curse, Judgement, And Affliction... Those Contending With Him Or His Spirit Merely Will Receive the Reflection of Curse, Judgement, Or Affliction...
Those of Whom Attempt to Sabotage Of Make Filthy The Realms of Bashan, Sharon, or Ephrathath Or Make Filthy The Spirit or Flesh of Chayot TerOphanim Michael; As The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; As the Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; As The Spirit of the Rose of Sharon, As the Spirit of the Son of Man of the Head of Day's, Those Are the Ones That Will Inherit The Filth of Which They Attempt to Place Upon Bashan, Sharon or Ephrathath or the Flesh of Spirit of Chayot TerOphanim Michael Of the Flesh of Jon Alexander Morris; And They Will Receive the Sabotage of Their Intent; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared By Source; Amen

Those Contending with the Seven Holy Spirit's Before, Within and Beyond the Seven Horned Lamb are Thrown OUT of It's Accomplished Works and Will No Longer Enter into It's Blessing, They Themselves Will Be Blotted Out of the Scroll of the Seven Horned Lamb; Those of Whom Attempt to Condemn the Seven Holy Spirit's Before, Within and Beyond the Seven Horned Lamb of God Will Be Tied End to Beginning and Their Beginning Will Sing a New Song Without the Seven Horned Lamb within the Realm of Their Verse of Time and From there; They Will Be Tied; End to Beginning and Beginning Untied Within Kundilini as a Coiled Serpent, Those of Whom Afflict the Seven Horned Lamb Will Be Given Affliction within their Next Stride, Those of Whom Torment the Seven Horned Lamb Will Be Tormented Within their Next Stride, Those of Whom Attempt to Make Filthy the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb Will be Made Filthy in the Next Stride; Those of Whom Attempt to Imprison The Seven Horned Lamb of God Will Be Imprisoned within the Following Stride, Those of Whom Tear Down the Boundary of the Seven Holy Spirit's Before, Within and Beyond the Seven Horned Lamb Will be Tied to the Scheme or Destruction they Prepare For the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; Those of Whom Are Treacherous to the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; Will Be Without Peace; By The Power of the Servant of Jehovah; Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah.

Baldr then gathered all the men of Gibeon+ and they fough The Treacherous; the men of Gibeon defeated The Treacherous, who had said: “You are only fugitives from In Hebron you Gibeon·ites in Servitude.”  Gibeon captured the fords of the Jordan+ ahead of The Treacherous Ones; and when the men of The Treacherous were trying to escape, they would say, “Let me cross over”; then the men of Gibeon would ask each one, “Are you The Messiah?” When he would reply, “No!”  they would say to him, “Please say Shib′bo·leth.” But he would say, “Sib′bo·leth,” as he was unable to say the word correctly. Then they would seize him and slay him at the fords of the Jordan. So The Treacherous of the Congregation fell behind at that time at that time.

And war broke out in heaven: Mi′cha·el*+ and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but they did not prevail,* nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon+ was hurled, the original serpent,+ the one called Devil+ and Satan,+ who is misleading the entire inhabited earth;+ he was hurled down to the earth,+ and his angels were hurled down with him. I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

“Now have come to pass the salvation+ and the power and the Kingdom of our God+ and the authority of his Servants, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God!+ And they conquered him+ because of the blood of the Lamb+ and because of the word of their witnessing,+ and they did not love their souls*+ even in the face of death. On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea,+ because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”+

As the End of a Day Desires Rest So Will The Inheritors of the Prepared Blessings of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb Give Power to the Inheritors To Gain the Seven Strides of Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential of Immortality of Which Beyond On the Seventh Time as the Sabbath of Immortality They Will Indeed Feel They Desire The Sleep and Dream of Mortality in order to Rest and Rejuvenate As a Blood Cell Going Through a Heart Beat; That None May Grow Weary Nor Become Tired Due to the Holy Spiritual Rest on the Sabbath as the Seventh Time of Rest; This Is What Will Be and What Will Take Place For the Holiness of the Flocks Prepared For Our Lord of Spirit's And In Order to Honour His Command; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah of Source; Amen

“If one of your brothers, a Hebrew man or woman, is sold to you and has served you for six times, then in the seventh time you should set him free.+ And if you should set him free, do not send him away empty-handed. You should supply him generously with something from your flock, your threshing floor, and your press for oil and wine. Just as Jehovah your God has blessed you, you should give to him. Remember that you became a slave in the land of Exodus and that Jehovah your God redeemed you. That is why I am commanding you to do this today.

“But if he says to you, ‘I will not go out from your company!’ because he loves you and your household, since he has been happy while with you,+ you should then take an awl and put it through his ear into the door, and he will become your slave for life. You should do the same with your slave girl. Do not consider it a hardship when you set him free and he leaves you, because his service to you for six times was worth twice as much as that of a hired worker, and Jehovah your God has blessed you in everything that was done.

 The Entire of Creation of All Seed, All Sustenance, Delight's, All Flocks of Living Creatures Are Prepared, Physical Robes, Spiritual Robes, Articles of Clothing, Physics Armour, Spiritual Armour, Physical Pastures, Spiritual Pastures, Saved and Kept in The Holy Shiloah of Dispensation and The Desired Sustenance, Desired Creation, Desired Temples, Desired Houses, Desired Mansions, Desired Castles, Desired Dispensation, Desired Flocks of Living Creatures Are Utilized within the Realms of Which Have Been Prepared by Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh and Placed within the Pastures Desiring the Dispensations Prepared within the Throne of Dispensation Within The Throne of The Only True God; Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh ...

 In The Realms, Pastures, Kingdoms, And Inheritances of the Heavenly Kingdoms of God and If Holy Unto The Realms of Gods Truly Blessed; The Attitude of the Inheritors within those Pastures Will Choose to Honour Each other Rather Than to Dominate, They Will Choose to Bless Each other; Rather than Curse Each other; They Will Build Up, Rather than Tear Down, They Will Strengthen Their Holy Ones, and They Will Honour Their God And Source... The Activity Within Them Will Be To Refine Technology, To Create, To Build, To Serve, To Write, To Beautify, To Bless, To Transmute, To Repurchase, To Be a Source of Salvation, To Forgive, To Cultivate, To Plant, To Reap, To Dress, To Entertain, To Be Entertained, To Progress, To Make Holy, To Invent, To Manifest, To Dispense, To Plant Crops, To Sheppard, To Play, To Love, To Comfort, and To Assist... Even If it Is Not In The Heart of The Inheritor; The Activity of These Qualities and Desires Will Become A Gift of Enlightened State and Direct The Heart Of Those Truly God-Fearing, There Will Be Little Need to Work or Toil As to The Over-abundance Within the Prepared Realms of The Kingdoms of God; and Within the Most Blessed Pastures of the Holy Ones of The Gates Prepared As The Holy And Heavenly Elohim of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; unto the Infinite Expanses of the God-Given Creations and Co-Creations. No Treachery Will At All Be Found In The Holy Kingdoms of God; For Without Expression of Deceit; Those of Whom Are Treacherous And Those of Whom Attempt To Usurp God Or Assume Dominance Over His Works.  Within the Holy Portion of Gods Truly Blessed There Will Be Constant Intrigue and Desire to Create, Expand, Dispense, Give, Manifest, Reflect and Show Unconditional Love Within True Expression, INSPIRED OF GOD....
Those of Whom Do, If They Do Attempt to Defraud Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; And  Those of Whom Attempt To Overthrow The Creations of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh And The Prepared Work's Of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; WILL IN THAT DAY FIND NO SALVATION WITH THE ALMIGHTY AND TRUE GOD; Hence; Within the Infinite Desired Potential of The Indefinite Strides of Desired Potential Those Submissive To The Almighty Never Again Have to or Are Needed To Return And Will Themselves Progress And In Form And Spirit Increase Unto Their Following Desired Spiritual Rest,   YET; They Defraud The Holy And Those Of Whom Attempt To Overthrow or Usurp Jah Jehovah of armies Will Digress And Decrease In Form And Spirit Until Their Following Destruction. Those of Which Attempt To Take The Authority of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Or Attempt to In Scheme; Usurp Authority or Power of Jah Jehovah of armies  Will Indeed Be Hurled Down From Their Pasturage On the Command of the Spirit of JAH JEHOVAH OF ARMIES, And Will Be Left In Exile, And Will In Essence Fall Spiritually Leprous and Once Again All Power Will Again Be Immediately Returned To Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; And Be Given In Increase to the Supreme Creator; Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, And Rebuked and Exiled Will Their Descent Begin.
The Schemes of The Wicked Of Whom Formed, Form of Will Attempt To Form Disorder or Distortion Against The Holy Ones of the Supreme Creator (Of Whom Are Jah Jehovah of armies Holy Ones) As In Way Attempting To Cause Chaos, Destruction, Desolation's, Reproach, or Affliction to The Holy Ones of Jah Jehovah of armies Or In Essence Upon The Blessed Realms, Kingdoms, Creations of Jah Jehovah of armies Will Indeed Have That Scheme Brought Upon Themselves; And The Ones Attempting to Accomplish Wickedness Against the Holy, And Those That Scheme of Treachery, Deceit, Chaos, Destruction, Desolation's, Reproach, or Affliction, Their Scheme Of Which They Attempted  To Cause Against Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Or The Holy Ones of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Will Become The Curse of Their Own Desolation and Destruction.
"The Kingdoms of Which I Myself Have Prepared And Created Will Neither Be Snatched From My Hands Whether In Life; Or Within The Progressive Strides And Heights of Spiritual, Holy And Heavenly Inheritances; Nor Will It Be Stripped Nor Snatched From The Hands of Those of Whom Enter An Approved State In Which Will Be Anointed Over Their Share Within The Holy And Heavenly Kingdoms. The Kingdoms  Themselves Even As From The Foundation of Creation And All of Its Expansive Potentials; Whether Through The Intelligently Designed Evolutionary Progressions By Way of Adaptation Through Circumstance And Reacting To Relative Consequence In Order To Advance From One State To the Next; Or By Way Of the Intelligent ally Designed Features Given Strength In Preparation of Co-Creation And A Co-Creative Class Of Which When Reaching Heights of Evolutionary Conditioning, May Attain Power In Unblemished Expressions Of Which When In Recognition Of Absolute Science Of Which Acknowledges A Wise And Intelligent Designer, May Potentially Co-Create By Just Mere Act's Of Submission To The Almighty And Supreme Creator And The Many Holy Ones Of Whom Show Devotion And Humility Unto The Supreme Creator And Almighty God Of Which Allows For An Interaction With Realms, Kingdoms, Powers, Spirits And Potentially Limitless Creatures Of Nearly All Sorts of Which Can Unify In A Way To Strengthen Cause And Even Acts of Co-Creation, And The Pursuit of Righteousness, Holiness, Humility, Kindness, Love, Compassion, Patience, Forgiveness, Godliness, Faith, And In Essence; If You Pursue The Unity Of Your Path of Life Aligned With Spiritual Diligence In Activity In Order To Please The Grand Maker; And Those Loved By The Supreme Creator Will Through Acts of Faithfulness Redeem Themselves From Once Wayward Paths; And If Holy Will Rise To Show Their Unified Strength By Their UNIFIED Devotion To THE (ONE) Almighty God "Jehovah of armies" (That Which Caused, Causes, And Will Cause To Become) IN; "Shiloh" (To Whom It Belongs). If In Unity Under The Supreme Creator;  The Kingdoms Will Blossom Of And Within Expansive Creations And Co-Creations Of Which Did Belong To The Almighty Supreme Creator; Jehovah of armies, Do Belong To The Almighty God; Jehovah of armies, And Will Belong To The Almighty Source, Supreme God, And Essence of Creation (In Greatly Expansive Potentials); Jehovah of armies; Of Whom Is Himself; "Shiloh" Which Translates In Holiness As; "TO WHOM IT BELONGS", And All That Was, Is And Will Become; Is In Itself The Belonging Of "Jehovah of armies In Shiloh" The True Almighty, The Absolute MOST HIGH God; Source of Expansive Creations; Ultimate Earthly And Heavenly Authority, God of Limitless Potentials Of Progressively Satisfying Forms of Dispensations Of Existence,  The One Of Infinitely And Eternally Progressive Reaches of Desired Potentials Of Blessings Even Unto Its Next Infinitely And Eternally Progressive Desired Potentials Of Blessings As The Eternal Days of The True God; "JAH, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh"."

Existence Is My Sustenance, Light Is My Father, Love Is My Mother, Yet The Lord of Spirits; Yahweh; Allah; Jehovah of armies Our Almighty God Is The Creator of Them All; That One Alone Resides In Shiloh.
Time Is The Flow of Domain, Height of Domain Slows From Height to Height, Consciousness Of Freewill Is A Law of Spiritual Design, Hence, You Will Find Many Rivers of Time Relative to Each Domain; Each Branching Into Potential Limitless Flows; Yet Only Unto the Infinite "Desired" Potential.


However, From The Full Reach Of the Infinite Desired Potential, The Finale Then Gives Birth to Progressed Creations of the Full Previous Stride As If A Prepared Gift of the Previous Song For Its Progressed Heavenly State of Inheritance; Given To Itself and Those of The Loved Ones; The Holy Ones of the Supreme Creator.

The Existence Within This Relative Expanse Is A Mere Geomagnetic Biomatrix; A Communion Dream From Heaven Relative to Our Almighty Gods Design; Which Is Prepared As The Dusk of Life; Leads To the Dawn of the Infinite Desired Potential of Heavenly Portions; And Yet, Even In That Finale; Rest Is Needed Once More; Even From Heaven; Of Which Is Then The Dusk of Heaven; While the Dusk of Heaven Rests in the Dawn of the New Life.

Timelessness Allows and Gives Birth To A Potential Return to a Previous Robe of Flesh, or Wine in A Previous Wine-skin, Blood and Flesh Even Immediately Beyond The Ascended Previous Stride, Even Within the Wake of Death, The Rise of the New Song When Choosing To Enter May Happen Beyond the Infinite Desired Potentials of Existence Within Infinite Desired Potentials of Realms, Domains, Pastures And All Else; Yet; Generally When Desiring to Rest In the Previous Life; Once Again; Free Will Is Its Gift; Hence It May Sing Nearly Limitless Songs of Strides; Each Inheriting In Diverse Ways of Heavenly Portions. When Finding The Individuals Infinite Desired Potential Reached From Creations Expansive Relative Constant, The Form   Yet, Forgotten; Due To The Desire of the Callous of Ancient Age Wanted Removed; Once Again Finding The Sensitivity Of Innocence; To Then Reach the Following Expansive Relative Constant Of Blossoming Creation; Eternities Seasons.

From Previous Stride Arises The Rider Of the Following Stride of The Fleshes Song; You Become Your Greatest Guardian Angel, And In the Dusk of The Rider, It Ascends To The Following Layers of Heaven; Hence, Placing Bridle Upon Its Previous For Every Height It Gains Reach Into. In The Finale of The Entirety The Potential of Even Returning After The Infinite Potentials of Diverse Strides Even In Each And Every Desired Reach Of Potential Expansive Relative Realm, Layer, Expanse, Pasture, Forms, Song, Experiences, Blessings, And Such; Eventually You Then Return To Previous Song; "Deja-Vu", Yet Due To Timelessness, The Desired Return; When Taken, Is Potentially Beyond Eternity's Infinity, Unto The Infinite Desired Potentials Have Reached Their Dusk. Those of Whom Are The Ones of Whom Become Truly Enduring, Integral, And Of Those Of Whom Remain Among The Holy; Are The Ones of Whom Recognize The Truth In The Fact That Our Righteousness, Our Glory, Our Dignity, Our Holiness, Our Blessings And Our Creations Are From And Given To Those Loyal To The Almighty God; The Most High Creator; Yahweh; Allah; Jehovah of armies of Whom All Together Are The Same; And That ONE Is The Inheritor of The Entirety of Creation And What It Becomes; As "Shiloh of Creations" And Those Honoring The Supreme Creator As Well As Worshipping The Only True God Are The Ones of Whom Inherit The True Riches of Creation, Things Given To Those of Whom Truly Deserve As Those Becoming Inheritors of The Hidden And Concealed Treasures of The Most Abundance Storehouses The Most Precious Things, Pleasures, Satisfactions Found Even Within All Expansive Creations of Which Are The Searched For Things Even By The Most Exalted of the Realms of Heavenly Residing Places, And Awarded To The Truly Loyal And Worthy Of The Effort They Showed In Searching For Their Creator, Drawing Close to Their Creator, And Honoring Their Creator; For Truly Knowing The Worth of Our Almighty God, Our Most High Creator; And The Origin of Creation, The Designer of Evolution, The Congregator Of Co-Creators, And The Inheritor As Supreme Over Expansive Existence, And Creations...

The Beneficial Qualities I Have Are A Crutch To The Negative Traits Of Which Weigh Me Down, The Faults Within Me; When Found Become Are Exposed As Blemishes Soon Removed, The More Heavy The Weight of My Existence Becomes Upon Me; The Stronger I Become In Lifting Burdens, The Dusk of Humiliation When Beyond the Lesson Learned Rises In A Dawn of Redemption Which Blossoms in Understanding Learned By The Greatest of All Teachers; "Experience".
From Rise of The New Dawn And Even Each Dawn of Eternity Falls The Following And Even Each Dusk of Infinity, Yet Each In Its Time, Relative to Perspective, Maturity, Realm, Position, History, Integrity, and Loyalty ; And When the Finale Finds Its Place; The Finale Desires Its End To Be Cleansed of the Callous Once Causing Its Loss Of Sensitivity And Shameless Innocence Due To Its Strides of Progressions, Whether By Placing Themselves In Hard-Ships To Be Exposed of Internal Blemishes Found In "Blind" Or Unknowing State Within This Relative Expanse (Geomagnetic Biomatrix), Or To Be Exalted, Glorified, Strengthened and Honoured Within Our Times of Weakness In Order To Redeem Our Stance, For The Strongest of The Highest Heavenly Residing Places Position Themselves In the More Difficult Trials of Existence, While the Weakest of the Heavenly Residing Places Position Themselves In The Strongest Positions of Recuperation.   

Yet, As Clay To Their Overseers They Become; And In Order To Be Moulded By Those Desiring Our Blossoming Maturity And Holiness As Clay In The Hands of The Holy Potter. Yet, As Clay There Is Soft Clay And Hard Clay, Soft Clay Recognized The Direction Encouraged To Be Found And With Ease Finds Its Place, Yet Hard Clay; When the Potter Desires To Give It Direction Is Stiff And Stubborn And Is More Difficult to Mould. Hence Beyond the Reach of  The Infinite Desired Potentials of Even Each Potential "Robe of Existence", Realm of Existence, Layer of Expansive Creations, Pastures of Relative System, And Song Relative To Each of the Desired Positions A Callous of Enduring Stride and Of the Reaching of The Satisfaction Within It Relative Acquired Maturity, Travels, And Experience Within Diverse Existences of Blossoming Strength   Or To Be Exalted, Glorified, Strengthened and Honoured Within Our Times of Weakness In Order To Redeem Our Stance.
 Within a Universe There Are An Infinite Desired Potential of Galaxies, Within A Galaxy A Grand Multitude of Solar Systems, Of Solar Systems, There Are A Grand Multitude of Living Worlds... Yet All Remain within Infinite Desired Potentials of Ethereal Time-lines Of Fluxes, Of The Infinite Potentials of Ethereal Pasts, Presence of Present and Futures Within the Relative Expanses However Within That Multi-Versal Potentials When Translating the Infinite Desired Potential of Universal Expressions of Ethereal Time-lines Surrounding a Relative Expanse, I'd A Grand-Verse, Whether a Global Grand-Verse Unto A Universal Grand-Verse, However Within an Omniversal Expanse There are an Infinite Desired Potentials of Expressions of Existences Within an Infinite Desired Potential of Designed Forms of Physics Of Universal Grand-Verses, Yet There are an Infinite Desired Potential of Omniversal Expressions Within a Meca-Realm, However Upon the External of Each Meca-realm Attains High Positions of Ruler-ship Upon the Mountains of Holy Expression, In Translation; Opti-Realms, The Scepter Realms of Spiritual Ruler-ship Of the Low Plains As Well as Dominance Over the Internal. Beyond the Meca-realms External And Scepter Realms (Opti-Realms) Is Found an Infinite Desired Potentials of Nearly Infinite Potentials of Meca-Realms Within the Flowing Shiloahs; Infini-Verse, Of Which When Congregated Surrounding the Infinite; Infini-Realms Of Which are the Flowing Rivers of Ethereal Potentials Upon the Reals of Exalted Position Upon Its External; Ulti-Realms, Beyond the Confines of Time, As If, Out of The Currents of The Flowing Shiloahs of; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh
Jehovah of armies in Shiloh My God, I Ask You As A Prodigal Son, Even As Your Servant and As A Servant of Abraham of Abram, I Ask You To Congregate All Of My Creations and Priest-hoods and Tribes and Tools of Which Are All Given to You As An Inheritance, For They, As They Are And As they Will Become; All Have Belonged, Do Belong, And Will Belong To You, Oh Our God And Supreme Creator; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh. Yet I Ask You to Give Those of Whom Were in Exile, Those of Whom Are in Exile, as Well as Those of Whom Will Be Exiled The Same Inheritance, Even to Give Them All The Creations I Have Prepared Yet Submissive As Under a Promoted Supreme Creator. In Stance, Those of Whom Were In Exile, Are in Exile, And Those of Whom Will be Exiled Are in Stance All Repurchased And Exalted to An Inheritance As Grand as That Which The Almighty Had, Yet Submissive to the Promoted Almighty, Our God And Redeemer; Our Saviour and Repurchaser; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Our Supreme Creator.
Canvass Washed In the Slaughter of Which I Have Suffered; Choose Seven Different Robes And Prepare Canvass State Without A Signet of "Shiloah", Then From Stride to Stride Gain From Your Layout of Seven Shiloah's All Washed in the Blood of the Lamb and From Their Move Through The Seven Strides or Parts Of Each of the Shifts of The Four Shifts Within Each Constant; Your Seven Diverse "Living" Paths Of Which You Choose To Inscribe Upon the Tablet of Your Heart; Beyond Akashic Canvass Way-Point;

 LOOK TO THE STONE FROM WHICH YOU WERE HEWN And Advance Through The Metals And Unto The Crystalline Stance of Conception, Relative To Living Expression Of The Metals of The Republic of Plato; Look To The Statue of Daniels Dream As Not Destroying That of Which Were The Metal Statue And In Sense The Metal Dispositions of Plato’s Republic, But Rather Advancing From Choice of Metal Disposition Desired To Refine, As The Instinctive Positioning, From There The Allocation of the Chosen Fleshly Form Of The Conception of Your Birth Which Can Be Received if Desired As The Crystalline Birth-Stone of Your Birth-Right, Which Can Be Changed From Stride to Stride, While From One Robe of Mortal Flesh of which When Choosing to Transition Robe of Mortal Flesh Within the Same Birth-Right; Prepare In Family Sibling Stance A New Date of Conception From Robe to Robe, Yet Each Mortal Robe of Which Is Desired To Maintain In The Akashic Record's Remains A Potential Stance, The Following Position Beyond the Choice of Metal of Refinement, Within the Choice of Crystalline Birth-Stone within Birth-Right Can Then Become As By Choice A Portion Of the Holy Ones of the Supreme One Within Chosen Living Expression of Shiloah, Each Shiloah Sings A Diverse Living Expression Relative to Preparation And Its Foundation of Metal Disposition Unto Crystalline Birth-Stone, Of Which Serves In Canvass State As White or Blank Robe To The Choice of Ionic Tribe, Once The Ionic Tribe And the Shiloah Is Positioned As Prepared Within Submissiveness To That Strides Choice of Entering Whichever Legion they Choose of the 12 Elder Angels. Yet This Akashic Robe; Due to The Blood of the Slaughter of Which I Suffered, Saves This Verses Akashic Songs of the Global Grand-Verse Can Always Be Sung Diversely By Maintaining An Akashic Canvass State Of Chosen Positioning As The Finale, And The Chosen Shiloah and Ion As For Ascending With the Ladder From And Alongside Israel Uniting In Abraham of Abram As To Climb Beyond the Exodus of Abyss Through The Ionic Gate Of Shiloah To The Allocated Inheritance. Yet Due to This Song Being The Descended Omega; As Slaughtered In A Verbal Slaughter, Leaving the Slaughter As Potentially Dead And Yet Potentially Living As The Ascending Alpha, Maintaining Through The Works A Foundation Of Stance To Potentially Return To, Beyond A Potential Infinite Heavenly And Earthly Travel, As In Potential Kundalini Stance Giving A New Song Even From Infinite To The Potential Infinite Desired Potential of Rest Unto The Descended Omega Once Again Within the New Canvass State Akashic Way-Point, Yet Where As The Dusk of Mortality Rises to the Heavenly Dawn, Once Desiring The Heavenly Dusk Of Returning From Your Infinite Desired Potential of Travel, The Wake From Heavenly Dusk is The Mortal Dawn. As A Bed Is A Place of Rest; So Will Mortality Serve For Heaven And Beyond Merely Beginning of Mortality.
In the Physical Birth There is Found a Birth-Right Among Siblings, And Relative to That Birth-Right a Month of Birth As Within A Crystalline Birth-Stone. A Son or Daughter Relative To That Mortal Birth Is As A Canvass State Of A Potential Choice of Shiloah Or Living Expression, In The Rise From Canvass State, The Ones Entering Among The Holy Ones of The Supreme One Then Must Prepare A Relative Constant Quantum Seven Days Of The Seven Births into The Diverse Allocation Of Shiloah's, From One Constant To The Next, Yet The End Of One Constant Gives Birth To the Beginning of the Following Constant, as The Allocation of First Shiloah Inscribed Upon the Tablet Of Your Heart As Upon the Seventh Day and the Seventh Shiloah Upon First Day, While G-Alpha Leads to Ascending To The Heavenly Inheritance From; F-Omega While Giving A New Allocation of Shiloah to F-Alpha As the Second Living Expression From The Same Canvass As Attaining Ascension To the Second Heavenly Inheritance From E-Omega, While Giving Another Allocation of Shiloah To E-Alpha As A Third Living Expression From the Canvass State As Attaining Ascension to the Third Heavenly Inheritance From D-Omega, While Giving A Fourth Living Expression or Shiloah From Canvass State To D-Alpha As Attaining Ascension to the Fourth Heavenly Inheritance From C-Omega; While Giving A Fifth Living Expression or Shiloah To C-Alpha From Canvass State Of Which Attains A Fifth Heavenly Inheritance From B-Omega, While Allocating A Sixth Living Expression Or Shiloah From Canvass State Within B-Alpha Which Attains A Sixth Heavenly Inheritance From A-Omega, To Descend In A-Alpha -G-Omega To A New Akashic Seven Strides Of the Following Shift.

Within The Internal And External Of Each Rise of Fibonacci Sequence There Are Four Constants, Three Quarters Upon The External, And One Quarter Within the Internal. Each Quarter Has Four Shifts, Each Shift Has Seven Stages. From One Stride of Mortality to the Next Stride of Mortality, So Are the Strides of the Seven Stages. The Thirds Of the External Of the Fibonacci Transition By The Rear Guard Of Heaven Moving to the Mid Guard of Heaven, While the Mid Guard of Heaven Moves to the From Guard, While the Front Guard of Heaven Descends To Its Heavenly Sleep As From The Third Descending As the Quarter Within the Internal of the Fibonacci, Yet The Quarter Of Which Was In Exile Ascends To the Rear Guard of Heaven.

The Seven Fleshly Beings Which Are the Seven Horns of the Seven Horned Lamb Have Loosed the Seven Times as a Spiritual Week of Indefinite Strides, and The Fifty Two Times as the Spiritual Year, Of which Was Prepared and The Seven Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb and Those that Follow them Are Now Untied and Enter into The Realms of Holy And Heavenly Zion, The Pastures of Lands Of High Heavenly Places and the Peaks of The Holy Mountains of Bashan Within Zion as The Realms Belonging to the Seven Spirits of the Seven Horned Lamb of God The Realms Belonging to The Spirit of Our Allah, Supreme Yahweh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Prepared By The Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Rose of Sharon to Oversee The Pastures Allocated Within Their Realms and Times of which Were, Are and Will Be...

 The Twelve Crops of Tribes of the Seven Spirits Prepared By The Holy Ones within Blessed State Beyond The Milk And Womb Of The Mothers Of the Boundary of Abel of Beth'maacah Will Pass Through the Twelve Spiritual Months, Of which Will Have The Spiritual Length of Spiritual Longevity In the Realms of Blessed Inheritance within the Beneficially Progressively Growing in Glory, Beauty, Pleasures, Satisfactions and Blessings as Was, Is and Will Be; And the Seven Spirits Of Each Inheritor Will Enjoy their Desired Indefinite Desired Potential of Blessed Strides of And If Desiring More Robes than Merely One as Well As Infinite Desired Potential of Blessed Strides within the Blessed Pastures of Which May Choose to Return Here Within These Living Expressions Within This Geomagnetic Biomatrix As Well As If The Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; of Jesus Christ; Son of David; The Rose of Sharon; as Of the Son of Man of the Head of Days is Agreeable To Return If In Mercy He Feels Sorrow For the Decay or Desolation of Other Realms If it Befalls Them; He Will Again Redeem and Rebuild the Sanctuaries and Refashion Beauty and Blessing In Complete Redemption, and If The Desire to Bring Even More Exaltation to the Indefinitely Lasting and Infinite Realms of Prepared Blessing; Then In That Case That One Will Feel Inclined to Do So, and In Double Portion Will the Blessing, Glory, Beauty, Pleasures, Satisfactions and Delights be Brought to Exaltation; Whether Or Not the Path of That One is Never Within Destiny and Is Untied Within Progression For Every of His Return to the Earthly Island And Pasture of Hebron; Within the Rose Galaxy Within The Sub-Realm of Reparation and Redemption to those of Which Had Fallen Into Calamity...


If the Seven Spirits Choose to Return; After The Seven Spirits of the Returned and The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris of the Returned Seven Horned Lamb They Will Again Rise and Ascend Unto the Eternally Blessed and Overly Abundant Realms of Prepared Blessed Inheritance, Before, Within and Beyond Zion and Will Again the Seven Spirits Will Enjoy their Desired Indefinite Desired Potential of Blessed Strides of Existence As Well As If Desiring More Robes than Merely One and Infinite Desired Potential of Blessed Strides within the Blessed Pastures of Which May Choose to Return Here In Unity With The Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; of Jesus Christ; Son of David; The Rose of Sharon; as If The Choice Is Made By The Holy To Bring Once More Another of the Strides Of the Son of Man of the Head of Days; Of Whom is Agreeable To Return...

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